从2010到2024, 白人几乎降了一半, 国际学生几乎翻倍, 亚裔学生从21%到46% MIT,JHU 双璧 The new undergraduate class reflects high levels of socioeconomic diversity, but the percentage of students from underrepresented groups is significantly lower than in recent years
qqyxgz 发表于 2024-09-19 17:21 从2010到2024, 白人几乎降了一半, 国际学生几乎翻倍, 亚裔学生从21%到46% MIT,JHU 双璧 The new undergraduate class reflects high levels of socioeconomic diversity, but the percentage of students from underrepresented groups is significantly lower than in recent years
qqyxgz 发表于 2024-09-19 17:21 从2010到2024, 白人几乎降了一半, 国际学生几乎翻倍, 亚裔学生从21%到46% MIT,JHU 双璧 The new undergraduate class reflects high levels of socioeconomic diversity, but the percentage of students from underrepresented groups is significantly lower than in recent years
The new undergraduate class reflects high levels of socioeconomic diversity, but the percentage of students from underrepresented groups is significantly lower than in recent years
不知道原因, 但是觉得47%基本上到头了, 超过50%不太可能, JHU是catch up
支持这种硬核学校 耶鲁那种就让他堕落完蛋去吧
耶鲁有很多文科,所以日子好混。 MIT, JHU大多都是理工课,日子不好混
周围的老中娃这两年的确好几个录到JHU的 都是理工科强的男孩
Jhu 在国内是老牌学校 排名好,在只认排名的国内很吃香,大家都去。
它好混的专业很多中国人,比如华盛顿市中心有个graduate校区商学院,里面的有些班级比如marketing, 流媒专业之类比较好混的专业,90%的都是中国人,一个班里就一个非中国人,很多是国内考不上高中,家长咬牙送出来,一路读下来,混个文凭好交差。
对Jhu 来说是好business, 收国际学费。本来那边的老牌好学校随着人口流失河出生率下降,慢慢生源和财政都变差,中国学生上升弥补了缺口。
你这说的是“水硕”, 和本科完全两码事, 国内人也都明白