Of the Asian women diagnosed with lung cancer, 57% are nonsmokers, according to a study by leading California medical centers. For all others, only 15% of the women diagnosed had no history of smoking.
"Some of the factors we're looking at include certainly exposure to second-hand smoke, high exposure to cooking oil fumes is an established risk factor," Gomez said, adding that recent cellular studies suggest that a particular genetic mutation may predispose people to being more vulnerable to air pollution.
When the body says no有解释的,癌症慢性疾病基因只是一方面,即使有基因也不一定百分百就得病,最多增加风险,而基因表不表达和免疫和整个身心生活环境影响有关,如果人长期bottled up emotions ,always nice, 这会是身体长期在慢性压力下影响免疫影响身心,提高患癌患慢性病风险。在美国的亚裔女性本身也比较边缘,一直也比较模范,那会有身体代价的。
hearsay不可靠,peer reviewed journal相对可靠。就你提出的那个论点,其实你把把厨房油烟的关键字拿去google,有非常多的journal论文和政府关于物质毒性的文告有证实其含有致癌物质polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons和aldehydes 比如这样搜: cooking oil fumes + polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons + aldehydes 至于抽油烟机有没有用,台湾的论文证实抽油烟机减少肺癌几率50% Impact of cooking oil fume exposure and fume extractor use on lung cancer risk in non-smoking Han Chinese women Smoking tobacco is the major risk factor for developing lung cancer. However, most Han Chinese women with lung cancer are nonsmokers. Chinese cooking methods usually generate various carcinogens in fumes that may inevitably be inhaled by those who cook the food, most of whom are female. We investigated the associations of cooking habits and exposure to cooking fumes with lung cancer among non-smoking Han Chinese women. This study was conducted on 1,302 lung cancer cases and 1,302 matched healthy controls in Taiwan during 2002–2010. Two indices, “cooking time-years” and “fume extractor use ratio,” were developed. The former was used to explore the relationship between cumulative exposure to cooking oil fumes and lung cancer; the latter was used to assess the impact of fume extractor use for different ratio-of-use groups. Using logistic models, we found a dose–response association between cooking fume exposure and lung cancer (odds ratios of 1, 1.63, 1.67, 2.14, and 3.17 across increasing levels of cooking time-years). However, long-term use of a fume extractor in cooking can reduce the risk of lung cancer by about 50%. Furthermore, we provide evidence that cooking habits, involving cooking methods and oil use, are associated with risk of lung cancer.
ChatGPT 的答案:The higher rate of lung cancer in non-smoking Asian American women is a complex issue influenced by multiple factors, including genetic, environmental, and cultural elements: 1. Genetics: Certain genetic mutations, like EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor) mutations, are more common in non-smoking Asian women than in other demographics. These mutations increase susceptibility to lung cancer, especially adenocarcinoma, which is the most common type found in non-smokers. 2. Environmental Exposure: Factors like secondhand smoke, radon exposure, and air pollution can increase lung cancer risk. Asian American women, particularly those who have lived or worked in high-pollution areas (especially in parts of Asia before moving to the U.S.), may have been exposed to carcinogens in the air. Additionally, household pollutants like fumes from cooking oil can also be a risk factor. 3. Hormonal Factors: Some research suggests estrogen may play a role in lung cancer development, especially among non-smoking women. Estrogen receptors are present in certain lung cancer cells, and they may influence cancer growth. 4. Cultural Practices: Certain traditional cooking methods, such as wok cooking with high heat, can release fumes that may contain carcinogenic compounds. Repeated exposure over time has been associated with lung cancer risk in some studies. Understanding this elevated risk in non-smoking Asian American women remains a focus of ongoing research, as scientists aim to identify targeted prevention and treatment strategies.
Of the Asian women diagnosed with lung cancer, 57% are nonsmokers, according to a study by leading California medical centers. For all others, only 15% of the women diagnosed had no history of smoking.
你这真的太误导了, 我专门请教过美国知名的这方面的专家, 根本没有数据显示这一点,无论是炒菜的油烟,还是BBQ的炭熏烟,都没有一线数据显示增加致癌性。
其它解释 radon 没有家人亲朋在身边生活压力大 水土不服
hearsay不可靠,peer reviewed journal相对可靠。就你提出的那个论点,其实你把把厨房油烟的关键字拿去google,有非常多的journal论文和政府关于物质毒性的文告有证实其含有致癌物质polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons和aldehydes 比如这样搜: cooking oil fumes + polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons + aldehydes
至于抽油烟机有没有用,台湾的论文证实抽油烟机减少肺癌几率50% Impact of cooking oil fume exposure and fume extractor use on lung cancer risk in non-smoking Han Chinese women
Smoking tobacco is the major risk factor for developing lung cancer. However, most Han Chinese women with lung cancer are nonsmokers. Chinese cooking methods usually generate various carcinogens in fumes that may inevitably be inhaled by those who cook the food, most of whom are female. We investigated the associations of cooking habits and exposure to cooking fumes with lung cancer among non-smoking Han Chinese women. This study was conducted on 1,302 lung cancer cases and 1,302 matched healthy controls in Taiwan during 2002–2010. Two indices, “cooking time-years” and “fume extractor use ratio,” were developed. The former was used to explore the relationship between cumulative exposure to cooking oil fumes and lung cancer; the latter was used to assess the impact of fume extractor use for different ratio-of-use groups. Using logistic models, we found a dose–response association between cooking fume exposure and lung cancer (odds ratios of 1, 1.63, 1.67, 2.14, and 3.17 across increasing levels of cooking time-years). However, long-term use of a fume extractor in cooking can reduce the risk of lung cancer by about 50%. Furthermore, we provide evidence that cooking habits, involving cooking methods and oil use, are associated with risk of lung cancer.
韩国人也很油腻。看open house,能一进去就闻出族裔的,一般就三种,阿三,中国人,韩国人
同感,不知道为什么要特别说“亚裔女性”。 我周边的亚裔女性貌似都没有,比较常见的是是乳腺癌,以及肝癌吧。 郁闷伤肝,笑一笑,十年少。
这里说的是在美国的亚裔。而且很多二代也是。 我觉得不完全是油烟的问题。
如果你有在看韓劇 韓國人家裡吃肉都很珍貴 送個韓牛好珍貴 送贈者眉開眼笑 平常倒是餐餐泡菜小菜
但如果只是顶楼说的,讨论亚裔妇女肺癌患者不吸烟的比率高 - 这个应该最直接的联系就是:亚裔妇女吸烟的比率本来就低吧。。。
这俩不是一回事啊。后者,倒是可以用你说的因素来解释。前者 - 最直接的原因,难道不是“亚裔女性吸烟率低”么?
PM2.5:黄色到橙色 挥发性化学物质 (airborne·chemicals):黄到橙色
1. Genetics: Certain genetic mutations, like EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor) mutations, are more common in non-smoking Asian women than in other demographics. These mutations increase susceptibility to lung cancer, especially adenocarcinoma, which is the most common type found in non-smokers. 2. Environmental Exposure: Factors like secondhand smoke, radon exposure, and air pollution can increase lung cancer risk. Asian American women, particularly those who have lived or worked in high-pollution areas (especially in parts of Asia before moving to the U.S.), may have been exposed to carcinogens in the air. Additionally, household pollutants like fumes from cooking oil can also be a risk factor. 3. Hormonal Factors: Some research suggests estrogen may play a role in lung cancer development, especially among non-smoking women. Estrogen receptors are present in certain lung cancer cells, and they may influence cancer growth. 4. Cultural Practices: Certain traditional cooking methods, such as wok cooking with high heat, can release fumes that may contain carcinogenic compounds. Repeated exposure over time has been associated with lung cancer risk in some studies.
Understanding this elevated risk in non-smoking Asian American women remains a focus of ongoing research, as scientists aim to identify targeted prevention and treatment strategies.