川普承诺为遇害美军士兵 Vanessa Guillen 支付丧葬费。但他在收到账单后生气拒绝支付了。他说:“埋一个他妈的墨西哥人不需要花 6 万美元!” 这笔账单就再没有支付过。 theatlantic最新爆料: https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2024/10/trump-military-generals-hitler/680327/ According to attendees, and to contemporaneous notes of the meeting taken by a participant, an aide answered: Yes, we received a bill; the funeral cost $60,000. Trump became angry. “It doesn’t cost 60,000 bucks to bury a fucking Mexican!” He turned to his chief of staff, Mark Meadows, and issued an order: “Don’t pay it!” Later that day, he was still agitated. “Can you believe it?” he said, according to a witness. “Fucking people, trying to rip me off.” Khawam, the family attorney, told me she sent the bill to the White House, but no money was ever received by the family from Trump. Some of the costs, Khawam said, were covered by the Army (which offered, she said, to allow Guillén to be buried at Arlington National Cemetery) and some were covered by donations. Ultimately, Guillén was buried in Houston.
qianqiuxue 发表于 2024-10-22 20:07 Trump: ‘I Need the Kind of Generals That Hitler Had’ https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2024/10/trump-military-generals-hitler/680327/
This North Carolina man totally nailed it when asked about why he's voting for Trump
"I find it funny that as soon as he became a Republican, he became a racist. But name me a that racist that won an NAACP award." 🔥 pic.twitter.com/tDBurlfg5m — George (@BehizyTweets) October 23, 2024
read between the lines 感觉 这家人就是川普支持者,向川普要六万块可能确实没要到,但从军队和捐助也得到钱了,所以也没有反对川普。The Atlantic这个主编不顾这个背景只写这家的发言人表示没收到六万块,读者很容易认为这家人好像对川普有意见的样子,但事实是相反的。不仅有误导读者,而且这家人很可能身边亲友都是川粉,被这样误会那就没法做人了。 The Atlantic也是一个有点名气的杂志了,如此小报作风就太令人遗憾了。
一个亿万富为了做样子公开说帮助军人办葬礼。 结果搞出来这么一出闹剧。 六万的丧葬费说多也不多,但是这是著名的亿万富翁川普啊, 就连他自己的老婆死了都埋在自家后院高尔夫球场草草了事。 所以闹出来这个闹剧,你根本分不清川普说 f x x x x x x Mexican 那么到底是因为抠门宁可做一个racist l, 还是因为真就是因为racist 才出尔反尔?
dereety 发表于 2024-10-22 19:01 川普承诺为遇害美军士兵 Vanessa Guillen 支付丧葬费。但他在收到账单后生气拒绝支付了。他说:“埋一个他妈的墨西哥人不需要花 6 万美元!” 这笔账单就再没有支付过。 theatlantic最新爆料: https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2024/10/trump-military-generals-hitler/680327/ According to attendees, and to contemporaneous notes of the meeting taken by a participant, an aide answered: Yes, we received a bill; the funeral cost $60,000. Trump became angry. “It doesn’t cost 60,000 bucks to bury a fucking Mexican!” He turned to his chief of staff, Mark Meadows, and issued an order: “Don’t pay it!” Later that day, he was still agitated. “Can you believe it?” he said, according to a witness. “Fucking people, trying to rip me off.” Khawam, the family attorney, told me she sent the bill to the White House, but no money was ever received by the family from Trump. Some of the costs, Khawam said, were covered by the Army (which offered, she said, to allow Guillén to be buried at Arlington National Cemetery) and some were covered by donations. Ultimately, Guillén was buried in Houston.
They met trump in person and knew how trump treated them and made they feel. Why can’t you believe them? Trump didn’t have to do any of this. He didn’t do it for publicity because he never got good press anyway. Goldberg is a propagandist and just not creditable. In fact the girl’s family said that he made up quotes from the family in that article.
According to attendees, and to contemporaneous notes of the meeting taken by a participant, an aide answered: Yes, we received a bill; the funeral cost $60,000.
Trump became angry. “It doesn’t cost 60,000 bucks to bury a fucking Mexican!” He turned to his chief of staff, Mark Meadows, and issued an order: “Don’t pay it!” Later that day, he was still agitated. “Can you believe it?” he said, according to a witness. “Fucking people, trying to rip me off.”
Khawam, the family attorney, told me she sent the bill to the White House, but no money was ever received by the family from Trump. Some of the costs, Khawam said, were covered by the Army (which offered, she said, to allow Guillén to be buried at Arlington National Cemetery) and some were covered by donations. Ultimately, Guillén was buried in Houston.
trump粉说:fake news
我觉得所有人的共识应该是 川普 是说得出这种话的
支持trump告大西洋污蔑,我要看到底是不是mark meadows爆料的。我听说另一个爆料人是john kelly
这话床总绝对说的出来 他贬低军人或者烈属的事情多了去了
Collin Rugg 又是个什么东西?
Trump did not win NAACP award any source says he did
没看出咋辟谣了。只是说Trump shows respect。
read between the lines 感觉 这家人就是川普支持者,向川普要六万块可能确实没要到,但从军队和捐助也得到钱了,所以也没有反对川普。The Atlantic这个主编不顾这个背景只写这家的发言人表示没收到六万块,读者很容易认为这家人好像对川普有意见的样子,但事实是相反的。不仅有误导读者,而且这家人很可能身边亲友都是川粉,被这样误会那就没法做人了。
The Atlantic也是一个有点名气的杂志了,如此小报作风就太令人遗憾了。
川普 之前说出丧葬费,然后出尔反尔, 说出来fxxxxxxx Mexican 这么不是谣言。 有据可查
嘴巴干净点 你不会用搜索我没义务教你 女孩子的姐姐先发推然后上电视辟谣 川普的幕僚当时在场的证人也明确说没有这事 Atlantic文章的source说臭名昭著的anonymous,作者Goldberg专门写宣传文章人品低劣素行不良
这个sister, 当时没有在白宫, 怎么可能知道真相? 也没有说, 当时到底有没有付下葬的钱.
也可能是, 新闻出来后, Trump 给了这个 sister 一些钱, 出来说这句话, 其实什么也没有证明
They met trump in person and knew how trump treated them and made they feel. Why can’t you believe them?
Trump didn’t have to do any of this. He didn’t do it for publicity because he never got good press anyway. Goldberg is a propagandist and just not creditable. In fact the girl’s family said that he made up quotes from the family in that article.
LOL, 俺作证, Trump性侵了那个女的。。。。 哪一天? 20年前某个2月30号。。。。。。
话说你咋知道 “整篇报道一个字假话都没有,全部是事实” 呢? 哈哈哈哈