The “Professor”’s logic was full of holes. Transgenders are more depressed, most likely because the consequences of the surgeries they have gone through. Ask a doctor to know exactly what needs to be done to be a transgender.
ruby12blue 发表于 2024-09-26 19:23 The “Professor”’s logic was full of holes. Transgenders are more depressed, most likely because the consequences of the surgeries they have gone through. Ask a doctor to know exactly what needs to be done to be a transgender.
极端分子逻辑都有自己的闭环 而且一讨论就戴帽子上纲上线东拉西扯。左边右边极端一样货色
这个Josh hawley就是一月六号国会山举拳头的那位吧
嗯 然后一路小跑跑路的也是他。问周受资是不是ccp的也是他
参议员: Do you like Chinese food? 周受资: yes. 参议员: haha, Got you!
我觉得双方说得都有各自的道理。 分歧在于如何定义男女,明显双方的定义不同而已,也无法agree upon。