看 纽约时报 的最近民调: https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-leads-kamala-harris-sunbelt-states-1957733 哈里斯的民调越来越低。她只要上一次电视采访,民调支持率就哗哗哗往下掉,还不如拜登当年躲地下室不接受采访,可惜没病毒了找不到借口。看她这个采访,还是自家人的采访,这回答问题乍当总统啊? https://x.com/CollinRugg/status/1839063215218766337 Stephanie Ruhle: "If you can't raise corporate taxes or if GOP takes control of the Senate, where do you get the money to do that?" Harris: "Well, but we're gonna have to raise corporate taxes and we're gonna have to raise, we're gonna have to make sure that the biggest corporations and billionaires pay their fair share. That's just it. It's about paying their fair share." 再看这个:https://x.com/CollinRugg/status/1834723280076652929?t=-vy6ghpd9r844ijSr8091w&s=09 只是背诵 辩论时记的答案,答非所问。 小扎眼看不妙,正两边下注: https://www.businessinsider.com/mark-zuckerberg-meta-facebook-libertarian-trump-2024-9 “Zuck is trying to repair his image with Republicans who have accused him of anti-conservative bias.” 按主媒的说法,川普的赢面目前大约50%!按以往主媒民调的偏差,还有这势头,哈里斯的形势恨不妙呀!万一川普上台,“担心华人都进集中营”的那些人咋办?逃跑路线想好了吗?房子挂牌了吗?哦,不是万一,是很恐怖的50%以上概率!
哈里斯的民调越来越低。她只要上一次电视采访,民调支持率就哗哗哗往下掉,还不如拜登当年躲地下室不接受采访,可惜没病毒了找不到借口。看她这个采访,还是自家人的采访,这回答问题乍当总统啊? https://x.com/CollinRugg/status/1839063215218766337 Stephanie Ruhle: "If you can't raise corporate taxes or if GOP takes control of the Senate, where do you get the money to do that?" Harris: "Well, but we're gonna have to raise corporate taxes and we're gonna have to raise, we're gonna have to make sure that the biggest corporations and billionaires pay their fair share. That's just it. It's about paying their fair share."
再看这个:https://x.com/CollinRugg/status/1834723280076652929?t=-vy6ghpd9r844ijSr8091w&s=09 只是背诵 辩论时记的答案,答非所问。
小扎眼看不妙,正两边下注: https://www.businessinsider.com/mark-zuckerberg-meta-facebook-libertarian-trump-2024-9 “Zuck is trying to repair his image with Republicans who have accused him of anti-conservative bias.”