Donald Trump's visit to McDonald's was staged, and there were no actual customers present during his time there. 1. Closed to the public: The McDonald's location in Feasterville-Trevose, Pennsylvania, was closed to the public during Trump's visit on Sunday, October 20, 2024 2. Pre-selected customers: The customers Trump served at the drive-thru were pre-selected and screened by the Secret Service 3. Security measures: The event was "carefully staged" for security reasons, given that there had been two recent assassination attempts on Trump 4. Staged photo opportunity: Multiple sources described the event as a staged photo-op or political stunt 5. Franchise owner's statement: A flyer allegedly from the franchise owner, Derek Giacomantonio, stated that the location would be closed to accommodate Trump's visit 6. Campaign acknowledgment: Jason Miller, Trump's senior campaign adviser, referred to the visit as a way for Trump to "actually have worked at McDonald's," implying it was not genuine work the event was carefully orchestrated. There were no actual customers present during his time there, and those he served were pre-selected individuals who had been screened for security purposes.
另外,nice的意思是损失自己利益,照顾别人, 而不是牺牲别人(商家)的利益,照顾别人,让别人觉得自己很nice。
支出了商家七个, 却按照六个的订单给商家付费, so?
没必要吹毛求疵。川普当天负责炸薯条,后来负责把餐袋递给顾客。鸡块是不是川普装合都不一定。即使真是他装的,也不能说他是故意的。再说了,店家肯定跟川普团队商量好了总费用,因为那段时间他们不对外营业,所以真没必要拿一个鸡块说事 ====== 抱歉,本来是回复六楼的,引用错了
搞笑. 你们这些professional haters真是一点儿sense of humor都不要了. 活着多没意思啊. 整天的, 别人八卦点儿啥就是阴谋论, 搞个笑就上纲上线. 这种nuggets在app上常年都是买六送六的. 你们这时候不恨商家greedy了? 还同情商家损失一个nugget, 笑死. 再说既然他请客肯定会多付钱的.
Donald Trump's visit to McDonald's was staged, and there were no actual customers present during his time there.
1. Closed to the public: The McDonald's location in Feasterville-Trevose, Pennsylvania, was closed to the public during Trump's visit on Sunday, October 20, 2024
2. Pre-selected customers: The customers Trump served at the drive-thru were pre-selected and screened by the Secret Service
3. Security measures: The event was "carefully staged" for security reasons, given that there had been two recent assassination attempts on Trump
4. Staged photo opportunity: Multiple sources described the event as a staged photo-op or political stunt
5. Franchise owner's statement: A flyer allegedly from the franchise owner, Derek Giacomantonio, stated that the location would be closed to accommodate Trump's visit
6. Campaign acknowledgment: Jason Miller, Trump's senior campaign adviser, referred to the visit as a way for Trump to "actually have worked at McDonald's," implying it was not genuine work
the event was carefully orchestrated. There were no actual customers present during his time there, and those he served were pre-selected individuals who had been screened for security purposes.
所以,选民主党好啊。你光在这里不平,么有用 让我们一起加入撸羊毛的队伍吧! 我不想变成羊,我要撸羊毛去 !
是不是民主党真的免了那么多学贷啊。我业余时间光玩华人网,都没有时间看其他的新闻了。 想想当年30W美刀的学费,就算是拿了个些奖学金,三年也要30W乱七八糟一起啊。 我真是气不打一处来啊。
聪明的剪羊毛方法,就是以后的娃,一半贷款,一半家里付。 你不剪羊毛,自然会有人去剪。 既然大家都交税,都去剪一剪。 反正等羊没有了,那也是猴年马月的事儿了。