Trump’s crowd size in Atlanta tonight is embarrassing, and an awful showing for a swing state. — Travis Akers (@travisakers) October 29, 2024
Trump’s crowd size in Atlanta tonight is embarrassing, and an awful showing for a swing state. — Travis Akers (@travisakers) October 29, 2024
摘了前面几段。没有任何谩骂。一个国人的素质见高下。 大多是NBC观众 I'm outraged by fake outrage. Puerto Ricans want the problem addressed more than anybody. It was just a joke and probably poor taste. But what he said was true with a hurricane it turned into trash. This has nothing to do with Trump’s message. Stop making a mountain out of a mole hill. I know that’s what you do best though. Seems like the Democrats would get kind of looking so ridiculous all the time. Calling a country garbage isn’t racist. Racism would be calling the people on the island garbage. Don’t be so dumb. Oh and it was a joke. Lighten up cry babies. They weren't racist comments you people don't realize that Puerto Rico has a garbage problem if you just do some research it's a large topic with Puerto Rico not being able to handle their trash problem No way would I ever vote for communism because my feelings were hurt. In fact, the joke actually made the world aware that there is a trash landfill problem in Puerto Rico 🇵🇷. We need to address that problem more than the joke. How about apologizing for no picking up the garbage on the island! Comments by a comedian don't change groceries prices. I can't believe it.... It wasn’t a Puerto Rico comment, it was a joke. Stop suggesting that it was a comment made by a serious speaker and meant to be taken seriously. It was a joke that didn’t go over well with the audience. At least the Trump campaign didn’t try to censor the comedian like the democrats would. The woke “you hurt my feelings” nonsense is what we are trying to get away from. 系统提示:若遇到视频无法播放请点击下方链接
this is the jewel of the America! every state makes an impact. if any folks don't understand that they don't belong in the USA. The fact is that the big states have voted. That is why we had so-called swing states. If all other states are evenly voted, Alaska may be the only state to decide who the President will be.
回复 1楼 pasttybl 的帖子 Harris, Trump tied in key swing state: Poll by Filip Timotija (AP Photo/Evan Vucci/Jacquelyn Martin) Vice President Harris and former President Trump are tied in Pennsylvania, a key swing state, with less than 7 days before Election Day, according to a new poll released on Tuesday. The new survey from CBS News/YouGov found the U.S. presidential candidates were tied at 49 percent among voters in Pennsylvania, a crucial battleground that carries 19 Electoral College votes.
回复 77楼 flyinthewind2012 的帖子 According to a Pew Research Center poll, 20% of Black men who are registered voters support Trump, compared to only 8% of Black women
voter suppression. LOL anyway, Stacy Abrams has done something about it. the only problem is that Warnock is not on the ticket. he is the black pastor that can turn out some black male voters. right now, Harris is in a bit of trouble in GA.
Jaelynleaf 发表于 2024-10-29 19:49 摘了前面几段。没有任何谩骂。一个国人的素质见高下。 大多是NBC观众 I'm outraged by fake outrage. Puerto Ricans want the problem addressed more than anybody. It was just a joke and probably poor taste. But what he said was true with a hurricane it turned into trash. This has nothing to do with Trump’s message. Stop making a mountain out of a mole hill. I know that’s what you do best though. Seems like the Democrats would get kind of looking so ridiculous all the time. Calling a country garbage isn’t racist. Racism would be calling the people on the island garbage. Don’t be so dumb. Oh and it was a joke. Lighten up cry babies. They weren't racist comments you people don't realize that Puerto Rico has a garbage problem if you just do some research it's a large topic with Puerto Rico not being able to handle their trash problem No way would I ever vote for communism because my feelings were hurt. In fact, the joke actually made the world aware that there is a trash landfill problem in Puerto Rico 🇵🇷. We need to address that problem more than the joke. How about apologizing for no picking up the garbage on the island! Comments by a comedian don't change groceries prices. I can't believe it.... It wasn’t a Puerto Rico comment, it was a joke. Stop suggesting that it was a comment made by a serious speaker and meant to be taken seriously. It was a joke that didn’t go over well with the audience. At least the Trump campaign didn’t try to censor the comedian like the democrats would. The woke “you hurt my feelings” nonsense is what we are trying to get away from. 系统提示:若遇到视频无法播放请点击下方链接
The woke “you hurt my feelings” nonsense is what we are trying to get away from.果然川粉和川普都一个尿性,完全不知体面为何物,一脸理直气壮“老纸就是要随地大小便,你们不爽关我P事”的即视感。 回想起上次大选,川普作天作地感染新冠,拜登团队立刻宣布暂停针对川普的政治广告,素质方面实在是高下立判。
以前川粉说的话还能偏偏人,什么“真小人”啊,什么“大嘴巴”啊。 现在看看层主写的: "看人还是要看施政(施神马政?四年乱哄哄,国债高筑,抗疫最拉垮,just a big flu?) "川普比xxx更成熟" (说川普成熟,大家就都笑了,哎,层主你不是反串黑吧) 我们还是要清醒......(清醒的写下这么一段胡言乱语,还真是挺清新呢) 层主真相信自己写的这些玩意吗?反正我们是不信的,你因为啥原因做川粉自己清楚,出来装模作样骗人就不必了。
The woke “you hurt my feelings” nonsense is what we are trying to get away from.果然川粉和川普都一个尿性,完全不知体面为何物,一脸理直气壮“老纸就是要随地大小便,你们不爽关我P事”的即视感。 回想起上次大选,川普作天作地感染新冠,拜登团队立刻宣布暂停针对川普的政治广告,素质方面实在是高下立判。 coalpilerd 发表于 2024-10-29 23:37
你才跟那些为这个种族歧视的痞子混混打抱不平的货是自家人,你全家都跟他们是自家人。这个货犯贱,种族攻击亚裔comedian引发反弹,被抵制被雪藏都是活该自找。会说出“At least the Trump campaign didn’t try to censor the comedian like the democrats would. The woke “you hurt my feelings” nonsense is what we are trying to get away from.” 这种话的人,谁爱认亲谁去认,那川味儿隔着屏幕都挡不住,还左派呢。
更新: 塔夫茨大学合作竞选研究项目发布今年总统选举结果估计。根据10月1-25日对78,247名美国选民的抽查结果,估计如下:在全国哈里斯领先4点(51:47),在各个战场州:亚利桑那47:51,佐治亚46:51,密歇根51:46,内华达51:47,北卡48:50,宾州49:48,威斯康星50:47,得州47:51,佛罗里达46:52。
亚裔人口太少,并且都集中在加州和纽约地区,摇摆州的亚裔人口并不多。 但是摇摆州有不少黑人和拉丁人口,黑人怎么也占了15%的人口数量,拉丁20%,所以这两个少数族裔的话语权最大。
佐治亚亚裔少,大约 5% 吧
黑人过 30%, 西语裔近 15%, 如果这2族裔像当初挺奥巴马那样挺哈里斯,主党拿下此地是很有希望的; 现在看平均民调和早投中登记党派数字对比,似乎有点悬但也还存希望
如果🤔彻底摆脱 MAGA的诅咒,美国必须切实行动废除过时的老古董选举人票制度
拜登赢了ga 厉害👍
快把你的证据拿出来嘛 ga的共和党州长州务卿都是死的啊
“一个州就像一个小国家” ---- 为什么不做实每个州就是一个小国家?反正roe这种已经下放到州里决定了,川普还想取消联邦教育部,ohio某gop议员还想把种族通婚也下放到州,那就州权无限大呗。川普也一直说美国花钱维持世界和平不合算,没人给美国交保护费。美国拆分成各州,自然也就没有做不做世界警察的问题了。德州想要封锁边境也可以搞起来。各个红州想教神创论就教呗。东西两岸gdp高的州也不用花钱养着中间的穷州了。似乎皆大欢喜呢
我今年在Ohio和PA看到的trump sign大幅的比16年和20年的要少。只不过poll不这么说,我也不知道为什么。
黑人也不一定是哈利斯的票, 亚特兰大的黑人很多保守党, 会投川普的 我一同事不小心漏出来她肯定不投哈的
但2020年赢了。 2022年参议员也赢了。就川普在选后对Georgia 官员的各种威胁,就前不久还在骂呢,真正支持law and order的共和党人不会选他。 Georgia很红的,Trump 输和never trumper 有关系。希望今年大家不要那么健忘,都出来投票。
估计精白黑人也歧视kamala 觉得asian玷污了他们的blood
因为拜登符合美国传统领导的形象,白男,decent, 有基本的原则。民主党太加州,太超前了。 我不知道有几个人希望Trump 在他的单位当领导,就他这样,一天上班,HR 就得找他谈话。我们招人时有一个白男,吃饭时说话不得体,好几个同事立马feel offended, 我们就没要。川普一天到晚谩骂,反复无常,毫无底线,谁敢和这样的人做同事。 今年民主党给南方某些传统共和党人出了一个大大的难题,选女人还是坚持never trump. 美国的未来如果永远由这几个落后的摇摆州决定的话,真是没希望了。
是啊。有好多个红州从联邦拿钱,就是吃福利的. 呵呵。 参议员一州两人已经保证了小州的权利,总统完全可以全国统计。
邮寄选票跟其他选票有何不同? 为啥要半夜数,而且不是一票一票地数,而是直接jump?
是的,Harris运气好,对手黑子比较多。 MAGA党这么种族歧视,其他所有的有色人种肯定会拼命投票让川普滚蛋啊。关系到自己的生存空间能不拼命吗?很多黄川粉不在乎种族歧视,不代表其他种族不在乎,尤其是黑人,对种族歧视非常敏感,他们历史上本来就是被歧视过的。
你以为黑人都是傻子啊。conservative 黑人很清楚他们今天的命运是什么造成的。连硅谷都有conservative黑人组织voter guide 选trump 和共和党。 像卡马拉这种不知道有几分黑人血统,嫁了白男的女人,在黑男那里没有任何加分项。最多有些是按惯性投民主党。
支持川普的黑人本来就是极少数。 头几天川普请的嘉宾的歧视语言更是加深了有色人种的担忧。我们等着下周开票后看结果吧。
应该说支持共和党的黑人少,黑人一直是民主党养的票仓。有独立思考的黑人保守派越来越多了,今年投trump 到黑人应该会比往年多一些,多多少不知道。
所以要学校里教critical race theory
很多奴隶主把他的奴隶们qj了, 比如说Thomas Jefferson
摘了前面几段。没有任何谩骂。一个国人的素质见高下。 大多是NBC观众
I'm outraged by fake outrage. Puerto Ricans want the problem addressed more than anybody.
It was just a joke and probably poor taste. But what he said was true with a hurricane it turned into trash. This has nothing to do with Trump’s message. Stop making a mountain out of a mole hill. I know that’s what you do best though. Seems like the Democrats would get kind of looking so ridiculous all the time.
Calling a country garbage isn’t racist. Racism would be calling the people on the island garbage. Don’t be so dumb. Oh and it was a joke. Lighten up cry babies.
They weren't racist comments you people don't realize that Puerto Rico has a garbage problem if you just do some research it's a large topic with Puerto Rico not being able to handle their trash problem
No way would I ever vote for communism because my feelings were hurt. In fact, the joke actually made the world aware that there is a trash landfill problem in Puerto Rico 🇵🇷. We need to address that problem more than the joke.
How about apologizing for no picking up the garbage on the island!
Comments by a comedian don't change groceries prices. I can't believe it....
It wasn’t a Puerto Rico comment, it was a joke. Stop suggesting that it was a comment made by a serious speaker and meant to be taken seriously. It was a joke that didn’t go over well with the audience. At least the Trump campaign didn’t try to censor the comedian like the democrats would. The woke “you hurt my feelings” nonsense is what we are trying to get away from.
看不懂啊!可不可以说清楚一下,这全国点是 popular vote 还是选举人???
this is the jewel of the America! every state makes an impact.
if any folks don't understand that they don't belong in the USA.
The fact is that the big states have voted. That is why we had so-called swing states.
If all other states are evenly voted, Alaska may be the only state to decide who the President will be.
理智分析后,终于还是决定选川普了 不要动不动骂人,冷静下来,难道不是该选川普吗? 有一说一,不能选哈里斯的一千个理由 并不喜欢川普,但更讨厌哈里斯,只能捏着鼻子选川普了 还是要清醒,看人还是要看施政而不是小节,这点上川普要比哈里斯成熟。
你说的这个你自己信么? 你以为谁会信?一个也骗不到啦!
Harris, Trump tied in key swing state: Poll by Filip Timotija (AP Photo/Evan Vucci/Jacquelyn Martin) Vice President Harris and former President Trump are tied in Pennsylvania, a key swing state, with less than 7 days before Election Day, according to a new poll released on Tuesday. The new survey from CBS News/YouGov found the U.S. presidential candidates were tied at 49 percent among voters in Pennsylvania, a crucial battleground that carries 19 Electoral College votes.
黑人男性投共和党, trump的比例高, 没上过大学的也是投trump的比例大于受过大学以上教育的人。。
先数的当天的票, 夜里才开始数邮寄选票。。
According to a Pew Research Center poll, 20% of Black men who are registered voters support Trump, compared to only 8% of Black women
voter suppression. LOL
anyway, Stacy Abrams has done something about it.
the only problem is that Warnock is not on the ticket. he is the black pastor that can turn out some black male voters.
right now, Harris is in a bit of trouble in GA.
The woke “you hurt my feelings” nonsense is what we are trying to get away from.果然川粉和川普都一个尿性,完全不知体面为何物,一脸理直气壮“老纸就是要随地大小便,你们不爽关我P事”的即视感。
以前川粉说的话还能偏偏人,什么“真小人”啊,什么“大嘴巴”啊。 现在看看层主写的:
"看人还是要看施政(施神马政?四年乱哄哄,国债高筑,抗疫最拉垮,just a big flu?) "川普比xxx更成熟" (说川普成熟,大家就都笑了,哎,层主你不是反串黑吧) 我们还是要清醒......(清醒的写下这么一段胡言乱语,还真是挺清新呢)
你不知都你自己在说什么嘛? 连NBC的左派大本营的话都不能贴出来了 贴出来,都会被乱喷一气 这都要扯上你们深爱的川普 你的机枪是乱扫的嘛,扫到了NBC自家人 再连带川普啊 你TM的太搞笑了 完全不知道体面是何物 还在众目睽睽下指责他人大小便 贼喊捉贼啊
也罢 不浪费我时间了 傻X一个
你才跟那些为这个种族歧视的痞子混混打抱不平的货是自家人,你全家都跟他们是自家人。这个货犯贱,种族攻击亚裔comedian引发反弹,被抵制被雪藏都是活该自找。会说出“At least the Trump campaign didn’t try to censor the comedian like the democrats would. The woke “you hurt my feelings” nonsense is what we are trying to get away from.” 这种话的人,谁爱认亲谁去认,那川味儿隔着屏幕都挡不住,还左派呢。