这个是净水系统加进去的,目的是防止管道氧化生锈:Hydrazine hydrate is mainly used as a raw material for plastic foaming agents, with 28% of hydrazine used in water treatment and pH control. Oxygen dissolved in water causes corrosion. Because hydrazine removes this oxygen via the reaction N2H4 + O2 → N2 + 2H2O, it is useful in preventing corrosion.
SylvieGG 发表于 2024-11-01 08:27 这个是净水系统加进去的,目的是防止管道氧化生锈:Hydrazine hydrate is mainly used as a raw material for plastic foaming agents, with 28% of hydrazine used in water treatment and pH control. Oxygen dissolved in water causes corrosion. Because hydrazine removes this oxygen via the reaction N2H4 + O2 → N2 + 2H2O, it is useful in preventing corrosion.
Using stainless steel can solve it. This is not a valid reason.
SylvieGG 发表于 2024-11-01 08:27 这个是净水系统加进去的,目的是防止管道氧化生锈:Hydrazine hydrate is mainly used as a raw material for plastic foaming agents, with 28% of hydrazine used in water treatment and pH control. Oxygen dissolved in water causes corrosion. Because hydrazine removes this oxygen via the reaction N2H4 + O2 → N2 + 2H2O, it is useful in preventing corrosion.
SylvieGG 发表于 2024-11-01 08:27 这个是净水系统加进去的,目的是防止管道氧化生锈:Hydrazine hydrate is mainly used as a raw material for plastic foaming agents, with 28% of hydrazine used in water treatment and pH control. Oxygen dissolved in water causes corrosion. Because hydrazine removes this oxygen via the reaction N2H4 + O2 → N2 + 2H2O, it is useful in preventing corrosion.
2020年,魏女士经历了急性肝功能衰竭,险些接受肝移植手术,一年中至少住了9次院。“ 我那时候全身发黄,出现黄疸,呕吐。根本无法下床。我甚至不敢睡觉,因为我害怕自己再也醒不过来了。”
魏女士表示,尽管她病的很重,医生却几个月都找不到她生病的原因,直到最终将她的肝脏问题与她长期饮用Real Water品牌的桶/瓶装水联系了起来。
Real Water的母公司现已关闭,该公司在2021年受到严厉抨击,因其产品导致饮用者患严重疾病、肝移植和一人死亡。
魏女士随后连同其他14名原告一起将水公司告上法庭,他们的诉讼由Kemp Jones LLP律师事务所代理。最新的这笔52亿美元的巨额赔偿是过去一年中达成的几项赔偿之一。
在之前的一场诉讼中,Real Water的一名律师告诉陪审员,该公司对水进行了检测,但不知道还要检测肼。
2021年6月,美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)宣布,Real Water同意停止运营,直到他们能够遵守联邦法规。2021年8月,该公司正式申请破产保护。
今年6月,陪审团裁定其他8名起诉Real Water的拉斯维加斯居民获得30亿美元赔偿。2023年10月,Real Water与其他消费者达成了2.28亿美元的和解协议。
肼 N2H4早期的火箭燃料啊。
Using stainless steel can solve it. This is not a valid reason.