wow. 狗了一下, 还真是! 长期暴露在氯里面, 牙齿会变黄 The longer your teeth are exposed to chlorinated water, the more likely you are to develop swimmer’s calculus. Chlorine can deposit residue on your teeth, turning them yellow or brown after constant exposure. This condition typically affects swimmers who spend over six hours a week in chemically treated water. Sound familiar? Let your dentist know if you notice these stains on your teeth or your children’s teeth. Your dentist can remove the stains, offer tips to avoid them and, if it’s a chronic issue, he or she may recommend more frequent cleanings.
可以用点baking soda. 也建议用这个天然植物成分为主的美白牙膏。
USANA® Whitening Toothpaste Featuring ADP-1
是游泳造成的吗? 我家的也有同样烦恼。十岁,男孩,泳娃,牙齿偏黄,他自己很烦恼。 请推荐能美白的牙膏,谢谢!
wow. 狗了一下, 还真是! 长期暴露在氯里面, 牙齿会变黄
The longer your teeth are exposed to chlorinated water, the more likely you are to develop swimmer’s calculus. Chlorine can deposit residue on your teeth, turning them yellow or brown after constant exposure. This condition typically affects swimmers who spend over six hours a week in chemically treated water. Sound familiar? Let your dentist know if you notice these stains on your teeth or your children’s teeth. Your dentist can remove the stains, offer tips to avoid them and, if it’s a chronic issue, he or she may recommend more frequent cleanings.
我以前问过我的牙医,如果牙齿有点黄,有什么方法怎么变白。他解释了一下,比如黑人的牙确实就比其他人种更白,好像是他们牙的enamel更厚实;成年人牙会越来越黄,一个原因是就是enamel wears away, 还有就是food color也会有一定影响(明显的例子,就是喝茶,咖啡,还有抽烟,造成牙非常黄,其他深色food 也会)。
小孩子的话,如果不是非常黄,不要漂白,漂白那些东西总觉得对身体不好。叮嘱他们好好刷牙,特别是吃了有颜色的food, 能马上刷牙。
我感觉我妈就是, 又白又齐,完全不用矫正的齐整, 就是书上写的那种美女贝齿。