Correct me if I am wrong, from what I have heard, the reason people have allergy is because their immune system overreacte to certain "somthing". It is your body's "nature" reaction. The stronger your immune system is, the severer reaction you will get. You can not cure it or just "tough it up". The best way to reduce the allergic symptom is to avoid that "certain something". However, it is always good to work out regularly.
Correct me if I am wrong, from what I have heard, the reason people have allergy is because their immune system overreacte to certain "somthing". It is your body's "nature" reaction. The stronger your immune system is, the severer reaction you will get. You can not cure it or just "tough it up". The best way to reduce the allergic symptom is to avoid that "certain something". However, it is always good to work out regularly.
yes,you are totally right. But i heard a lot of people reducing their allergy sympton by doing exercise. I also heard some sources saying that working out can change your immune system. I guess that's why. :)
I would be interested in knowing whether doing exercises helps to relief allergy. My intuition says no. Since I have allergy every Spring and my exercises did not help a lot.
To LZ: please read some articles about Atkins diet before you and your LD practise. Knowing more about this type of diet, especially those health concerns, would be very important to you.
以下是引用oceanwhite在2007-4-26 15:09:00的发言: I would be interested in knowing whether doing exercises helps to relief allergy. My intuition says no. Since I have allergy every Spring and my exercises did not help a lot. 别的运动我不知道. 不过MM可以试试高温瑜迦. 如果你坚持每天在高温的房间里做90分钟瑜迦,你的呼吸系统一定会有所改善的. 对我来说,至少现在我常是进瑜迦室里一会鼻子就通了.
以下是引用oceanwhite在2007-4-26 15:12:00的发言: To LZ: please read some articles about Atkins diet before you and your LD practise. Knowing more about this type of diet, especially those health concerns, would be very important to you. 十分感谢MM的建议!!! LD曾经2次试过这样的减肥方式很有效, 主要是从此不吃任何碳水化合物的食物几乎做不到啊! [此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-29 0:34:33编辑过]
[此贴子已经被lurenyi于2007-5-7 0:57:02编辑过]
have allergy is because their immune system overreacte to certain
"somthing". It is your body's "nature" reaction. The stronger your
immune system is, the severer reaction you will get. You can not cure
it or just "tough it up". The best way to reduce the allergic symptom
is to avoid that "certain something". However, it is always good to
work out regularly.
yes,you are totally right. But i heard a lot of people reducing their allergy sympton by doing exercise. I also heard some sources saying that working out can change your immune system. I guess that's why. :)
4月20日, 没做YOGA, 上午一直流鼻涕,只好吃了片药,中午过后才缓过气来. 中午吃了两个春卷,晚上在RED RABIN 吃的TUNA牛油果Sandwich, 好吃!!! 4月21日, 中午豆浆麦片, 下午打网球一个小时, 跑步机上半小时, 仰卧起坐机10次.不知道什么原因觉得很累,好饿....晚上去码头边的一家餐馆吃了好大一块Prime Rib. 4月22日,中午香蕉糕三片, 下午打网球一个小时, 跑步机半小时, 仰卧起坐机11次.晚上快餐店 Corn Beef Sandwich, 太油腻了! 4月23日,上午Bikram Yoga 90 分钟,中午Chincken Wild Rice和一片蒸鱼, 晚上准备烧翠花排骨和红卷心菜. 因为做Yoga要空肚, 早餐很少吃, 我也知道这样很不健康, 虽然我没打算减肥,可家里另一位为减肥,宣布从今天起要戒所有含碳水化合物的食物, 包括燕麦片. 除了蔬菜,只能大鱼大肉了, 据说这样可以快速减肥?! 是大鱼还是大肉啊? low carb餐,或者是high protein,或者是high fat。很多mm选high fat,这样可以大啃猪蹄,美容呢
My intuition says no. Since I have allergy every Spring and my exercises did not help a lot.
I would be interested in knowing whether doing exercises helps to relief allergy.
My intuition says no. Since I have allergy every Spring and my exercises did not help a lot. 别的运动我不知道. 不过MM可以试试高温瑜迦. 如果你坚持每天在高温的房间里做90分钟瑜迦,你的呼吸系统一定会有所改善的. 对我来说,至少现在我常是进瑜迦室里一会鼻子就通了.
To LZ: please read some articles about Atkins diet before you and your LD practise. Knowing more about this type of diet, especially those health concerns, would be very important to you.
十分感谢MM的建议!!! LD曾经2次试过这样的减肥方式很有效, 主要是从此不吃任何碳水化合物的食物几乎做不到啊!
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-29 0:34:33编辑过]
You neither, I guess
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-30 1:19:36编辑过]
4月30- 5月2日 每天YOGA 90 分钟. 现在是花粉过敏的旺季, 我觉得过去四个月的锻炼对自己的身体帮助很多, 我已经停止服抗过敏的药了. 不过每个人的身体状况不同, 对于我适合的方法不一定适合别人. 还有, 除了减肥, 锻炼身体的成效不一定是短时间见效的, 但是过了十年,二十年后, 同样是年龄的人有锻炼和没锻炼的是很大区别的. 题外话: 这个版虽名为健身房, 但看起来这儿的活动主题是以减肥或塑身为主, 我的日记没有唱主旋律, 还是请哪位版主高抬贵手帮忙锁了吧, 谢谢! 为啥这么说?健身还不是主旋律什么是主旋律?