这种行为叫pebbling,是很温暖的举动。你的真朋友一定会感到开心的。 Web pebbling is the act of sharing interesting content online, such as memes, videos, photos, or articles, with the intention of starting a conversation and deepening a bond. How it works Pebbling is a way to show appreciation and love without overwhelming someone with grand gestures or expensive gifts. The goal is to share something meaningful that can be enjoyed and discussed together. Why it's popular The concept of pebbling has become popular online, and many people find it relatable. A 2023 communications study found that sharing memes is a common way to spread joy in close relationships.
江云飞 发表于 2024-10-07 14:25 这种行为叫pebbling,是很温暖的举动。你的真朋友一定会感到开心的。 Web pebbling is the act of sharing interesting content online, such as memes, videos, photos, or articles, with the intention of starting a conversation and deepening a bond. How it works Pebbling is a way to show appreciation and love without overwhelming someone with grand gestures or expensive gifts. The goal is to share something meaningful that can be enjoyed and discussed together. Why it's popular The concept of pebbling has become popular online, and many people find it relatable. A 2023 communications study found that sharing memes is a common way to spread joy in close relationships.
自己不做饭的,发的方子,很可能很蠢,真心说,别发了,别人看了会忍得很辛苦,每次违心的夸奖真的需要修养,别问我是怎么知道的 方子可能发给从来不做饭的,大家看个热闹,这个比较善良
这种行为叫pebbling,是很温暖的举动。你的真朋友一定会感到开心的。 Web pebbling is the act of sharing interesting content online, such as memes, videos, photos, or articles, with the intention of starting a conversation and deepening a bond. How it works Pebbling is a way to show appreciation and love without overwhelming someone with grand gestures or expensive gifts. The goal is to share something meaningful that can be enjoyed and discussed together. Why it's popular The concept of pebbling has become popular online, and many people find it relatable. A 2023 communications study found that sharing memes is a common way to spread joy in close relationships.
看来人和人差异真挺大的,我朋友不多,但都是能交心的,我要发了蠢的东西他们肯定直接说出来,不好看,不好吃啥啥啥的,还会认真滴告诉我哪哪哪不好,以后别上当 我有个朋友爱研究祖母绿,我被教育过好几回了