Incarcerating one person for one year in a California State prison costs twice as much as tuition at a state university. The cost of imprisoning one person in California has increased by more than 90% in the past decade, reaching a record-breaking $132,860 annually, according to state finance documents. 支持这个提案的目标, 但感觉消费不起… 这还没算警察,法官等等的prosecution fees 加一起只怕要花20万一年
Prop 36 SUMMARY Allows felony charges for possessing certain drugs and for thefts under $950, if defendant has two prior drug or theft convictions. Fiscal Impact: State criminal justice costs likely ranging from several tens of millions of dollars to the low hundreds of millions of dollars annually. Local criminal justice costs likely in the tens of millions of dollars annually. Supporters: Crime Victims United of California; California District Attorneys Association; Family Business Association of California Opponents: Diana Becton, District Attorney Contra Costa County; Crime Survivors for Safety and Justice
现在民调支持占60% 反对占20% 请大家努力投票让支持超过80% 让当局看看即使在加州 也不是摆一个西瓜政策人民就要全部买单
支持这个提案的目标, 但感觉消费不起… 这还没算警察,法官等等的prosecution fees 加一起只怕要花20万一年
票上还有个提案是想取消州宪法允许犯人强制劳动的。那个vote no就行了。监狱里不养闲人,强制劳动付监狱房租
读了一下, 这个法案是惩处惯犯。 state费用在几千万到上亿, local费用几千万。 不知道是否包括监狱费。还算可以负担。
是的,就怕到时候法官,执法人员,警察, 监狱全部增加很多funding, 又加税
Allows felony charges for possessing certain drugs and for thefts under $950, if defendant has two prior drug or theft convictions. Fiscal Impact: State criminal justice costs likely ranging from several tens of millions of dollars to the low hundreds of millions of dollars annually. Local criminal justice costs likely in the tens of millions of dollars annually. Supporters: Crime Victims United of California; California District Attorneys Association; Family Business Association of California Opponents: Diana Becton, District Attorney Contra Costa County; Crime Survivors for Safety and Justice
楼主的解释不准确。 this is of course a YES.
这就没办法了,想要不defund the police,就得有人出钱。police虽然没有救人的义务,但工资还是要领的。
怎么可能是把非法移民的钱移做惩罚罪犯。 最终肯定是两党想赚的钱都要出。 非法移民的钱给民主党吃, 监狱工业复合体 Prison-industrial complex是共和党大金主也是trump supporter这部分的钱给共和党吃。