Elon Musk转发的为什么支持Trump,求反方反驳

楼主 (北美华人网)
引用Elon Musk在X上转发的一篇为什么Trump的论述。读来感觉也不无道理,本来要选Harris,看完又有些犹豫了。请大家反驳这里引述的观点。 “I can't stand Donald Trump. He is braggy, he insults people for no reason, and he is just a brutal personality. But my mind is made up. I'm voting for him and here's why: * He puts Americans and their well-being first. Kamala will not. * He will bring @elonmusk into his cabinet to be the efficiency czar and get rid of waste. This alone may be the best single reason to vote for him. * He will bring @RobertKennedyJr into his cabinet to Make American Healthy Again. He will finally get to the bottom of why our food companies are destroying the health of our children. * I'm sick of the way the media lies continuously about @realDonaldTrump, starting with the incessant racism claims. They are just nonsense. The latest thing I learned? He sent his plane to fly Nelson Mandela home after he was in jail with the U.S. wouldn't do it. Racist? No. * I'm sick of the U.S. being embroiled in foreign wars. Trump will keep us out of them again. He's just crazy enough that foreign nations will stand down. They have no fear of Kamala. They will fear him.
* Trump sees this country as fundamentally good. Kamala sees it as inherently evil.
* Trump will end the nonsense of the open border which makes our country less secure, less financially stable, and brings in millions of people illegally who compete for Americans' jobs.
* This government has to print billions to care for the illegals. That makes all of our dollars less valuable and makes prices zoom upward.
* He will stockpile Bitcoin.
* He will keep men out of women's bathrooms and women's sports.
* He is a heavyweight personality and negotiator. Kamala is a phony personality and a lightweight negotiator. * The people who want Kamala Harris to win are the most annoying people in the country. They have pushed for pronouns, masks, endless vaccines, cancel culture, riots, blatant racism towards whites, gender confusion, undermining the U.S. constitution.
* He will upset the current political system. He was nearly the victim of assassination 3x. And he keeps going. He's not the best in interviews, but he at least puts himself out there. Over and over and over. Kamala hasn't done a single press conference.
* Harris and the media trying to prop her up hid Biden's cognitive decline. They accuse @realDonaldTrump of being a threat to democracy. Yet she was installed as the nominee with no votes. She wants to pack the Supreme Court. She wants to eliminate the filibuster. She sued @RobertKennedyJr to keep him off the ballot. And the threat to democracy is Trump? Nonsense. * Those who support Harris look at Trump supports as vile, stupid, ignorant, and fascists. They disown family members or disinvite them from Thanksgiving dinner of they support Trump. This is disgraceful.
* Every time she talks, I try to give her a chance. But she is the most phony and condescending politician I have ever seen. Ever. I can't do it. I won't do it.
* She and those who support her are resistant to Voter ID and believe requiring an ID is racist. Her Department of Justice is suing the state of Virginia for trying to purge the voter rolls of illegals. Why would we not want 1 vote per 1 U.S. citizen? Is it more racist to believe people from the inner city are perfectly capable of securing a government issued ID? Or to believe they are incapable?”
Musk, please bring Trump to Mars with you, thanks!
现在我也列个十几条: (1) Elon Musk是骗子 (2)Trump是大骗子 (3) 。。。
gokgs 发表于 2024-10-17 20:43
Musk, please bring Trump to Mars with you, thanks!

其中的一条He will keep men out of women's bathrooms and women's sports. 川普不让男人进女卫生间。。。。
回复 1楼 helenhigh 的帖子
笑死,看看Elon说的这条😂🤣 * He will bring @elonmusk into his cabinet to be the efficiency czar and get rid of waste. This alone may be the best single reason to vote for him
Harenough 发表于 2024-10-17 20:47
其中的一条He will keep men out of women's bathrooms and women's sports. 川普不让男人进女卫生间。。。。

helenhigh 发表于 2024-10-17 20:39
引用Elon Musk在X上转发的一篇为什么Trump的论述。读来感觉也不无道理,本来要选Harris,看完又有些犹豫了。请大家反驳这里引述的观点。 “I can't stand Donald Trump. He is braggy, he insults people for no reason, and he is just a brutal personality. But my mind is made up. I'm voting for him and here's why: * He puts Americans and their well-being first. Kamala will not. * He will bring @elonmusk into his cabinet to be the efficiency czar and get rid of waste. This alone may be the best single reason to vote for him. * He will bring @RobertKennedyJr into his cabinet to Make American Healthy Again. He will finally get to the bottom of why our food companies are destroying the health of our children. * I'm sick of the way the media lies continuously about @realDonaldTrump, starting with the incessant racism claims. They are just nonsense. The latest thing I learned? He sent his plane to fly Nelson Mandela home after he was in jail with the U.S. wouldn't do it. Racist? No. * I'm sick of the U.S. being embroiled in foreign wars. Trump will keep us out of them again. He's just crazy enough that foreign nations will stand down. They have no fear of Kamala. They will fear him.
* Trump sees this country as fundamentally good. Kamala sees it as inherently evil.
* Trump will end the nonsense of the open border which makes our country less secure, less financially stable, and brings in millions of people illegally who compete for Americans' jobs.
* This government has to print billions to care for the illegals. That makes all of our dollars less valuable and makes prices zoom upward.
* He will stockpile Bitcoin.
* He will keep men out of women's bathrooms and women's sports.
* He is a heavyweight personality and negotiator. Kamala is a phony personality and a lightweight negotiator. * The people who want Kamala Harris to win are the most annoying people in the country. They have pushed for pronouns, masks, endless vaccines, cancel culture, riots, blatant racism towards whites, gender confusion, undermining the U.S. constitution.
* He will upset the current political system. He was nearly the victim of assassination 3x. And he keeps going. He's not the best in interviews, but he at least puts himself out there. Over and over and over. Kamala hasn't done a single press conference.
* Harris and the media trying to prop her up hid Biden's cognitive decline. They accuse @realDonaldTrump of being a threat to democracy. Yet she was installed as the nominee with no votes. She wants to pack the Supreme Court. She wants to eliminate the filibuster. She sued @RobertKennedyJr to keep him off the ballot. And the threat to democracy is Trump? Nonsense. * Those who support Harris look at Trump supports as vile, stupid, ignorant, and fascists. They disown family members or disinvite them from Thanksgiving dinner of they support Trump. This is disgraceful.
* Every time she talks, I try to give her a chance. But she is the most phony and condescending politician I have ever seen. Ever. I can't do it. I won't do it.
* She and those who support her are resistant to Voter ID and believe requiring an ID is racist. Her Department of Justice is suing the state of Virginia for trying to purge the voter rolls of illegals. Why would we not want 1 vote per 1 U.S. citizen? Is it more racist to believe people from the inner city are perfectly capable of securing a government issued ID? Or to believe they are incapable?”

He puts Americans and their well-being first. Kamala will not.
比如说了“Trump sees this country as fundamentally good. Kamala sees it as inherently evil.” 这种话怎么证明是真的?而且看川普的言论,大多数都是这个国家烂透了,需要他来拯救,啥时候他表示这个国家是好的了?
回复 6楼 Harenough 的帖子
Blueocean23 发表于 2024-10-17 20:48
回复 1楼 helenhigh 的帖子
笑死,看看ELON说的这条😂🤣 * He will bring @elonmusk into his cabinet to be the efficiency czar and get rid of waste. This alone may be the best single reason to vote for him

Harenough 发表于 2024-10-17 20:49
He puts Americans and their well-being first. Kamala will not.

这么长,我就是看到你引用的这个地方就知道不用再看下去了。还puts Americans first、可笑至极