坐exit row有要求的吧,到时紧急情况要协助乘务员的,好像还有体力要求 To sit in an exit row, passengers must meet certain requirements, including:
Age: Be at least 15 years old
Mobility: Have enough strength, dexterity, and mobility in both arms, hands, and legs to perform the required tasks
Communication: Be able to read and understand emergency evacuation instructions in written, graphic, or printed form. Be able to understand oral instructions from crew members in English. Be able to speak English well enough to give directions to other passengers
Vision: Be able to see well enough to perform the required tasks without visual aids, such as eyeglasses or contacts
Hearing: Be able to hear well enough to understand crew member instructions without assistance, such as hearing aids
Responsibilities: Not have other responsibilities that could prevent them from performing the required tasks, such as caring for a small child or someone who is unable to care for themselves
Language: In the United States, be able to speak English as your first language
Passengers in exit rows may be asked to open the exit and help other passengers leave the plane if a crew member is unavailable. They should also stow their carry-on bags in the overhead compartment so they don't become an obstacle in an emergency.
落地无声 发表于 2024-10-11 13:26 坐exit row有要求的吧,到时紧急情况要协助乘务员的,好像还有体力要求 To sit in an exit row, passengers must meet certain requirements, including:
Age: Be at least 15 years old
Mobility: Have enough strength, dexterity, and mobility in both arms, hands, and legs to perform the required tasks
Communication: Be able to read and understand emergency evacuation instructions in written, graphic, or printed form. Be able to understand oral instructions from crew members in English. Be able to speak English well enough to give directions to other passengers
Vision: Be able to see well enough to perform the required tasks without visual aids, such as eyeglasses or contacts
Hearing: Be able to hear well enough to understand crew member instructions without assistance, such as hearing aids
Responsibilities: Not have other responsibilities that could prevent them from performing the required tasks, such as caring for a small child or someone who is unable to care for themselves
Language: In the United States, be able to speak English as your first language
Passengers in exit rows may be asked to open the exit and help other passengers leave the plane if a crew member is unavailable. They should also stow their carry-on bags in the overhead compartment so they don't become an obstacle in an emergency.
Age: Be at least 15 years old
Mobility: Have enough strength, dexterity, and mobility in both arms, hands, and legs to perform the required tasks
Communication: Be able to read and understand emergency evacuation instructions in written, graphic, or printed form. Be able to understand oral instructions from crew members in English. Be able to speak English well enough to give directions to other passengers
Vision: Be able to see well enough to perform the required tasks without visual aids, such as eyeglasses or contacts
Hearing: Be able to hear well enough to understand crew member instructions without assistance, such as hearing aids
Responsibilities: Not have other responsibilities that could prevent them from performing the required tasks, such as caring for a small child or someone who is unable to care for themselves
Language: In the United States, be able to speak English as your first language
Passengers in exit rows may be asked to open the exit and help other passengers leave the plane if a crew member is unavailable. They should also stow their carry-on bags in the overhead compartment so they don't become an obstacle in an emergency.
不能吧,前面是premium economy要加钱的。老母亲过去是机组人员要求的。
明显两人都坐exit row啊
是小红书上的。我直接划走了,没看留言。 应该至少有一半是在教育她。
这才是楼主想让大家注意的点, 暗戳戳的搞得大家都没懂。 话说自打安全门掉过一次后大家都不抢这个位置了吧。
wow 这不就是小红书上各种避雷撕这撕那的典型么。不遵守规则还认定是别人的错,上来哭天抢地让大家评理,吃瓜群众一旦发言不合她意就举报拉黑。
啊?exit row还不能近视戴眼镜吗?这么严格?
因为语言不通 被歧视
啥都能往歧视上扯啊 😧
以前做到exit row, 没有因为戴眼镜不让坐啊
按你这个逻辑 不给瞎子做飞行员 也算歧视咯
她不舍得她的exit row,于是让她妈一路没水喝呗
同感 我还以为是两岁小朋友呢。
正常他们还会问你会不会英语 紧急情况愿不愿意协助工作人员 不会英语很快就会穿帮