The dislike of and anguish over social media is just growing and growing. It is part of our problem, particularly in democracies, in terms of building consensus around any issue. It's really hard to govern today. The referees we used to have to determine what is a fact and what isn't a fact have kind of been eviscerated, to a certain degree. And people go and self-select where they go for their news, for their information. And then you get into a vicious cycle," Kerry said. In another comment, Kerry remarked, "Democracies around the world now are struggling with the absence of a sort of truth arbiter, and there’s no one who defines what facts really are." kerry讲话的背景是有人问怎么应对disinformation。他的回答提到民主政体需要公众就议题达成一致,但如果大家都自我筛选信息源,尤其有的信息源别有目的,但有没有一个判断信息真假的机制,就很难达成一致,甚至进入恶性循环。因为一修,我们不能去关闭这些信息源。但如果你赢得了投票,赢得了right to govern,那么你可以去implement change.结合语境应该是change对disinformation毫无控制的现状。并没说要废一修。 这些comment难道不中肯么?无论左右,都经常说对方被fake news洗脑了。尤其gen ai时代,信息茧房只会更加牢固,chat bot为了抓住用户,必然顺着用户的意思见人说人话见鬼说鬼话。这个时候怎么为民主政体保留公众议事的common ground?把gop放在执政党的角度,怎么应对人人都有自己的alternative fact?怎么应对有些knowingly and intentionally散布假消息的?谁来定义假消息?
CatFatCat 发表于 2024-10-03 01:42 The dislike of and anguish over social media is just growing and growing. It is part of our problem, particularly in democracies, in terms of building consensus around any issue. It's really hard to govern today. The referees we used to have to determine what is a fact and what isn't a fact have kind of been eviscerated, to a certain degree. And people go and self-select where they go for their news, for their information. And then you get into a vicious cycle," Kerry said. In another comment, Kerry remarked, "Democracies around the world now are struggling with the absence of a sort of truth arbiter, and there’s no one who defines what facts really are." kerry讲话的背景是有人问怎么应对disinformation。他的回答提到民主政体需要公众就议题达成一致,但如果大家都自我筛选信息源,尤其有的信息源别有目的,但有没有一个判断信息真假的机制,就很难达成一致,甚至进入恶性循环。因为一修,我们不能去关闭这些信息源。但如果你赢得了投票,赢得了right to govern,那么你可以去implement change.结合语境应该是change对disinformation毫无控制的现状。并没说要废一修。 这些comment难道不中肯么?无论左右,都经常说对方被fake news洗脑了。尤其gen ai时代,信息茧房只会更加牢固,chat bot为了抓住用户,必然顺着用户的意思见人说人话见鬼说鬼话。这个时候怎么为民主政体保留公众议事的common ground?把gop放在执政党的角度,怎么应对人人都有自己的alternative fact?怎么应对有些knowingly and intentionally散布假消息的?谁来定义假消息?
These words are very disturbing. 美国政客解决问题永远都是治标不治本。太恶心人了!!!!! 有他们在,美国不衰退才怪。 還 truth arbiter. ,呵呵,唱的再好听也是想扼杀自由思想的传播。 讨厌死这些政客了。 这种问题的解决方案难道不是让孩子大人有资源系统的学习辨别信息的能力吗? Make it mandatory for every student to take critical thinking and critical reasoning 101. Understand the different level of source . Etc etc. SMH
CatFatCat 发表于 2024-10-03 01:42 The dislike of and anguish over social media is just growing and growing. It is part of our problem, particularly in democracies, in terms of building consensus around any issue. It's really hard to govern today. The referees we used to have to determine what is a fact and what isn't a fact have kind of been eviscerated, to a certain degree. And people go and self-select where they go for their news, for their information. And then you get into a vicious cycle," Kerry said. In another comment, Kerry remarked, "Democracies around the world now are struggling with the absence of a sort of truth arbiter, and there’s no one who defines what facts really are." kerry讲话的背景是有人问怎么应对disinformation。他的回答提到民主政体需要公众就议题达成一致,但如果大家都自我筛选信息源,尤其有的信息源别有目的,但有没有一个判断信息真假的机制,就很难达成一致,甚至进入恶性循环。因为一修,我们不能去关闭这些信息源。但如果你赢得了投票,赢得了right to govern,那么你可以去implement change.结合语境应该是change对disinformation毫无控制的现状。并没说要废一修。 这些comment难道不中肯么?无论左右,都经常说对方被fake news洗脑了。尤其gen ai时代,信息茧房只会更加牢固,chat bot为了抓住用户,必然顺着用户的意思见人说人话见鬼说鬼话。这个时候怎么为民主政体保留公众议事的common ground?把gop放在执政党的角度,怎么应对人人都有自己的alternative fact?怎么应对有些knowingly and intentionally散布假消息的?谁来定义假消息?
半个马和甲 发表于 2024-10-03 01:49 These words are very disturbing. 美国政客解决问题永远都是治标不治本。太恶心人了!!!!! 有他们在,美国不衰退才怪。 還 truth arbiter. ,呵呵,唱的再好听也是想扼杀自由思想的传播。 讨厌死这些政客了。 这种问题的解决方案难道不是让孩子大人有资源系统的学习辨别信息的能力吗? Make it mandatory for every student to take critical thinking and critical reasoning 101. Understand the different level of source . Etc etc. SMH
回复 19楼 的帖子 如果真的要严肃讨论。那么我们先要定义”合法”二字的scope . 你说的合法是指according to the election laws at the time 吗? 还是更加广义的? 另外: to have an argument, you need both a premise and conclusion? So what''s your argument on this subject ?
回复 37楼 singlemummy 的帖子 所以如果法官在某案上的判决不如意,他就是流氓? 关于“没有受害人的欺诈”,美国法律这么说的: "It is the scheme to defraud and not actual fraud that is required." United States v. Reid, 533 F.2d 1255, 1264 (D.C. Cir. 1976). "No particular type of victim is required . . . nor need the scheme have succeeded." United States v. Coachman, 727 F.2d 1293, 1302-03 n. 43 (D.C. Cir. 1984). No actual loss to the victims is required. See United States v. Pollack, 534 F.2d 964, 971 (D.C. Cir.) ("The fraud statutes speak alternatively of devising or intending to devise a scheme to defraud and do not require that the deception bear fruit for the wrongdoer or cause injury to the intended victim as a prerequisite to successful prosecution. [S]uccess of the scheme and loss by a defrauded person are not essential elements of the crime under 18 U.S.C. §§ 1341, 1343 . . . ."), cert. denied, 429 U.S. 924 (1976); see also United States v. Jordan, 626 F.2d 928, 931 (D.C. Cir. 1980) ("The amount of money realized as a result of the scheme is not an essential element of mail fraud. It was not even necessary to prove that the scheme succeeded."). 都是上世纪70/80年代的判例。欺诈未成,欺诈无损,依然欺诈。跟前贴说的那样,这些法律条款网上都有原文,要查一下,不要直接套用太平洋对岸某大国的逻辑
大清早的看笑了。公司法务生生被你说出了村口大妈家长里短的感觉。商业上合规就是合规,不合规就是不合规。怎么扯到小情侣?大企业你情我愿不涉嫌欺诈的merger单因不合反垄断法被棒打鸳鸯的多了去了。这是GRE写作部分完全不及格的节奏啊 合着我们小作坊认认真真做账借贷不敢出格,他这边一句你情我愿就off hook了?law and order只适用小业主么?
回复 19楼 的帖子 如果真的要严肃讨论。那么我们先要定义”合法”二字的scope . 你说的合法是指according to the election laws at the time 吗? 还是更加广义的? 另外: to have an argument, you need both a premise and conclusion? So what''s your argument on this subject ? 半个马和甲 发表于 2024-10-03 09:42
那就按照你对合法的理解来回答这个问题: Biden 是不是合法被选上的总统? It''''s not an argument. It''''s a yes or no question. Let give me you my answer, YES. I am sure you have your answer too. You are the one who has taken the critical thinking 101 course after all.
希拉里, 哈哈姐,以及Walz 都表达了类似的看法, 就是世间只允许真理存在, 俺们是真理部部长副部长。。。。。
先贤们太英明了, 把二修写入了宪法来保卫一修
告诉你们AR15 干啥的,就是保卫宪法,保卫一修的!
右党连自己主子都突突 黄右还是担心下自己脑袋吧
These words are very disturbing. 美国政客解决问题永远都是治标不治本。太恶心人了!!!!! 有他们在,美国不衰退才怪。 還 truth arbiter. ,呵呵,唱的再好听也是想扼杀自由思想的传播。
这种问题的解决方案难道不是让孩子大人有资源系统的学习辨别信息的能力吗? Make it mandatory for every student to take critical thinking and critical reasoning 101. Understand the different level of source . Etc etc.
critical thinking的前提是还看得见原始信源。且不提信息茧房困住了大部分人,现在还信得过的source还有么?bbc的阴间滤镜咱也不是没见过。没去过中国的在cnn fox两边都转一圈,再critical thinking也会觉得国内就是阴间。youtuber去实地探访的也是各种个人偏见甚至夹带私货,更不用提很多压根不会被算法推上来,甚至搜索结果都不一定放在前几页。甚至Facebook上的假帖子,比如故意把狗饿的皮包骨再假装救助,所谓source都已经变成了entertainment channel,就像tucker calson那个著名的辩护,“有脑子的人都知道咱这是娱乐节目”。左媒右媒,在座的全是垃圾。 一修在算法面前完败。也许以后可以做出来gen ai能沙里淘金总结还原出事件真相作为truth arbiter的,但目前完全无解。
John Adams said, “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.
是一个两难的选择 当川普作为总统,把一切对他不利的报道斥为假新闻的时候,是他的一修否定了媒体的一修? 当川普的另类新闻充斥右媒,让老百姓得不到真实的信息,哪里又有对真实报道的一修保护?
来试试你的critital thinking. Biden 是不是合法被选上的总统?
真理掌握在胜利者手中。拜登在任上这问题真没法回答。留给下任,下下任也许才有答案。毕竟Hunter今年才认的罪在2020也只是Russia missinformation.
Covid期间民主党各种censorship, vaccine mandates只是预演而已。
在原始信源上, 别的不知道。但在美国的现在,每个美国政府通过的法案都有原始文档公开给民众看全文的 ( - 所有的法案那里都可以查到原始真正的文件) 。 所以在最重要的事情上我们现在是有access to original source . 比如前几年吵翻的各种COVID package , if you truly want , 原文完全可以自己读。特别下现在有各种AI帮你总结PDF 的情况下。还可以快速核对速读内容。
再者echo chamber , 的问题,正好如我所说真正好的解决方法是思维方式的锻炼。养成各种立场的都看都听 。比如最少可以看一个新闻: 美国CNN, MSNBC , FOX , 国内, 澳洲,英国几个国家的报道都看下。这样就大大减少大数据止推给你一种立场。每次碰见相反的政见,别上来就你是错的, 多听听其他人的思考,这些都是力所能及的。只是在这个post literacy 的时代,这个转变需要很多很多的时间和文化的根本改变(现在还有多少人能TIKTOK 获取信息还自己去查 , 去读文章?) ,基本是不会有政客去如此做的。
如果真的要严肃讨论。那么我们先要定义”合法”二字的scope . 你说的合法是指according to the election laws at the time 吗? 还是更加广义的? 另外: to have an argument, you need both a premise and conclusion? So what''s your argument on this subject ?
我看amazon review的AI还不错。我把好的差的review看下来,自己总结的结果和AI总结的差不多。如果AI没有故意设置得误导人,ai沙里淘金应该不是难事
是的。critical thinking其实就是简单逻辑加花时间查证。就是大部分人没时间也没动力去查证网上看到的每一个帖子。一不小心就被多个半真半假的消息困住,一旦形成自洽的逻辑链,再就难出来了。 amazon review 也是有打击假review的,这样人或者ai总结出来的才不至于garbage in garbage out. temu这种完全放任不管的上面review 也是不靠谱。
我不喜欢视频获取新闻,TIKTOK没有,微信的视频经常因为不方便不去看。但是我看到匪夷所思的标题我会先去Google一下看看有没有新闻报道再去相信。 如果被几个大媒体报道(可能有有些人说的所谓假媒体)我基本上会相信,因为我相信大媒体不会拿自己几十年上百年的信誉做儿戏。就算是狐狸台,不也是硬说某塔尔森不是新闻只是娱乐吗
是对左棍州的NYC的司法没有信心。 几个左棍州的流氓法官代表不了 “这个国家”
这个国家的司法体系最后屏障是高院,床铺的案子都到不了高院就会被毙掉。现在同在NY的上诉法院已经对 流氓法官的判决表示质疑了
事实上, 左棍里是一个坏,9个傻
fight disinformation 这事情,就跟共产主义一样听着狠美好,很合理! 但是一旦执行魔鬼就出来了, 而且压根没有解决魔鬼的办法
左棍里面拼命叫嚣fight disinformation 的那些政客,心理清楚的很,他们就是坏,这帮人就是要掌控 定义disinformation 的权力,然后让别人闭嘴, 就好像当年代表人民代表党的红卫兵一样,宣判你反革命 /disinformation ......... 然后这些人嘴上仁义道德,背后男盗女娼, 再没有人敢说啥 -- 说啥都是disinformation / 右派反革命。。。。。。
剩下小年轻们是傻 (别说他们了,当年“毅然归国” 后来死在夹边沟的,一把年纪的可不少啊)
怎么定义流氓法官呢?左棍州比如臭名昭著的加州,州里高院法官6年一选,选的时候不分党派,公投。任期中间空出来的位置有州长制定,但想做下一届必须要选。 而那个新闻里天天见的高院,法官全是总统任命的,没任期限制,即使任命的时候深得人心,后面反水了也毫无办法(比如历史上gop认命的多个法官做着做着就开始liberal了)。
哈哈哈,俺“ 一句话你们的言论自由就没有了” ?
俺一个普通网友, 哪一句话有那么大威力? 如果有的话赶紧印刷成网友语录卖$ 10 一页。。。。。。。
说个不完全标准吧--- 连专治中国都判不出来的案子,连中国都要司法体系脸面的案子,在谁手里判出来,谁就是流氓法官
比如, 发生时间都没有的性侵案, 比如没有受害人的欺诈案。。。。。。
所以如果法官在某案上的判决不如意,他就是流氓? 关于“没有受害人的欺诈”,美国法律这么说的: "It is the scheme to defraud and not actual fraud that is required." United States v. Reid, 533 F.2d 1255, 1264 (D.C. Cir. 1976). "No particular type of victim is required . . . nor need the scheme have succeeded." United States v. Coachman, 727 F.2d 1293, 1302-03 n. 43 (D.C. Cir. 1984). No actual loss to the victims is required. See United States v. Pollack, 534 F.2d 964, 971 (D.C. Cir.) ("The fraud statutes speak alternatively of devising or intending to devise a scheme to defraud and do not require that the deception bear fruit for the wrongdoer or cause injury to the intended victim as a prerequisite to successful prosecution. [S]uccess of the scheme and loss by a defrauded person are not essential elements of the crime under 18 U.S.C. §§ 1341, 1343 . . . ."), cert. denied, 429 U.S. 924 (1976); see also United States v. Jordan, 626 F.2d 928, 931 (D.C. Cir. 1980) ("The amount of money realized as a result of the scheme is not an essential element of mail fraud. It was not even necessary to prove that the scheme succeeded."). 都是上世纪70/80年代的判例。欺诈未成,欺诈无损,依然欺诈。跟前贴说的那样,这些法律条款网上都有原文,要查一下,不要直接套用太平洋对岸某大国的逻辑
右派的核心是保护私人财产,必须要法治 左派的核心是平分私人财产,必须要极权
大清早的看笑了。公司法务生生被你说出了村口大妈家长里短的感觉。商业上合规就是合规,不合规就是不合规。怎么扯到小情侣?大企业你情我愿不涉嫌欺诈的merger单因不合反垄断法被棒打鸳鸯的多了去了。这是GRE写作部分完全不及格的节奏啊 合着我们小作坊认认真真做账借贷不敢出格,他这边一句你情我愿就off hook了?law and order只适用小业主么?
那就按照你对合法的理解来回答这个问题: Biden 是不是合法被选上的总统?
It''''s not an argument. It''''s a yes or no question. Let give me you my answer, YES.
I am sure you have your answer too. You are the one who has taken the critical thinking 101 course after all.
“告诉你们AR15 干啥的,就是保卫宪法,保卫一修的!” 具体说说你怎么用AR15保卫一修?你是想到马塔门口大杀四方么?既然这么英武,敢不敢到推特上喊一嗓子?