We often hear that "India is the next China" but what most people overlook is that India is still 20-30 years behind China in terms of one of the most important elements....basic infrastructure! There is a reason why China leads the world in innovation and high end manufacturing. China has built the world's greatest infrastructure system and can move at speeds faster than anywhere else in the planet. Here is a simple chart showcasing a simple element of highway infrastructure...US and EU are nearly the same, but look at much more developed China is compared to India. Sure you can build a factory in India for cheap, but how does one manage the logistics of exporting that product around the world. This is where India has a MAJOR problem when competing with China. If you want to learn more...I made a video with @Kanthan2030 explaining 10 Reasons Why India is NOT the Next China. Full Video 系统提示:若遇到视频无法播放请点击下方链接 https://www.youtube.com/embed/7ld1iljMRDE https://youtu.be/7ld1iljMRDE
懒蚂蚁 发表于 2024-10-13 16:37 We often hear that "India is the next China" but what most people overlook is that India is still 20-30 years behind China in terms of one of the most important elements....basic infrastructure! There is a reason why China leads the world in innovation and high end manufacturing. China has built the world's greatest infrastructure system and can move at speeds faster than anywhere else in the planet. Here is a simple chart showcasing a simple element of highway infrastructure...US and EU are nearly the same, but look at much more developed China is compared to India. Sure you can build a factory in India for cheap, but how does one manage the logistics of exporting that product around the world. This is where India has a MAJOR problem when competing with China. If you want to learn more...I made a video with @Kanthan2030 explaining 10 Reasons Why India is NOT the Next China. Full Video 系统提示:若遇到视频无法播放请点击下方链接 https://www.youtube.com/embed/7ld1iljMRDE https://youtu.be/7ld1iljMRDE
懒蚂蚁 发表于 2024-10-13 16:37 We often hear that "India is the next China" but what most people overlook is that India is still 20-30 years behind China in terms of one of the most important elements....basic infrastructure! There is a reason why China leads the world in innovation and high end manufacturing. China has built the world's greatest infrastructure system and can move at speeds faster than anywhere else in the planet. Here is a simple chart showcasing a simple element of highway infrastructure...US and EU are nearly the same, but look at much more developed China is compared to India. Sure you can build a factory in India for cheap, but how does one manage the logistics of exporting that product around the world. This is where India has a MAJOR problem when competing with China. If you want to learn more...I made a video with @Kanthan2030 explaining 10 Reasons Why India is NOT the Next China. Full Video 系统提示:若遇到视频无法播放请点击下方链接 https://www.youtube.com/embed/7ld1iljMRDE https://youtu.be/7ld1iljMRDE
<也许印度已经从一个东方国家(我们过去所知道的)变成了一个西方化的印度。?> Q "印度媒体从未报道过的中国" - santaihu Timy1992 Westernizing a country will lead to social decline: Extreme poverty (construction of shacks made of cardboard and nylon), drug use, drug trafficking, crime, naturalization of corruption, increase in homicides. 一个国家西化,会导致社会衰落,极端贫困(用纸板和尼龙建造棚屋)、吸毒、贩毒、犯罪、腐败、凶杀案增加。 UQ
There is a reason why China leads the world in innovation and high end manufacturing. China has built the world's greatest infrastructure system and can move at speeds faster than anywhere else in the planet.
Here is a simple chart showcasing a simple element of highway infrastructure...US and EU are nearly the same, but look at much more developed China is compared to India. Sure you can build a factory in India for cheap, but how does one manage the logistics of exporting that product around the world. This is where India has a MAJOR problem when competing with China.
If you want to learn more...I made a video with @Kanthan2030 explaining 10 Reasons Why India is NOT the Next China.
Full Video
LOL 美国是下一个印度
我保持乐观,尤其现在 AI 发展这么迅猛, 说不定人类很快会躺平了。
这个段子至少20年了,所以肯定不是几年前孟买日报说的。。然后再搜mumbai daily,查无此报,再搜mumbai newspaper,出来mid-day,mumbai mirror,the times of india。。。合理推测这个段子是国内原创的
国大党负责媒体的秘书长拉梅什在社交媒体表示,印度政府在2014年提出几个目标:第一,将印度工业年增长率提高到12%-14%,现实是10年来工业年增长率平均约为5.2%;第二,到2022年创造1亿个工业就业岗位,现实情况是工人数量从2017年的5130万下降到2022年-2023年的3565万;第三,到2022年将制造业占GDP比重提高到25%,现实情况制造业比重从2011年-2012年的18.1%下降到2022年-2023年的14.3%。 UQ
Q 美媒发布全球空军力量排名中国第7? 比印度还靠后? 2 天前来源: 加拿大中文网 近日,美国“WDMMA”网站发布了一份2024年全球空军力量排名,令人瞠目结舌的是,中国空军仅排名第七,而印度空军竟然都排在第六位!美媒这种排名显然相当离谱,甚至荒谬。事实上,近年来中国空军的实力已经迅速崛起,尤其是在重型战斗机、预警机等领域,已经在不少方面实现了对美军的超越。那么,中美空军的差距究竟在哪里?今天我们来详细分析一二。
▲过于离谱的排名,前五名有席位都是美国,分别是:美国空军、美国海军、俄罗斯空天军、美国国民警卫队、美国海军陆战队 UQ
Q 印度海军威慑中国的计划 三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com › ... 24 May 2024 — 有趣的是:70年代,基辛格认为印度海军太强大了,能关闭通往日本的航线,并入侵澳大利亚,以适应他们不断增长的人口。 印美关系在70年代和90年代要糟糕得多。
1971年苏联的军事干预阻止了美英对印度的联合进攻-腾讯新闻 QQ News https://new.qq.com › rain 5 Sept 2021 — 从军事角度来说,1971年的第三次印巴战争被认为是现代印度最辉煌的时刻。印度陆军、海军和空军的快速反应;传奇人物山姆·马内克肖领导;政治领导人不断的国际 ...
Q "印度媒体从未报道过的中国" - santaihu
Timy1992 Westernizing a country will lead to social decline: Extreme poverty (construction of shacks made of cardboard and nylon), drug use, drug trafficking, crime, naturalization of corruption, increase in homicides. 一个国家西化,会导致社会衰落,极端贫困(用纸板和尼龙建造棚屋)、吸毒、贩毒、犯罪、腐败、凶杀案增加。 UQ