不应该腥。估计你是说臭?鸡肉质量不好的时候确实有股子臭味儿。 不过我现在只买chicken tenders了。我刚才搜了一下,区别如下。 Chicken breast and chicken tenderloins are both parts of the chicken, but they differ in their location, texture, and culinary uses: Chicken BreastLocation: The breast is the large muscle on the front of the chicken. Texture: It is generally thicker and has a firmer texture. Cooking: Chicken breasts can be cooked in various ways, including grilling, baking, sautéing, and frying. They are versatile and can be used in many dishes. Flavor: They have a mild flavor and can easily take on the taste of marinades and seasonings. Chicken TenderloinsLocation: Tenderloins are located directly underneath the breast. Each chicken breast has two tenderloins. Texture: They are thinner, more tender, and have a finer grain than chicken breasts. Cooking: Tenderloins cook faster than breasts and are often used in recipes where tenderness is key, such as in stir-fries or quick sautés. Flavor: Similar to chicken breasts, they have a mild flavor but are often considered to be more tender and juicy.
Hand this。 我是用了料酒更腥,另外用花椒也腥,我放姜倒是感觉尚可。 现在我就只用盐和黑胡椒煎,很好。
鸡肉放一点baking soda捏洗干净,切除那些白色的经络,然后用盐水泡至少半小时,然后用厨房纸吸干,少量胡椒粉/白酒腌制后随便你怎么烹饪,不会有任何腥味的。
白水煮鸡胸肉如何去腥?好方法,美味又健康! - 什么值得买 什么值得买 https://post.smzdm.com › ... UQ
不过我现在只买chicken tenders了。我刚才搜了一下,区别如下。
Chicken breast and chicken tenderloins are both parts of the chicken, but they differ in their location, texture, and culinary uses: Chicken Breast Location: The breast is the large muscle on the front of the chicken. Texture: It is generally thicker and has a firmer texture. Cooking: Chicken breasts can be cooked in various ways, including grilling, baking, sautéing, and frying. They are versatile and can be used in many dishes. Flavor: They have a mild flavor and can easily take on the taste of marinades and seasonings. Chicken Tenderloins Location: Tenderloins are located directly underneath the breast. Each chicken breast has two tenderloins. Texture: They are thinner, more tender, and have a finer grain than chicken breasts. Cooking: Tenderloins cook faster than breasts and are often used in recipes where tenderness is key, such as in stir-fries or quick sautés. Flavor: Similar to chicken breasts, they have a mild flavor but are often considered to be more tender and juicy.
买好的鸡胸肉。 洗好擦干,盐胡椒腌一晚上。一点不腥。其他调料锅里放。
我的体会是tender炒的话比breast嫩,但煎的话breast比tender嫩,不知道为什么。 鸡胸肉越来越喜欢了。煎熟练了特别嫩,可以放在面包里做三明治的程度。
我也觉得 不只是鸡胸啊 几乎80%的肉第二天都味道不对了 哪怕是用很猛的料
我觉得你可能不能忍受之前的腥,所以抗不过去到不了后面不腥的阶段。 抗过刚开始没熟的时候后面就不腥了。
干粉料我都是看家里有什么随意放 必须的:面粉、ALDI买的PANKO 随意的:白胡椒粉、黑胡椒粉、五香粉、ALDI蒜粉、辣椒粉、孜然粉。。。。。
牛奶或者half half 韩国做鸡肉都用乳制品腌渍