JD Vance messages in 2020 show him criticizing Trump''s record as president - The Washington Post. 华盛顿邮报有他和某人的2020年的邮件,JD在2020年还是满心瞧不起这个纽约戏子。当然他一个吸毒得垃圾家庭摸爬滚打出来藤校生,自然内心骄傲无比,看不起川普不奇怪。万斯这么多年得邮件影像录音报几个出来,就够川普一壶 “Trump has just so thoroughly failed to deliver on his economic populism (excepting a disjointed China policy),” Vance wrote in February 2020. “I’ve already turned down my appointment from the emperor,” Vance wrote — adding a winking emoji — after his interlocutor referred to the possibility of a government appointment by “Emperor Trump.” Pressed by his acquaintance about what job he had been offered, Vance replied, “I’m not going to say over twitter messenger.” JD Vance messages in 2020 show him criticizing Trump''s record as president - The Washington Post
duoweisa 发表于 2024-10-04 13:27 JD Vance messages in 2020 show him criticizing Trump''s record as president - The Washington Post. 华盛顿邮报有他和某人的2020年的邮件,JD在2020年还是满心瞧不起这个纽约戏子。当然他一个吸毒得垃圾家庭摸爬滚打出来藤校生,自然内心骄傲无比,看不起川普不奇怪。万斯这么多年得邮件影像录音报几个出来,就够川普一壶 “Trump has just so thoroughly failed to deliver on his economic populism (excepting a disjointed China policy),” Vance wrote in February 2020. “I’ve already turned down my appointment from the emperor,” Vance wrote — adding a winking emoji — after his interlocutor referred to the possibility of a government appointment by “Emperor Trump.” Pressed by his acquaintance about what job he had been offered, Vance replied, “I’m not going to say over twitter messenger.” JD Vance messages in 2020 show him criticizing Trump''s record as president - The Washington Post
川粉都你这样喜欢撒谎编故事吗? 这下面的才是事实。 Vance’s mother told the Times that it all began one day at work when she suffered a headache so decided to take a Vicodin pill to ease the pain. She enjoyed the sensation that came with it, the outlet wrote, and soon after started stealing Percocet and other, stronger pills.
Vance真是继承了川普啊,刚看到他说这段“Donald trump’s economic plan is not just a plan but also a record. A lot of those same economists attack Donald trump’s plan and they have phds but they don’t have common sense and they don’t have wisdom.”这话一般人听听还真能信了,再展开说说就要煽动打倒知识分子了吧。拜托,这种人说的再好听表情管理再好也要看看他说的是什么内容啊。这不和让人新冠喝消毒液一样反智吗。
“Trump has just so thoroughly failed to deliver on his economic populism (excepting a disjointed China policy),” Vance wrote in February 2020.
“I’ve already turned down my appointment from the emperor,” Vance wrote — adding a winking emoji — after his interlocutor referred to the possibility of a government appointment by “Emperor Trump.” Pressed by his acquaintance about what job he had been offered, Vance replied, “I’m not going to say over twitter messenger.”
JD Vance messages in 2020 show him criticizing Trump''s record as president - The Washington Post
希望哈里斯当选, 人家命太好了。
川普喜欢选不上的时候开骂。 LOL
很 low 的。 估计连 Musk 也会一起骂。 哈哈
你们这些川粉脑子真是简单。2016年说不清楚还算了, 这是2020年的私人邮件,川普已经快做了4年总统,他私底下还写出这种评价。难道是要选参议员了,思想快速转变和川普保持高度一致了。虱多不痒 ,反正川普用的人反咬一口的不要太多,最近拍胸脯说永不反川的咖喱妹
“childless cat ladies”
Vance’s mother told the Times that it all began one day at work when she suffered a headache so decided to take a Vicodin pill to ease the pain. She enjoyed the sensation that came with it, the outlet wrote, and soon after started stealing Percocet and other, stronger pills.
Yes! Vance wrote: “Mr. Trump is unfit for our nation’s highest office.”
vance当上副总统,就会搞25修了吧,周围都是heritage foundation的人
真爱从什么角度都能看出好来,你这是totally blind
川普选JD 不是为了大度。川普和大度从来就不沾边。 他选JD 是因为他需要heritage foundation 那边的支持。 JD 是2025的人