Medicare 的要求很清楚。 绿卡持有者必须连续居住五年以上。 When you turn 65, you become eligible for Medicare if you: Either receive or qualify for Social Security retirement cash benefits Or, currently reside in the United States and are either: A U.S. citizen Or, a permanent U.S. resident who has lived in the U.S. continuously for five years prior to applying
Are 65 or older and you (or another qualifying person, like your current or former spouse) paid Medicare taxes while working for a certain amount of time (usually at least 10 years). 没工作十年应该不会有 free Medicare
离泽宫首徒 发表于 2024-10-16 17:50 Medicare 的要求很清楚。 绿卡持有者必须连续居住五年以上。 When you turn 65, you become eligible for Medicare if you: Either receive or qualify for Social Security retirement cash benefits Or, currently reside in the United States and are either: A U.S. citizen Or, a permanent U.S. resident who has lived in the U.S. continuously for five years prior to applying
Giantwave 发表于 2024-10-16 17:51 Are 65 or older and you (or another qualifying person, like your current or former spouse) paid Medicare taxes while working for a certain amount of time (usually at least 10 years). 没工作十年应该不会有 free Medicare
Medicare 的要求很清楚。绿卡持有者必须连续居住五年以上。 When you turn 65, you become eligible for Medicare if you: Either receive or qualify for Social Security retirement cash benefits Or, currently reside in the United States and are either: A U.S. citizen Or, a permanent U.S. resident who has lived in the U.S. continuously for five years prior to applying 谢谢8楼以上的回复,我们65岁以上,持绿卡5年以上,申请前在美连续居住5年以上,就是没在美国工作过。以前这样案例申请红兰卡均被批准,现在是政策变化了还是我们中了头彩?
.In 2024, the monthly premium for Medicare Part A is either $278 or $505, depending on how long you or your spouse paid Medicare taxes: $278: If you paid Medicare taxes for 30–39 work quarters $505: If you paid Medicare taxes for less than 30 work quarters Most people don''t pay a premium for Part A because they or their spouse paid Medicare taxes while working for a certain amount of time, usually 10 years or 40 work quarters. This is sometimes called “premium-free Part A ”.
yvvone 发表于 2024-10-16 18:04 Medicare 的要求很清楚。绿卡持有者必须连续居住五年以上。 When you turn 65, you become eligible for Medicare if you: Either receive or qualify for Social Security retirement cash benefits Or, currently reside in the United States and are either: A U.S. citizen Or, a permanent U.S. resident who has lived in the U.S. continuously for five years prior to applying 谢谢8楼以上的回复,我们65岁以上,持绿卡5年以上,申请前在美连续居住5年以上,就是没在美国工作过。以前这样案例申请红兰卡均被批准,现在是政策变化了还是我们中了头彩?
你可以申请 as uninsured beneficiary- BIC M. 如果白卡不帮你付part a ,你就不愿意要part a的话,就和社安局说你要申请QMB. 这样你会有part b (可能要自己付premium 如果白卡不帮你付). Part a 你不会有免费的。 除非你自己愿意付, 或者白卡帮你付。
yvvone 发表于 2024-10-16 18:04 Medicare 的要求很清楚。绿卡持有者必须连续居住五年以上。 When you turn 65, you become eligible for Medicare if you: Either receive or qualify for Social Security retirement cash benefits Or, currently reside in the United States and are either: A U.S. citizen Or, a permanent U.S. resident who has lived in the U.S. continuously for five years prior to applying 谢谢8楼以上的回复,我们65岁以上,持绿卡5年以上,申请前在美连续居住5年以上,就是没在美国工作过。以前这样案例申请红兰卡均被批准,现在是政策变化了还是我们中了头彩?
Giantwave 发表于 2024-10-16 18:09 .In 2024, the monthly premium for Medicare Part A is either $278 or $505, depending on how long you or your spouse paid Medicare taxes: $278: If you paid Medicare taxes for 30–39 work quarters $505: If you paid Medicare taxes for less than 30 work quarters Most people don''t pay a premium for Part A because they or their spouse paid Medicare taxes while working for a certain amount of time, usually 10 years or 40 work quarters. This is sometimes called “premium-free Part A ”.
yvvone 发表于 2024-10-16 18:04 Medicare 的要求很清楚。绿卡持有者必须连续居住五年以上。 When you turn 65, you become eligible for Medicare if you: Either receive or qualify for Social Security retirement cash benefits Or, currently reside in the United States and are either: A U.S. citizen Or, a permanent U.S. resident who has lived in the U.S. continuously for five years prior to applying 谢谢8楼以上的回复,我们65岁以上,持绿卡5年以上,申请前在美连续居住5年以上,就是没在美国工作过。以前这样案例申请红兰卡均被批准,现在是政策变化了还是我们中了头彩?
什么是红兰卡? 如果申请有要求,而且被拒绝理由指出来原因,那就是不符合要求吧
没工作十年应该不会有 free Medicare
.In 2024, the monthly premium for Medicare Part A is either $278 or $505, depending on how long you or your spouse paid Medicare taxes: $278: If you paid Medicare taxes for 30–39 work quarters $505: If you paid Medicare taxes for less than 30 work quarters Most people don''t pay a premium for Part A because they or their spouse paid Medicare taxes while working for a certain amount of time, usually 10 years or 40 work quarters. This is sometimes called “premium-free Part A ”.
你申请了哪个part?似乎part A不行
你的意思是免费的Medicare Part A吗? 这个是联邦福利, 必须夫妻中有一个工作十年以上, 交满十年的税。 社工有时并不完全清楚, 免费和申请卡是两码事。 根据规定,你可以申请,但是你自己交保费。
啊太感谢了。那我将来肯定是会拿到免费的Medicare (Part A only)啦,开心。
是的,实际上就是什么都不需要做,红兰卡我印象中一定要满65岁,是联邦给老人的福利,不知道是不是我记得有出入。 也是联邦给退休人的福利,但是还是要交保费的,只不过有白卡的人用白卡来交红兰卡的保费了。
我认识n多中国来的老人,绿卡一到5年就红兰卡+白卡一起用了。 啥钱都不用花的看病
mark 一下
免费医保是白卡,我上周刚从home depot雇了两个劳模帮我搬东西,他们说今年年初刚从危地马拉偷渡过来的,我问他们有没有health insurance, 他说他们一到加州就拿到了白卡
"没有绿卡及没在美国连续待5年以上" 这个你翻译的小问题是关键。这个原因二,其实是现实的。
也就是说,有绿卡“及”(就是and)在美国连续待5年以上,必须都成立,你才能申请到。 要拒绝你,只要这两个没有都成立(等价于:你没有绿卡或(就是or)你没有在美国连续待5年以上。而不是等价于你说的:没有绿卡及(and)没在美国连续待5年以上),就可以。
这个词 我是二十多年前翻到旧金山26台中文台的时候 广告里面出现 学到的 我爸妈看病 中文社工和护士也都是这么叫的 你说这叫什么圈子呢?
红蓝卡是给超过65岁的人的, 你们年纪到了吗?
好像工作满40个点是享受social security, 不是红蓝卡吧。
两个一样的,65岁medicare的前提也是工作10年累计交税40个点,以前没有工作点数满65也可以自己缴费买Medicare,但随着social security和Medicare越来越入不敷出,也许越卡越紧,谁知道呢
这个“连续”居住在美国5年的要求看起来很教条主义, 包括前面有位层主说的“不能离境”, 多数老美自己都做不到5年不出境旅游观光。我原先以为“连续”居住是指一次离境不超过180天(半年)之类,比如对应于有些非公民离境6个月后社安金会停发等等。 而短期出境比如说1个月的探亲访友旅游应该都属于正常生活状态。
必须去SSN office吗?网上申请不行?
公民有一些特殊情况不用到65也可以。 绿卡不清楚