The technical differences between a PTA and a PTO are fairly simple. The National PTA is a formal membership organization now headquartered in Alexandria, Va., with a 120-year history of working for children. School-based groups that choose to belong to the PTA must pay dues to the state and national organizations and abide by state and national group rules. In return, they get member benefits, and they get a voice in the operations of the larger organization. The National PTA maintains a Washington, D.C., office where it pursues a public policy agenda, and most state PTA units advocate at their respective state capitals, as well. The PTA carefully protects its name so that only dues-paying members of the group can call themselves a PTA. PTO, on the other hand, is a generic term that stands for “parent-teacher organization.” It usually represents groups that choose to remain independent. These are most often single-school or district-level groups that operate under their own bylaws and by and large concern themselves with the goings-on at their building or in their town only. Popular acronym include PCC (parent communication council), PTG (parent teacher group), and HSA (home and school association); because PTO is the most common name, we use it generically to refer to all non-PTA school parent groups. For some groups, the PTO vs. PTA debate is simply a matter of dollars and cents—“We don’t want to send any money out of our school.” For others, the question takes on a significantly increased importance. If we don’t speak for all children, then who will? the PTA’s loyal defenders often ask. Put another way: Do we want to be part of something larger and spend our group dollars outside of our school? Or do we want to focus exclusively on improving and creating community at our school? Since the PTA was the only formal national school parent group, the decision in the past was often “PTA” or nothing.
当然不是多权贵,但放在美国都是上中产了吧。几家都是自己开律所开牙医诊所的,我觉得算挺有钱的了。 你眼界高算我没说
这些职业时间自由,比较flexible,而且可以part time
我以前一起在pto里共事的,她lg就是议员,她自己是法学院教授。 不觉得啥权贵啊。 后来另一位pto的,就跑去自己竞选了,之前也是律师生了孩子就stay home了。 这两位都非常能干的。
The technical differences between a PTA and a PTO are fairly simple. The National PTA is a formal membership organization now headquartered in Alexandria, Va., with a 120-year history of working for children. School-based groups that choose to belong to the PTA must pay dues to the state and national organizations and abide by state and national group rules. In return, they get member benefits, and they get a voice in the operations of the larger organization. The National PTA maintains a Washington, D.C., office where it pursues a public policy agenda, and most state PTA units advocate at their respective state capitals, as well. The PTA carefully protects its name so that only dues-paying members of the group can call themselves a PTA.
PTO, on the other hand, is a generic term that stands for “parent-teacher organization.” It usually represents groups that choose to remain independent. These are most often single-school or district-level groups that operate under their own bylaws and by and large concern themselves with the goings-on at their building or in their town only. Popular acronym include PCC (parent communication council), PTG (parent teacher group), and HSA (home and school association); because PTO is the most common name, we use it generically to refer to all non-PTA school parent groups. For some groups, the PTO vs. PTA debate is simply a matter of dollars and cents—“We don’t want to send any money out of our school.” For others, the question takes on a significantly increased importance. If we don’t speak for all children, then who will? the PTA’s loyal defenders often ask. Put another way: Do we want to be part of something larger and spend our group dollars outside of our school? Or do we want to focus exclusively on improving and creating community at our school? Since the PTA was the only formal national school parent group, the decision in the past was often “PTA” or nothing.
劳心劳累,捐钱捐时间 好处就是,可以参与学校的一些计划,课外活动的制定,可以拉近和老师的距离,可以时不时在走廊里看到孩子,和认识他们的同学,可以认识其他家长,筛选朋友圈(可以听到很多8挂,不管你想不想听到),可以让校长/老师对你的孩子不陌生。
除了这些虚的八卦 还有很多实际但是不能出去说的好处 比如选老师选班 一些有名额的活动项目都有优先权和提前知情权 好处很多 主要还是看你有没有时间
你说的不就是我最后一句话么? 你的孩子在学校眼里不止是一个学生还是一个资源
我这的都是 blonde
我就参与过booster club, 有点类似,家长志愿者支持学校club, 花了挺多时间干活,大家对我的贡献还算满意,好处就是孩子跟教练闹别扭,教练看在我的贡献上网开一面,不至于恶意给低分。写推荐信,义工小时啥的都很方便给力。
说的对,那些干PTO 的可都是能手,能搞定家长和老师,场面上都过得去,交流能力好,能组织能领导,能拿主意 能变通,不是一般人搞得来的。
而且他们确实可能有时间,很多这样的parents (lawyers, doctors) 家务外包,有时间参与的