排华法案是两党1882年共同推动的。在那个时代对华人的歧视两党一半对一半。直到1943年排华法案才由民主党众议员Warren G. Magnuson提议彻底废除。就不翻译了。 The Chinese Exclusion Repeal Act of 1943, also known as the Magnuson Act, was an immigration law proposed by US Representative (later Senator) Warren G. Magnuson of Washington and signed into law on December 17, 1943, in the United States.[1] It allowed Chinese immigration for the first time since the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, and permitted some Chinese immigrants already residing in the country to become naturalized citizens. Warren Grant Magnuson was an American lawyer and politician who represented the state of Washington in Congress for 44 years, first as a Representative from 1937 to 1944, and then as a senator from 1944 to 1981. Magnuson was a member of the Democratic Party. He was Washington state‘s longest-serving senator, serving over 36 years. Trump是一个不加任何掩饰的racist,不仅仅对华人。对所有有色人种都是。在他的带领下,美国社会重新开始(不加掩饰的)歧视华人。例如所谓的保守州纷纷出台政策没有绿卡的中国人不能买房。表面上是为了所谓的国家安全,实质上是为了迎合那些歧视华人的保守选民。不要扯什么共和党废除了奴隶制,这个谁都知道。Trump代表不了共和党。我反对Trump的唯一原因就是这个人歧视有色人种。 拜登把inflation搞得那么高,民主党又要推一个女性黑人总统。落选实属情理之中,川粉们不用给你主子脸上贴金。
排华法案就是民主党提出来的好不好!你还要感恩戴德他们废除了??? Geary Act of 1892 Proposed by California congressman Thomas J. Geary, the Geary Act went into effect on May 5, 1892. It reinforced and extended the Chinese Exclusion Act’s ban on Chinese immigration for an additional ten years. It also required Chinese residents in the United States to carry special documentation—certificates of residence—from the Internal Revenue Service.
zznc1234 发表于 2024-11-07 11:32 排华法案是两党1882年共同推动的。在那个时代对华人的歧视两党一半对一半。直到1943年排华法案才由民主党众议员Warren G. Magnuson提议彻底废除。就不翻译了。 The Chinese Exclusion Repeal Act of 1943, also known as the Magnuson Act, was an immigration law proposed by US Representative (later Senator) Warren G. Magnuson of Washington and signed into law on December 17, 1943, in the United States.[1] It allowed Chinese immigration for the first time since the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, and permitted some Chinese immigrants already residing in the country to become naturalized citizens. Warren Grant Magnuson was an American lawyer and politician who represented the state of Washington in Congress for 44 years, first as a Representative from 1937 to 1944, and then as a senator from 1944 to 1981. Magnuson was a member of the Democratic Party. He was Washington state‘s longest-serving senator, serving over 36 years. Trump是一个不加任何掩饰的racist,不仅仅对华人。对所有有色人种都是。在他的带领下,美国社会重新开始(不加掩饰的)歧视华人。例如所谓的保守州纷纷出台政策没有绿卡的中国人不能买房。表面上是为了所谓的国家安全,实质上是为了迎合那些歧视华人的保守选民。不要扯什么共和党废除了奴隶制,这个谁都知道。Trump代表不了共和党。我反对Trump的唯一原因就是这个人歧视有色人种。 拜登把inflation搞得那么高,民主党又要推一个女性黑人总统。落选实属情理之中,川粉们不用给你主子脸上贴金。
zznc1234 发表于 2024-11-07 11:32 排华法案是两党1882年共同推动的。在那个时代对华人的歧视两党一半对一半。直到1943年排华法案才由民主党众议员Warren G. Magnuson提议彻底废除。就不翻译了。 The Chinese Exclusion Repeal Act of 1943, also known as the Magnuson Act, was an immigration law proposed by US Representative (later Senator) Warren G. Magnuson of Washington and signed into law on December 17, 1943, in the United States.[1] It allowed Chinese immigration for the first time since the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, and permitted some Chinese immigrants already residing in the country to become naturalized citizens. Warren Grant Magnuson was an American lawyer and politician who represented the state of Washington in Congress for 44 years, first as a Representative from 1937 to 1944, and then as a senator from 1944 to 1981. Magnuson was a member of the Democratic Party. He was Washington state‘s longest-serving senator, serving over 36 years. Trump是一个不加任何掩饰的racist,不仅仅对华人。对所有有色人种都是。在他的带领下,美国社会重新开始(不加掩饰的)歧视华人。例如所谓的保守州纷纷出台政策没有绿卡的中国人不能买房。表面上是为了所谓的国家安全,实质上是为了迎合那些歧视华人的保守选民。不要扯什么共和党废除了奴隶制,这个谁都知道。Trump代表不了共和党。我反对Trump的唯一原因就是这个人歧视有色人种。 拜登把inflation搞得那么高,民主党又要推一个女性黑人总统。落选实属情理之中,川粉们不用给你主子脸上贴金。
The Chinese Exclusion Repeal Act of 1943, also known as the Magnuson Act, was an immigration law proposed by US Representative (later Senator) Warren G. Magnuson of Washington and signed into law on December 17, 1943, in the United States.[1] It allowed Chinese immigration for the first time since the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, and permitted some Chinese immigrants already residing in the country to become naturalized citizens.
Warren Grant Magnuson was an American lawyer and politician who represented the state of Washington in Congress for 44 years, first as a Representative from 1937 to 1944, and then as a senator from 1944 to 1981. Magnuson was a member of the Democratic Party. He was Washington state‘s longest-serving senator, serving over 36 years.
这又是常用骗人话术 不过,林肯的共和党解放了黑奴,当时黑人是共和党的铁盘 可是自从南北战争结束后直到1960年代民权运动的一百年 共和党和民主党的光谱正好发生了对调,换句话说,今天的共和党更像是南北战争前后的民主党,史称“The Great Switch” 共和党里的北方白人工厂主和南方白人农场主意识合流,造成的一个重大灾难就是1929大萧条期间胡佛总统的放任不管政策失败 FDR的积极政策,极大改变了美国政治版图,几乎全为当时的共和党反对 到了1960年代约翰逊总统推动民权法案,黑人完全倒向民主党,完成了长达百年的转型
1943年,《排华法案》被《马格努森法案》废止。 后者允许已经居住在美国的华人归化美籍,并令他们停止因为被驱逐出境的威胁而躲藏。 该法案也给出了每年105名华人移民的限额。 大量的华人移民并未涌现,直到1965年的《移民和国籍法案》被通过。
Geary Act of 1892 Proposed by California congressman Thomas J. Geary, the Geary Act went into effect on May 5, 1892. It reinforced and extended the Chinese Exclusion Act’s ban on Chinese immigration for an additional ten years. It also required Chinese residents in the United States to carry special documentation—certificates of residence—from the Internal Revenue Service.
黄右理解不了这一点 因此叫有同情心的人为圣母。不知道去教会的黄右们对圣母二字怎么看
是的 希望回到克林顿时期的民主党
至少Obama为排华法案道歉了, MAGA 大法官都不愿意说排华法案违宪。。
搞得好像没有AA, DEI以后,Top20这些学校就要按成绩收华人小孩时似的。醒醒吧,华人在美国想相对公平的活下去,唯一的希望就是不让白人至上主义起来。而这个恰恰是Trump是不会给你的。
不一定会重启,已经搞过一轮,一般白人的招是这样,另起一个project, 会cover 一部分以前的。
那就说明他们的主张不适合美国选民,猪党和粉丝们准备怎么办。 换选民,难度有点大,要不还是去别的国家从政吧。
毫无营养的反驳。 就是我说的, 你们的句式就是: 主谓宾。 你是个大坏蛋。 that's it .
不要再回复我。 我们不是一个level。
真相就是这么残酷 你一旦决定斗争 就会直接面对政府的暴力机器和部分残酷的民众 以及大部分冷漠的民众 所以伟人说要把朋友搞得多多的 敌人搞得少少的
实事求是说,废除排华法案主要还是因为二战,1942年中美结盟,42年底到43年宋美龄访美长达7个月,43年底开罗会议蒋介石和罗斯福丘吉尔都能一起坐着合影了,再实行排华法案就太荒唐了。 为排华法案向华人道歉倒是现在的民主党推动的,参议院是加州参议员Feinstein提案,众议院是加州众议员赵美心提案。
大金主?你自己看看统计谁的大金主更多?对,你对Soros Bill Gates之流爱得不行了。