Country over party 美国这些真正保守派其实才是这个国家的脊梁你去看看这些真保守派都政策,真正体现了小政府低赤字主义。MAGA是啥?大规模抓捕怀孕妇女,抓捕移民,难道不需要和某国一样强大的政府机器吗? 这些真正保守派看到共和党被MAGA这群纳粹wannabe精神病人破坏成这个样子,估计也是痛心疾首不该当初吧
supersleeper 发表于 2024-10-04 17:44 Country over party 美国这些真正保守派其实才是这个国家的脊梁你去看看这些真保守派都政策,真正体现了小政府低赤字主义。MAGA是啥?大规模抓捕怀孕妇女,抓捕移民,难道不需要和某国一样强大的政府机器吗? 这些真正保守派看到共和党被MAGA这群纳粹wannabe精神病人破坏成这个样子,估计也是痛心疾首不该当初吧
利兹切尼算什么共和党祖师爷家,就是一弃徒而已,她22年共和党内落败,和她的竞选对手的得票率差别之大,是有史以来第二。 她和她爹一样,从伊拉克打到乌克兰,战争贩子之家,别的国家满目疮痍,切尼-奥巴马-拜登-哈哈姐这一条利益链,人人中饱私囊, 还道貌岸然说什么country over party,以为大家都是傻子。
川粉们也来骂骂这些保守派 Thou shalt not vote for Trump. These prominent Latter-day Saints view that as a command from God. He fails the “character test” spelled out in the faith’s scriptures, they argue, and is morally “unqualified” to hold the nation’s highest office Four prominent and politically active members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe they know whom God would not endorse for president: Donald Trump. The faith’s scriptures, they reason, spell out divine qualifications for public service. “Honest men [and women] and wise men [and women] should be sought for diligently, and good men [and women] and wise men [and women] ye should observe to uphold…” it reads in Doctrine and Covenants 98. “I give unto you a commandment, that ye shall forsake all evil and cleave unto all good.” These members — Christine Durham, a past chief justice of Utah’s Supreme Court; Brent Ward, former U.S. attorney for Utah; Richard N.W. Lambert, a retired assistant U.S. attorney for Utah; and James W. McConkie II, a civil rights attorney — declared in interviews Thursday at the Utah Capitol that Trump is not “honest, wise or good” and thus should not get Latter-day Saint support. It is not just a general recommendation, they argued, but rather by way of “commandment.” Nor is it a partisan issue, they believe, as the foursome includes two Democrats, a Republican and an independent. They have spelled out the case in an online petition, titled “LDS Opposed to Trump,” explaining what they believe are Trump’s lies and his actions toward others, and are hoping to help their fellow believers more clearly see that he is “unqualified” for office as established by God.
好家伙,川粉发起狠来连真正的保守派都骂。当初挺川不就是嫌美国太左,要的就是共和党倡导的保守价值观和family value吗?人现在不跟老川一路了,你转过头骂保守派都是战争疯子?川粉的变色龙特质太有娱乐性了。
现在他们喜欢trump,mark robinson,自由大学前校长这种保守的family value
These members — Christine Durham, a past chief justice of Utah’s Supreme Court; Brent Ward, former U.S. attorney for Utah; Richard N.W. Lambert, a retired assistant U.S. attorney for Utah; and James W. McConkie II, a civil rights attorney — declared in interviews Thursday at the Utah Capitol that Trump is not “honest, wise or good” and thus should not get Latter-day Saint support. It is not just a general recommendation, they argued, but rather by way of “commandment.” Nor is it a partisan issue, they believe, as the foursome includes two Democrats, a Republican and an independent. They have spelled out the case in an online petition, titled “LDS Opposed to Trump,” explaining what they believe are Trump’s lies and his actions toward others, and are hoping to help their fellow believers more clearly see that he is “unqualified” for office as established by God.
你是说MAGA的family value是family里面的都可以随便3p爆艹?
历来电影里政府建制派都是坏蛋,大众看电影不都会side with resistance?回到现实竟然站队建制派,太好笑了。
她败选还不是因为她批评川普,被他的支持者给搞下去的么。我们亚利桑那的Jeff flake 就是最早的因为批评川普而下去的。共和党里敢批评川普的人都是好人。莫急莫急。历史会对川普有一个评价的。现在几乎所有的总统排名里川普都是倒数10名甚至5名的了。
批评川普的人都是好人? 这个bar也太低,还是算了吧