是油管上网友在一个视频后的回复,太有才了 Q: "How much is 2+2 ?" A: "Let's just get to the point. Numbers are what make it possible to count in a meaningful fashion, to add and subtract, and they're a topic everyone should be familiar with. Coming from a middle-class background where everyone took care of their lawns, my position hasn't changed on that, and I know you know what I'm talking about, and how significant the passage of time can be. Next question."
标准答案不是: I know it well. No one knows better than I do. Under my lead, you are protected against illegals. I built walls, the tallest and greatest walls. No one can compare with it.
MayBest 发表于 2024-10-19 17:50 是油管上网友在一个视频后的回复,太有才了 Q: "How much is 2+2 ?" A: "Let's just get to the point. Numbers are what make it possible to count in a meaningful fashion, to add and subtract, and they're a topic everyone should be familiar with. Coming from a middle-class background where everyone took care of their lawns, my position hasn't changed on that, and I know you know what I'm talking about, and how significant the passage of time can be. Next question."
MayBest 发表于 2024-10-19 17:50 是油管上网友在一个视频后的回复,太有才了 Q: "How much is 2+2 ?" A: "Let's just get to the point. Numbers are what make it possible to count in a meaningful fashion, to add and subtract, and they're a topic everyone should be familiar with. Coming from a middle-class background where everyone took care of their lawns, my position hasn't changed on that, and I know you know what I'm talking about, and how significant the passage of time can be. Next question."
MayBest 发表于 2024-10-19 17:50 是油管上网友在一个视频后的回复,太有才了 Q: "How much is 2+2 ?" A: "Let's just get to the point. Numbers are what make it possible to count in a meaningful fashion, to add and subtract, and they're a topic everyone should be familiar with. Coming from a middle-class background where everyone took care of their lawns, my position hasn't changed on that, and I know you know what I'm talking about, and how significant the passage of time can be. Next question."
MayBest 发表于 2024-10-19 17:50 是油管上网友在一个视频后的回复,太有才了 Q: "How much is 2+2 ?" A: "Let's just get to the point. Numbers are what make it possible to count in a meaningful fashion, to add and subtract, and they're a topic everyone should be familiar with. Coming from a middle-class background where everyone took care of their lawns, my position hasn't changed on that, and I know you know what I'm talking about, and how significant the passage of time can be. Next question."
?? 正常人被问到2+2等于几都会回答4啊! 我知道美国这两年开始很多人不知道woman是什么,没想到这些人现在连2+2=4也搞不清楚了
Find answer in the bible, MAGA version, printed in China
”恨Trump” 是她背的比较熟的答案之一,目前看起来她靠这个答案选不上,毕竟老百姓不能靠恨Trump活着,领导人脑子里好歹得有点别的东西。
这些选举相关的采访就没有2+2等于几这种问题。 只有川普才会把这些问题想的这么简单。 他也把非法移民想的简单, 然后建墙, 把美国贸易逆差,产业回流想的简单,然后提高关税, 贸易战。
I know you know what I'm talking about,hahaha
哈哈,对,没有Trump的话题,harris 根本没法carry on 话题。
哈哈,no, actually I do not know.
kamala 同志的强项不是演讲, 她不是那种特别能说的,但是她做了很多实事, 拜等在白宫这三年半,身体逐渐老弱, kamala默默地在背后帮忙, 她非常清楚如何把事情做好! 大家再给kamala同志一个机会, 给她8年,必将带给世界一个不一样的美国! 美国将更加Diversity, Inclusive, Equal !
kamala同志自己都讲不出来她到底做了什么,只会You and I all know what I said. 你比她自己还清楚她的贡献
你们要相信这是美国浴火重生前的阵痛! 过后就会有个崭新的美国 中国改革开放前谁相信中国会有今天?
美国也一样, kamala同志是务实派,是改革派! Trump是保守派,是大话派! 选kamala, 美国将 更加 Diversity, Inclusive, Equal!
所以就应该回答前几年视频里那个2+2=22 才政治正确对吧