Fhu 发表于 2024-10-31 11:03 川粉见到加州homeless尤其白人homeless,会归咎于高薪合法移民推高地产价格白人本地人负担不起了 解决homeless的问题?mass deportation of 因为EB绿卡进来留下入籍的非白人。对着负担得起弯曲房产的高薪中印移民他们羡慕妒忌恨牙痒痒不知多久了,他们只是不敢说出口而已
wdgzhy 发表于 2024-10-31 10:52 疮粉:床总永远是对的
白河之子 发表于 2024-10-31 11:12 如果没有高科技移民,美国会发生什么? 应当取消F和H签证,过几天,马斯克估计都要反水
fino819 发表于 2024-10-31 11:24我支持取消green card。换成需要annually renew的yellow card。加州有太多绿卡持有者支持疮普。这个提案两党都会agree。
dahlias_bloom 发表于 2024-10-31 11:25 这是又要expand government .. 烧钱
dahlias_bloom 发表于 2024-10-31 11:14 不知道为什么川粉看不清这个 她们把homelessness怪在毒品 但是大部分是因为收入 看加州宇宙中心的收入和房价 再看minimum wage 现在大学和收入谁去动白人的奶酪 不是黑人也不是墨裔 要开刀肯定是对最大一组人开
teabucket 发表于 2024-10-31 11:30 这有啥奇怪的。 Stephen miller 亲口在推特上面承认,上届执政期间曾经拟定计划都有要de naturalization 连入籍公民都会被针对。 上次没机会彻底执行。 他说了,这次有机会会supercharged
noodlewo 发表于 2024-10-31 11:12 他们还要欢呼叫好的,觉得自己已经上车了
fino819 发表于 2024-10-31 11:33 可以让MAGA志愿者来审核,免费。
dahlias_bloom 发表于 2024-10-31 11:53 笑死 有些maga连字都不会读的
fino819 发表于 2024-10-31 12:00 不需要读。只要看看renew表上的大头照片,再在“通过”或者“不通过”上画圈就行。
wdgzhy 发表于 2024-10-31 12:01 面对反移民maga无动于衷,淡定谈论经济的 我都觉得脑袋有病,分不清主次
wdgzhy 发表于 2024-10-31 12:05 即使经济方面,疮粉也都是被疮毒洗脑,天天都是‘物价飞涨,一天吃不上饭。。。’ 经济政策是有连续性的,trump开始的大规模印钱,大规模贸易战导致的物价飞涨 对这些视而不见的人真傻
noodlewo 发表于 2024-10-31 11:11 非法移民何难控制花钱花力另外还要留着这个攻击民主党。倒霉的永远是合法移民,一道行政令就够了
我支持取消green card。换成需要annually renew的yellow card。加州有太多绿卡持有者支持疮普。这个提案两党都会agree。fino819 发表于 2024-10-31 11:24
dukenyc125 发表于 2024-10-31 10:54川普认为: 无论移民如何进入美国,他们都在推高生活成本,包括住房和汽车保险成本,因此在这次选举中,这一论点变得更加紧迫。
Fhu 发表于 2024-10-31 11:35 不需要看minimum wage,很多minimum wage以上,甚至有博士学位但不够市场化(比如物理博士)的大学讲师也不少难负担房子,前一阵那个物理讲师,再前几年一个UCLA英文讲师,都住在车上。这些人哪怕负担得起租个单间,也很难负担一个家庭(都组建家庭有小孩了,怎么都不能长期和人合租了吧)。 这些人到现在还抗拒trump那种仇恨排外的观点,还支持大爱白左,只能说美国基础教育太优秀了,让公民在艰苦的环境下还能辨别善恶,还能控制人性的恶
FatSheep 发表于 2024-10-31 12:58 川粉们在被MAGA押送到码头deport的时候,都会涕泪交流的大声赞叹:还是我家川宝宝执行力杠杠的,一上任就出手了。
zhubbxy 发表于 2024-10-31 13:11 震惊啊,动作比我想的还要快
dukenyc125 发表于 2024-10-31 10:46 10月31日,华尔街日报发文称,川普团队正在考虑限制合法移民。正在探讨的方案包括暂停就业绿卡申请、禁止持一系列临时和永久工作签证的移民入境(包括针对外籍高技能专业人士的H-1B签证)、取消 STEM 专业国际学生的OPT签证,并故意大大减慢合法移民审批时间和增加刁难程度。 没看错 ,就是“合法移民” 华尔街日报报道:原因在于,川普认为,无论移民如何进入美国,他们都在推高生活成本,包括住房和汽车保险成本,因此在这次选举中,这一论点变得更加紧迫。 看来非法移民太多难搞,所以川普准备优先打击合法移民
Anna20000 发表于 2024-10-31 14:09 wow. 再限制合法移民可以做的工作,
焱焱 发表于 2024-10-31 14:13 必须的,各种明的暗的卡卡卡,尤其高薪工作,必须留给白人,有色移民做做底薪labor工作,这比较符合maga党的政治正确。
王力宏 发表于 2024-10-31 14:44 Job family 按颜色划分,black jobs, yellow jobs, brown jobs, white jobs. Orange job就他一个人的。
千渔千寻 发表于 2024-10-31 14:11 回复 26楼 的帖子 下届选猪党啊😦
fino819 发表于 2024-10-31 11:36 移民收入限制在5-20万每年。低于5万de maturation, 高于20万部分收移民奉献税100%。
千渔千寻 发表于 2024-10-31 15:00回复 60楼 mindstorm 的帖子 这个要修宪吧。他席位不够的。 birthright这些事吵了多少年了。
heartinny 发表于 2024-10-31 15:31 没有人觉得这是发财机会吗?现在买美国股市跌,川普上台赶走技术移民,FANG带着美股大跌。川普不上台,美国唯一的制造业先锋Elon入狱,特斯拉带着美股大跌。
noideaforname 发表于 2024-10-31 16:02 我朋友圈叫最欢的几个川粉都是靠中国人吃饭的职业,比如房产中介,真搞不清楚这些人是蠢还是坏
那好多本版人士都要欢呼了。本来就想上车就锁门,现在都不需要自己动手了。 tuece07 发表于 2024-10-31 12:48
mindstorm 发表于 2024-10-31 15:39 TRUMP上台,100%高关税,10万亿PUMP股市。 TRUMP不上台,中东,朝鲜,乌克兰全在打仗只有美国一片静好。台积电关闭,只剩下美积电,ELON入狱,特斯拉从上海搬回美国,美国股大涨。
flyfling 发表于 2024-10-31 16:24 谢谢拜登,过去四年的日子 v,安宁又温暖
purplemind 发表于 2024-10-31 16:27 是不错,可惜这不又提心吊胆了嘛
purplelavender 发表于 2024-10-31 17:49 无脑宣传Trump会对付合法移民的🐷党粉真以为大家跟他们一样蠢?Bezos自己作为华邮的老板都承认主媒已经失去公信力了!Trump的plan是驱逐非法移民,其它家媒体现在讨论的是这个cost多少,只有🐷党粉抱着个假新闻自嗨!有了一龙的X,MSM一手遮天给观众洗脑的日子已经一去不复返了!
没看错 ,就是“合法移民”
解决homeless的问题?mass deportation of 因为EB绿卡进来留下入籍的非白人。对着负担得起弯曲房产的高薪中印移民他们羡慕妒忌恨牙痒痒不知多久了,他们只是不敢说出口而已
真的是, 华人靠留学, 移民, 在弯曲高科技大厂, 拿着高薪的工作, 不知道好多白人嫉妒恨.
华人川粉, 不满社会的底层弱势群体, 比如 homeless, LGBTQ, 非法移民, 加入MAGA党.
但其实那些弱势群体, 根本不能真的威胁华人群体.
最大的威胁, 只有 MAGA 党白人.
不知道为什么川粉看不清这个 她们把homelessness怪在毒品 但是大部分是因为收入 看加州宇宙中心的收入和房价 再看minimum wage
现在大学和收入谁去动白人的奶酪 不是黑人也不是墨裔 要开刀肯定是对最大一组人开
你觉得他会care? 他现在为了他的“理想”,已经在放飞他自己了。
这是又要expand government .. 烧钱
不需要看minimum wage,很多minimum wage以上,甚至有博士学位但不够市场化(比如物理博士)的大学讲师也不少难负担房子,前一阵那个物理讲师,再前几年一个UCLA英文讲师,都住在车上。这些人哪怕负担得起租个单间,也很难负担一个家庭(都组建家庭有小孩了,怎么都不能长期和人合租了吧)。
对,deneutralization,现在很多川粉洋洋得意自己的蓝皮护照其实都不安全的,谁叫你skin color不对呢?
移民收入限制在5-20万每年。低于5万de maturation, 高于20万部分收移民奉献税100%。
黄川粉总觉得自己与众不同, 不明白不负责任的选择对后代遗祸无穷
笑死 有些maga连字都不会读的
阿Q要画圆圈了,那手捏着笔却只是抖。于是那人替他将纸铺在地上,阿Q伏下去,使尽了平生的力气画圆圈。他 生怕被人笑话,立志要画得圆,但这可恶的笔不但很沉重,并且不听话,刚刚一抖一抖的几乎要合缝,却又向外一耸,画成瓜 子模样了。”阿Q开始有点惶惑,“但不多时也就释然了,他想:孙子才画得很圆的圆圈呢
经济政策是有连续性的,trump开始的大规模印钱,大规模贸易战导致的物价飞涨 对这些视而不见的人真傻
川普:只要我一上任,立即加100%关税,通胀会马上降到0。China pays all for these!
这话一看就是伪装成哈粉的川粉说的,mega 味非常浓。
对 像老师警察啥的 每次要盖affording house有些人总是去反对 然后再抱怨老师不够警察不够
没啥震惊的 川普上任就开始lay down groundwork 震惊的是还有支持他的华人
Trump Allies Draw Up Plans Targeting Legal Immigration Story by Michelle Hackman
ASHINGTON—On the campaign trail, Donald Trump routinely promises he will end illegal immigration. Behind the scenes, his closest advisers and allies are also drawing up plans that would restrict many forms of legal immigration, some of which could affect the ability of businesses to hire foreign workers.
Outside advisers including Stephen Miller, the architect of Trump’s immigration agenda when he was in the White House, and such groups as the America First Policy Institute have been preparing executive orders, regulations and memos for a future homeland security secretary to sign that would narrow legal ways to migrate. That is according to interviews with a dozen former Trump administration officials, a review of public plans published by the campaign, and outside groups aligned with the campaign.
While public attention centers on the hot-button topic of illegal migration, how Trump and his opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, approach lesser-known legal immigration issues could have a broad impact, from Americans looking to bring foreign family members into the country to businesses that rely on visas to fill jobs ranging from software engineering to seasonal positions at theme parks.
video: Trump claims he will bring back ‘American Dream’ - and end inflation and immigration in six days (Dailymotion)
The plans include a return of some controversial policies from Trump’s first term. Included are a ban on travel to the U.S. from several Muslim-majority countries, a halt on refugee resettlement from overseas, and the public charge rule, a policy seeking to block immigrants who are low-income, disabled or speak limited English, so those people wouldn’t evenutally use public benefits.
Last time around, Trump’s team struggled to fully implement most of its immigration policies because they weren’t issued properly, allowing them to be toppled by lawsuits from Democratic states and immigration-advocacy groups. “They are explicitly more prepared this time around,” said Kristie De Peña, senior vice president for policy at the Niskanen Center, a think tank in Washington with libertarian roots that supports immigration. De Peña is one of several analysts tracking the emerging plans by parsing policy papers, social-media posts and public statements.
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The plans haven’t taken on the same level of urgency that Trump has placed on controlling illegal immigration or enacting mass deportations. And some of the steps could face pushback from newfound allies in the business and tech community, including Elon Musk. The billionaire has repeatedly championed legal immigration but said illegal migration should be reduced.
Ideas being explored include a pause in accepting new applications for categories of immigration that currently have large backlogs. They range from asylum to requests for employment-based green cards for Indian technology workers, leaving those immigrants out of legal options.
Trump’s campaign didn’t respond to several requests for an interview or clarification of his positions for this article. A campaign spokeswoman, Karoline Leavitt, said in an emailed statement, “President Trump has repeatedly said that he supports legal immigration and wants as many people to come into the country, as long as they come LEGALLY.”
The Biden administration reversed many of Trump’s restrictions on legal immigration, though it also made moves that have angered business groups, including the placement of new requirements on farmers and other seasonal employers looking to hire foreign workers.
The philosophy underlying Trump advisers’ opposition to legal immigration—which Trump himself has also articulated—is that immigrants are often willing to accept lower wages for jobs that, if they paid more, Americans would take on.
That argument has taken on increased urgency this election as Trump has sought to make the case that immigrants, no matter how they entered the country, are also driving up the cost of living, including for housing and car insurance. Trump Allies Draw Up Plans Targeting Legal Immigration © Olivier Touron/AFP/Getty Images
Some, including Trump’s running mate, Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, have argued that too much immigration, no matter the source, can harm the fabric of American society.
“There’s a difference between having 500,000 or a million newcomers a year or 10 million or 30 million or 50 million a year,” Vance said in an April interview with The Wall Street Journal. “And I think that we clearly are reaching a point where we just can’t absorb the pace of immigration in this country.”
Some business groups are wary of restricting access to immigrant workers. “We do have some concern over the rhetoric that immigrants are taking jobs from American workers,” said Stephanie Martz, general counsel of the National Retail Federation. “We have very, very low unemployment right now. We have wages going up.” Surveys show that while most Americans put a priority on reducing illegal immigration, most also still favor the ability of immigrants to come in legally.
A Wall Street Journal poll conducted in October showed that 33% of respondents said they favor reducing legal immigration, while 36% would keep it at current levels and 23% would increase it.
Trump himself has occasionally differentiated between illegal and legal immigration, saying at a Univision town hall in October that “we want workers, and we want them to come in, but they have to come in legally.” He made similar comments when he was running for president during the 2016 campaign.
He also took people by surprise when he suggested on a tech podcast this summer that he would support issuing an automatic green card to every international student who earns a college diploma in the U.S.—comments his campaign later walked back.
Many of Trump’s proponents and detractors alike say that isn’t how he governed. Trump Allies Draw Up Plans Targeting Legal Immigration
In 2017, he held an event at the White House to honor the introduction of a bill known as the Raise Act, which would have cut legal immigration levels roughly in half and ended the system allowing U.S. citizens to sponsor their parents and siblings for green cards, which conservatives refer to as “chain migration.” The bill failed to advance through Congress.
And, in 2020, with the onset of the pandemic, Trump banned the entry of immigrants on a range of temporary and permanent work-based visas, including the H-1B for highly skilled foreign professionals, to prevent them from competing with Americans for jobs at a time of economic stress from the pandemic.
Overall, an analysis by the National Foundation for American Policy, a pro-immigration think tank, found that Trump’s administration adopted 52 policies to restrict access to visas and green cards for highly skilled workers, and didn’t adopt any policies to ease their access.
Miller, 39 years old, is expected to serve in a top government role if Trump is re-elected, according to people familiar with Trump’s plans. He has repeatedly argued that immigrants entering the country legally also pose a threat.
“A demonstration of why the immigration discussion cannot simply be cleaved into legal/illegal,” he posted to X early this year. “Refugee resettlement is ‘legal.’ Chain migration is ‘legal.’ Diversity lottery is ‘legal.’ Islamist green card migration is ‘legal.’ And it’s why we need the Trump Travel Ban back now.”
During Trump’s first term, Miller found administrative ways to slow legal immigration by, for example, adding new requirements on approving visa applications that slowed processing and drove up denial rates.
The Trump administration occasionally pursued policies that ran against Miller’s beliefs, such as allowing farmers and landscapers to use more visas to hire seasonal foreign workers. And Miller pushed for numerous policies that never became reality, including the elimination of a program that allows international students who earn STEM degrees in the U.S. to work for up to three years in the country on their student visas.
In those cases, Miller was blocked by more business-minded members of the administration, notably Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner. Though Kushner isn’t likely to enter a second Trump administration, allies of Miller worry that he will face similar opposition from Trump’s newfound supporters in Silicon Valley, such as Musk, who himself moved to the U.S. on an H-1B visa. He uses the program at his companies including Tesla and SpaceX.
“You might end up seeing power struggles inside the White House,” said Mark Krikorian, president of the Center for Immigration Studies, a group favoring immigration restrictions that helped staff Trump’s first term. Greg Ip contributed to this article.
Write to Michelle Hackman at [email protected]
Job family 按颜色划分,black jobs, yellow jobs, brown jobs, white jobs. Orange job就他一个人的。
哈哈,教主早就说过black job啦,他肯定会帮大家排排座分配Mexican job, Chinese job的
把要对付入籍公民的那个TWITTER 截图弄没了?为啥?
TRUMP的政策,无论关税还是移民,还是其他的政策,都非常清楚,就是孤立主义。 跟改革开放是两个不同的方向。 欧洲等国也非常不想trump上台,因为trump的孤立主义不仅仅针对中国,只是中国首当其冲
只有理解了孤立主义,才能看清楚他的政策 (TRUMP眼中的great,也是上世纪40/50年代才是great。他自己在采访中就重点提到过这点)
就是billionaires想要赚更多钱 放心我们老百姓赚不到的
川普不上台,Musk叛国,终身监禁不得假释 川普上台,Musk荣娶公主伊万卡后吸毒过度死亡,川普成世界首富
川普任期对合法移民做了什么又不是查不到,还用得着宣传?动动手指就能查到。包括但不限于:H1B rfe剧增,denied率剧增,试图将H1B工资要求提高到斯坦福ng都达不到的程度(过于荒谬被挫败)eb绿卡强制要求提供几百页财产证明,eb绿卡强制面试拖延处理时间进而浪费绿卡名额(绿卡名额国会立法他改不了,但是可以拖延时间让名额用不完)。而这一切的策划就是文中提到的Stephen miller。你可以说你不关心合法移民,但是说川普支持合法移民就是偏离事实。