daggg 发表于 2024-10-07 15:30 BREAKING: President Joe Biden has declared a state of emergency in Florida as Hurricane Milton approaches and has ordered federal assistance.
There were FIVE Cat 5 hurricanes during his Presidency.
https://www.reddit.com/r/tampa/comments/1fybkmv/im_noticing_a_huge_uptick_in_misinformation_and_a/ "I''m noticing a huge uptick in misinformation and a lack of basic hurricane education leading up to Milton.
I''m not sure if it''s the transplants or if this has always been the case and I just haven''t noticed, but I''m seeing more people than usual are failing to comprehend hurricane basics this time around and are going into pure panic mode. Lots of people not understanding storm surge vs inland flooding. Lots of people evacuating their brand new construction homes 30+ miles inland where they are completely safe. Hell - I''m seeing numerous comments from people claiming it will be over Wesley Chapel & New Tampa as a sustained Cat 4 when it will certainly deteriorate prior to and during landfall. Just a reminder, when you hear a meteorologist say that 90% of hurricane deaths are from storm surge and flooding - and that you are safe inland if you''re not a mobile home or in a flood zone. That''s real advice from experts you can trust. They''re trying to save lives in coastal communities and flood zones. I don''t understand how people hear that and think that their cement block house 40 miles inland is going to be torn from its foundation. If you''re in a safe structure inland like I''ve described around Wesley Chapel, you need to worry about the roads in your neighborhood being flooded and having no power for a few days. That''s the preparation you need to be focused on."
Octavian1223 发表于 2024-10-07 17:25 https://www.reddit.com/r/tampa/comments/1fybkmv/im_noticing_a_huge_uptick_in_misinformation_and_a/ "I''m noticing a huge uptick in misinformation and a lack of basic hurricane education leading up to Milton.
I''m not sure if it''s the transplants or if this has always been the case and I just haven''t noticed, but I''m seeing more people than usual are failing to comprehend hurricane basics this time around and are going into pure panic mode. Lots of people not understanding storm surge vs inland flooding. Lots of people evacuating their brand new construction homes 30+ miles inland where they are completely safe. Hell - I''m seeing numerous comments from people claiming it will be over Wesley Chapel & New Tampa as a sustained Cat 4 when it will certainly deteriorate prior to and during landfall. Just a reminder, when you hear a meteorologist say that 90% of hurricane deaths are from storm surge and flooding - and that you are safe inland if you''re not a mobile home or in a flood zone. That''s real advice from experts you can trust. They''re trying to save lives in coastal communities and flood zones. I don''t understand how people hear that and think that their cement block house 40 miles inland is going to be torn from its foundation. If you''re in a safe structure inland like I''ve described around Wesley Chapel, you need to worry about the roads in your neighborhood being flooded and having no power for a few days. That''s the preparation you need to be focused on."
The Mayor of Tampa is offering a stark warning as Hurricane Milton makes its way towards Florida. “If you choose to say in one of those evacuation areas, you’re going to die.”
page394 发表于 2024-10-07 22:17 就记得Helene 之前电视里一直有个fema 还是什么官员动员大家撤离,反复说let me be clear, no one can survive this. You are not going to survive this. 美国这里遇到这种自然灾害还是要自己做打算。
pufften 发表于 2024-10-07 22:03 The Mayor of Tampa is offering a stark warning as Hurricane Milton makes its way towards Florida. “If you choose to say in one of those evacuation areas, you’re going to die.”
page394 发表于 2024-10-07 22:17 就记得Helene 之前电视里一直有个fema 还是什么官员动员大家撤离,反复说let me be clear, no one can survive this. You are not going to survive this. 美国这里遇到这种自然灾害还是要自己做打算。
pufften 发表于 2024-10-07 22:03 The Mayor of Tampa is offering a stark warning as Hurricane Milton makes its way towards Florida. “If you choose to say in one of those evacuation areas, you’re going to die.”
🔥 最新回帖
🛋️ 沙发板凳
上次还是1921年 一百多年没有了 哎
以后出现这样的情况还是早点去安全的地方避险几天吧。 很多时候飓风会偏移,但就怕万一,而且刚经历完HURRICANE又来一个,更是危险。希望大家都平安,我们看着新闻都很忐忑
GA, 南卡hotel住两天?
上次Irma来的时候,我们在家附近的hotel预订了楼上的房间,不过最后也没用上。南佛州的building code比较高,一般不怕风,怕storm surge。往内陆走,最好不要往外州走,这种大撤离一般都会堵在高速上。
现在高速就在堵车了 州长说不需要也没必要撤离很远 撤离到海拔高点的地方就行 亲朋好友家或者shelter
靠近 Tampa 时,因为海水温度稍低,主要是来自北面的冷气流的影响,使得飓风会降级到3~4级。但是横穿佛州中部时,一直会保持至少1级飓风的强度。
别去这些地方,不会忘记 Katrina 登陆新奥尔良时,体育场成了孤岛,周围都是水,结果被困住了。
他觉得没听说过是因为He doesn’t give a crap ,左耳进右耳出
Storm surge,海边几miles都会在水下边。
"I''m noticing a huge uptick in misinformation and a lack of basic hurricane education leading up to Milton.
I''m not sure if it''s the transplants or if this has always been the case and I just haven''t noticed, but I''m seeing more people than usual are failing to comprehend hurricane basics this time around and are going into pure panic mode. Lots of people not understanding storm surge vs inland flooding. Lots of people evacuating their brand new construction homes 30+ miles inland where they are completely safe. Hell - I''m seeing numerous comments from people claiming it will be over Wesley Chapel & New Tampa as a sustained Cat 4 when it will certainly deteriorate prior to and during landfall. Just a reminder, when you hear a meteorologist say that 90% of hurricane deaths are from storm surge and flooding - and that you are safe inland if you''re not a mobile home or in a flood zone. That''s real advice from experts you can trust. They''re trying to save lives in coastal communities and flood zones. I don''t understand how people hear that and think that their cement block house 40 miles inland is going to be torn from its foundation. If you''re in a safe structure inland like I''ve described around Wesley Chapel, you need to worry about the roads in your neighborhood being flooded and having no power for a few days. That''s the preparation you need to be focused on."
有道理 离海远的不在撤离区的真不需要撤离 按照停水停电准备就好了 现在油都不够 路上堵着 也不一定加的到油
是的,刚看到堵车的新闻了,I-4 往北已经全堵车了,南向正常。
现在应该是最堵的时候, 其实心理强大的,可以周三早上走,按照俺的经验,那时候路上基本畅通无阻
俺当时坚守在家, 幸好小区和旁边的hospital 在同一个power grid上,所以竟然没有停电 风最大的时候吹得shutter 咣咣咣的响, 就那样一家人挺了过去,早上出门发现街上人很少,天气那种冷清渗人的感觉, 周围所有路灯全停电了,树木倒了很多,很多路没法绕 几个司机就人力抬树干,小的弄得动,大的就没戏。 小区很多景观树都被吹倒了 家里准备的发电机没用上, 汽油没用上,浴缸放的水没用上。。。。。野鸭子躲到俺门廊 ,拉了一堆屎。。。。
应该没有flooding的风险了 等飓风登录之后风速会减弱吧 我觉得不在撤离区应该就没啥事
谈不上, 已经很内陆了, 飓风一旦登陆,急剧衰减, 不论飓风从哪边来,其实奥兰多都很安全。但是缺陷是离哪边beach 都要开一段
如果连奥兰多都要被重击的话, Tampa clear water sarasota 就完了
风大会有停电的危险,也会有一些树倒,房顶shingles破损,但是不会像靠海的那样有storm surge.
就记得Helene 之前电视里一直有个fema 还是什么官员动员大家撤离,反复说let me be clear, no one can survive this. You are not going to survive this. 美国这里遇到这种自然灾害还是要自己做打算。
如果在强制撤离区还是要按要求撤离的 离海那么近 浪都会淹没房子
对对,就是这个话术,Helene 之前就是这么说的。 我觉得不是开玩笑不要侥幸。真划在撤离区就赶紧撤,这里救灾慢条斯理的一时指望不上的。
Hurricane shutters 你们装的哪种 怎么装的?
没有多厉害? 只能说你对大自然没有respect
俺们那里强制撤离区也分等级, 那次在海岸线上( 大洋和内湖之间一条带)上的居民,不撤离的被强制带走,抗拒的抓走。。。。
主要有三种,最低等级,building code强制搭配的是storm panel, 也就是铁板;accordion shutter 就是可以随时打开关上的;另外还有比较贵的impact windows, 防冲击玻璃。这些现在装都来不及了,如果都没有就只能去买三合板自己订到门窗上。
Storm surge 有3-4米高,海岸线上那些不撤是真的会死。
共和党为什么这么多人vote against FEMA拨款啊?他们不同情受灾的老百姓吗?我听说的谣言是民主党故意不救灾,让这些地区的人无法投票,因为是共和党地盘
总体而言,共和党主张cut government spending, 不能说你要多少给多少 -- 其他部门的要钱也被拒绝了 儿对于FEMA, FEMA在拜登领导下积极参与一些向非法移民funnel money 的项目,惹恼了共和党议员
现在大量撤离的车辆堵在I-75上,而I-75上的加油站都已经没有汽油了。 最可怕的情况就是耗光了汽油的车辆堵在高速上
这些官员开记者会一个个能说会道,他们也没有组织撤离,没车没油的人怎么办?Katrina 那次很多没走的就是因为没车没油。