“The plans feature a return of some controversial policies from Trump’s first term. Included are a ban on travel to the U.S. from several Muslim-majority countries, a halt on refugee resettlement from overseas, and the public charge rule, a policy seeking to block immigrants who are low-income, disabled or speak limited English, so those people wouldn’t eventually use public benefits. Ideas being explored include a pause in accepting new applications for categories of immigration that currently have large backlogs. They range from asylum to requests for employment-based green cards for Indian technology workers, leaving those immigrants out of legal options. The philosophy underlying Trump advisers’ opposition to legal immigration—which Trump himself has also articulated—is that immigrants are often willing to accept lower wages for jobs that, if they paid more, Americans would take on. That argument has taken on urgency this election as Trump has sought to make the case that immigrants, no matter how they entered the country, are also driving up the cost of living, including for housing and car insurance. Some, including Trump’s running mate, Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, have argued that too much immigration, no matter the source, can harm the fabric of American society.“ 头版第二个新闻 T的核心幕僚已经准备雇上千个忠心分子实施计划, 上次大多不是他的人,连副总统都不是。这次都是他的人,连军队都是。所以速度会很快。 Lutnick said in an interview in his Midtown Manhattan office that a second Trump administration would look different than the first. His team isn’t interested in people such as former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and former chief of staff John Kelly, who both worked in the first Trump administration, had their own ideas about how to do their jobs and eventually publicly condemned their former boss. Rather, Lutnick said, hires will “be loyal to the policies of the president.”
半个马和甲 发表于 2024-10-31 12:24 ... All I can say , at the very least we need to make sure neither the congress belong to MAGA ... otherwise we are fcked ..... 三权分治,就剩下两院啦!!!!!!! MAGA一个都不能选。 民主党必须保住senate 啊啊啊。 这样还能政策扯皮。也不是什么都可以executive order 的。那改变还会来的慢些。 最好两院都是DEM。 那懂王在牛也不可能干太多事情。 但最最好,就是大家在选票上断了他的春秋大梦!! 断了MAGA的春秋大梦。 现在还在那里数哦,他说的是低收入,是印度科技人员,是非法移民,和我无关哦的人就太太短视了!!!! 移民偷走了本属于我的资源,我的机会,和我舒适的生活 这个意识形态真的不能再扩展了。 我们都是移民啊!!!
any sign of them lifting bar for legal chinese immigrants? so far, thanks to republic congress, even legal student from china is more restricted than before
wdgzhy 发表于 2024-10-31 07:45 any sign of them lifting bar for legal chinese immigrants? so far, thanks to republic congress, even legal student from china is more restricted than before
it has been 12 years that Trump's maga dedicated in dividing USA you never know if this is a practical policy or just a show to make people hate each other the right way is to make serious laws supported by two parties, and laws fair to everyone that want to enter USA legally---including chinese immigrants that that way is not Trump's way for sure
dodgers 发表于 2024-10-31 07:17 “The plans feature a return of some controversial policies from Trump’s first term. Included are a ban on travel to the U.S. from several Muslim-majority countries, a halt on refugee resettlement from overseas, and the public charge rule, a policy seeking to block immigrants who are low-income, disabled or speak limited English, so those people wouldn’t eventually use public benefits. Ideas being explored include a pause in accepting new applications for categories of immigration that currently have large backlogs. They range from asylum to requests for employment-based green cards for Indian technology workers, leaving those immigrants out of legal options. The philosophy underlying Trump advisers’ opposition to legal immigration—which Trump himself has also articulated—is that immigrants are often willing to accept lower wages for jobs that, if they paid more, Americans would take on. That argument has taken on urgency this election as Trump has sought to make the case that immigrants, no matter how they entered the country, are also driving up the cost of living, including for housing and car insurance. Some, including Trump’s running mate, Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, have argued that too much immigration, no matter the source, can harm the fabric of American society.“ 头版第二个新闻 T的核心幕僚已经准备雇上千个忠心分子实施计划, 上次大多不是他的人,连副总统都不是。这次都是他的人,连军队都是。所以速度会很快。 Lutnick said in an interview in his Midtown Manhattan office that a second Trump administration would look different than the first. His team isn’t interested in people such as former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and former chief of staff John Kelly, who both worked in the first Trump administration, had their own ideas about how to do their jobs and eventually publicly condemned their former boss. Rather, Lutnick said, hires will “be loyal to the policies of the president.”
"Ideas being explored include a pause in accepting new applications for categories of immigration that currently have large backlogs. They range from asylum to requests for employment-based green cards for Indian technology workers, leaving those immigrants out of legal options." 中国人绿卡也有large backlogs.你以为只会限制印度人,不会限制中国人?这是天真还是傻?
lastrose 发表于 2024-10-31 09:24 "Ideas being explored include a pause in accepting new applications for categories of immigration that currently have large backlogs. They range from asylum to requests for employment-based green cards for Indian technology workers, leaving those immigrants out of legal options." 中国人绿卡也有large backlogs.你以为只会限制印度人,不会限制中国人?这是天真还是傻?
lastrose 发表于 2024-10-31 09:24 "Ideas being explored include a pause in accepting new applications for categories of immigration that currently have large backlogs. They range from asylum to requests for employment-based green cards for Indian technology workers, leaving those immigrants out of legal options." 中国人绿卡也有large backlogs.你以为只会限制印度人,不会限制中国人?这是天真还是傻?
你的高见如何? 2020几个swing states BRANDON才赢几千票。 现在给那些州几十万非法移民,再给公民权or投票权。🐖党就是千秋万代,连国会都会吞下。 那些latino远远比你我会reproduce。你会觉得不如回ccp独裁统治。 Stop complaining, provide solution.
不是川粉的人每句都是copy and paste maga words 你自己听不懂小学5年级以上的英文就不要怪别人 有教育的人都能听懂 好歹Harris做了那么多年的DA 上法庭可是要说的清清楚楚的 不像川普 sharks , electrocution, windmill, Arnold Palmer’s genitals ..
dahlias_bloom 发表于 2024-10-31 11:57 Actually it’s better for you. Since you are against drugs and LgBTQ and immigration. i never say this but to you, go back to where you came from
我就说在深红州怎么从来没听到人说go back to China, 兰州的人怎么总是能遇到,原来兰州人口头禅就是这个,今天见到好几个Harris 支持者说了。
“The plans feature a return of some controversial policies from Trump’s first term. Included are a ban on travel to the U.S. from several Muslim-majority countries, a halt on refugee resettlement from overseas, and the public charge rule, a policy seeking to block immigrants who are low-income, disabled or speak limited English, so those people wouldn’t eventually use public benefits.
Ideas being explored include a pause in accepting new applications for categories of immigration that currently have large backlogs. They range from asylum to requests for employment-based green cards for Indian technology workers, leaving those immigrants out of legal options.
The philosophy underlying Trump advisers’ opposition to legal immigration—which Trump himself has also articulated—is that immigrants are often willing to accept lower wages for jobs that, if they paid more, Americans would take on. That argument has taken on urgency this election as Trump has sought to make the case that immigrants, no matter how they entered the country, are also driving up the cost of living, including for housing and car insurance.
Some, including Trump’s running mate, Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, have argued that too much immigration, no matter the source, can harm the fabric of American society.“
T的核心幕僚已经准备雇上千个忠心分子实施计划, 上次大多不是他的人,连副总统都不是。这次都是他的人,连军队都是。所以速度会很快。
Lutnick said in an interview in his Midtown Manhattan office that a second Trump administration would look different than the first. His team isn’t interested in people such as former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and former chief of staff John Kelly, who both worked in the first Trump administration, had their own ideas about how to do their jobs and eventually publicly condemned their former boss. Rather, Lutnick said, hires will “be loyal to the policies of the president.”
🔥 最新回帖
“最好两院都是DEM。 那懂王在牛也不可能干太多事情。”
不是一直都是优先招美国公民的吗?以前拿labor certificate 不都得公司打广告招不到qualified 美国公民绿卡才可以拿的吗?全世界优秀的人多了…..
你这种没能力的就别在这瞎bb. China Initiative是搞的美籍华人都不知道,还bb啥呢,上窜下跳。给你个链接,看不懂的话切换成中文。
🛋️ 沙发板凳
嗯,听起来好有道理. 搞china initiative,就是混血,就不是白人,Obama是白人吗?
any sign of them lifting bar for legal chinese immigrants? so far, thanks to republic congress, even legal student from china is more restricted than before
the right way is to make serious laws supported by two parties, and laws fair to everyone that want to enter USA legally---including chinese immigrants
that that way is not Trump's way for sure
students come to USA to learn things 如果isolate叫做保留人才,大清才应该是保留人才的强国 再保留的话,又要跟最新科技断代了估计
哎,就是他刚上台那批总统令。刚开始就是穆斯林这个,我当时有点惊讶,但也觉得还好。我自己不太喜欢穆斯林。然后Hire American, 我觉得也可以理解,在美国候选人合格的情况下优先考虑美国人很合理,多少年招人都是这样的。当时我们招人已接近尾声,报上去三个人,没想到领导说这些人都是外国人,我们能报销他们的车旅费吗? 然后又说现在有新规定要招美国人,你们top 3怎么没有一个美国人都没有. 领导也不是新领导,他突然这个态度也很让人惊讶,大学招人一般都是委员会决定,领导不管的。新规定嘛,他和HR认定这个规定的意思是只要申请人里有美国人,必须把这个美国人捞出来。从此我们招人的自主权就没了。虽然我们运气好,捞出来的美国白人同事人很好,但只能教基础课,对我们的工作量没有帮助。那时候还不知道后来有针对中国人的规定。 这些规定,那怕看起来还好,但他们开了一个缝,就是歧视是政治正确,用人要看出身,不看才能。
前两天密歇根的阿拉伯人Muslims For Trump出来走两脚!还是幼稚了啊。
美国中学和大学,尤其是一些community大学的数学教学水平普遍低下 原因就是很多‘美国’教员自己的水平都很差 教数学要看中国留学生,毕业以后他们申请教职比较容易,但是会挤压‘白人’教员的位置
川普反移民浪潮已经‘中国间谍’舆论发酵后,中国人申请这些职位明显难度加大 其他行业也类似
这种歧视,一个是对华裔移民的政治力量成长造成打击 另一方面对美国教育其实也是坏事 但是显然疮毒并不在意这些,持续贬低移民的作用,夸大移民的危害,故意引发种族分裂和矛盾 祸国殃民的家伙还有人膜拜
"Ideas being explored include a pause in accepting new applications for categories of immigration that currently have large backlogs. They range from asylum to requests for employment-based green cards for Indian technology workers, leaving those immigrants out of legal options."
中国人绿卡也有large backlogs.你以为只会限制印度人,不会限制中国人?这是天真还是傻?
他们不管 他们是黄maga精神白人 自己上了车 恨不得没有任何移民过来 他们不知道maga眼里他们p都不是 他们也不明白族群population对将来族群的利益有多重要 说白了 一群自私低智盲从容易被极右racist煽动的小黄人
川粉不会脱粉的 你不能用正常人的逻辑思考他们
七八分钟的时候有聊到。我又仔细看了一下,不确定是否真是共和党的提案,也不排除是民主党的抹黑 😅 麦克老师说要核实一下
以后在路上走被警察拦着看 ID, 她受得了
她有没有娃? 娃受得了吗?
吃点福利就会毁了一个国家?你觉得有多少移民是会躺在仅仅能够维持最低消费的福利上生活的?还是说老老实实劳动去创造更好的生活? 眼界别那么浅。亲属移民也好,高科技移民也好,都是给美国带来劳动力,是美国前进的力量。
他可以有许多计划,但是国会要通过才能立法。 所以上次任期里,一直磕磕绊绊。 有三权分立,安心吧。
wk, Sleepy Joe L8的许多马甲都把俺拉黑了。没脑子的🐖粉,大卢瑟一个。
Roe vs wade都被overturn了 loving vs virginia 完全可能被推翻
民主党至少没有制度性的歧视,这种情况下我们族群要自己争取 其实最重要的是我们要有population 可惜已经被maga堵上了移民之路 只有靠大家使劲生了
印度人的影响力比中国人大得多, 如果要限制印度人, 中国人的日子能好过吗。
华人川粉, 不满社会的底层弱势群体, 比如 homeless, LGBTQ, 非法移民, 加入MAGA党.
但其实那些弱势群体, 根本不能真的威胁华人群体.
最大的威胁, 只有 MAGA 党白人.
川普妈, 两个老婆都是移民 但是人家是白人.. 川粉都不自己照照镜子
我需要查一下,simple majority vs. super majority.
比如修宪废除2nd amendment, or 加减一个州,肯定都要super majority。还有governors involve.
你的高见如何? 2020几个swing states BRANDON才赢几千票。 现在给那些州几十万非法移民,再给公民权or投票权。🐖党就是千秋万代,连国会都会吞下。 那些latino远远比你我会reproduce。你会觉得不如回ccp独裁统治。 Stop complaining, provide solution.
只有靠大家使劲生了 👍 但是进来几百万非法移民latino, 他们的生育能力是杠杠的。 White collar class doesn't stand a chance.
你们不是pro birth 吗?怎么就白人能生?
Not really. It's just a probability. Like auto accidents or plant crashes, too much to worry.
川普第一任期就从uscis网站上去掉了美国是移民国家的表述。现在动手限制职业移民,只不过现在是没有竞选连任的压力,可以放飞一下了。 他这么搞,美国在high tech上的优势会很快衰败。欧洲来的同事们也是要排绿卡把老婆孩子带来的。icml cvpr nips这些顶会,author里有多少是美国人?甚至美国top高校的工科phd项目里有多少美国人?英国退欧的时候英国的高校已经体验了一波人才储备缩水的痛了。美国只会更甚。 这次也不要指望科技界游说他改变主意了,bezos自己都不敢让花油endorse harris,stephen miller是川普得意重臣,第一任期主打限制合法移民的,谁能劝? 大大利好欧洲研发中心,小小利好一波人才回流中国。
看你担心的太好笑了 还去查laws…
首先我是中立,今年不支持任何人。 第二,我支持 roe v wade. 女性有权决定自己身体,但是靠身体换资源是道德问题。吸毒成瘾,做一国元首危害无穷。 不懂你们特指哪些人,人群有多样性。如果戾气严重坚持看问题非黑即白,难怪在海外被烙印吊打。而且记吃不记打。
别铁齿,下一代会嫁黑莫穆。karma is a b*h.
还说不是川粉 怎么说话都是抄川粉? 我下一代想和谁结婚就和谁结婚 现在知道亚裔孩子complain的父母是什么样的人了
真开明,下一代做LGBTQ+都没问题。gxgx你成为黄香蕉了。 还挺自恨自卑的。
连中国的lgbtq+都开始正式出橱了 你还活在80年代吗
我就想知道 吸毒成瘾是哪里来的谣言? 另外找鸡的成一国元首是不拘小节吗?
逻辑都没有 什么时候lgbtq+是跟种族有关系 还说不是川粉
每次interview前不靠 weeds提神吗?否则那么多word salad. 你们统领不是白宫sexual predator吗?被全国抓奸,脸上还帖bandaid
Whatever I do, it's my freedom of choice. None of your business. 你不爽我们的disagreement, maybe PR China is better for you.
不是川粉的人每句都是copy and paste maga words 你自己听不懂小学5年级以上的英文就不要怪别人 有教育的人都能听懂 好歹Harris做了那么多年的DA 上法庭可是要说的清清楚楚的 不像川普 sharks , electrocution, windmill, Arnold Palmer’s genitals ..
Actually it’s better for you. Since you are against drugs and LgBTQ and immigration. i never say this but to you, go back to where you came from
我就说在深红州怎么从来没听到人说go back to China, 兰州的人怎么总是能遇到,原来兰州人口头禅就是这个,今天见到好几个Harris 支持者说了。