Select the following that apply to the specific situation you are reporting I am submitting this Form 14039 for myself I am submitting this Form 14039 in response to an IRS Notice or Letter received I am submitting this Form 14039 on behalf of my dependent child or dependent relative I am submitting this Form 14039 on behalf of another person living or deceased (other than my dependent child or dependent relative) Select the following that apply to the specific situation you are reporting I know or suspect that someone used my information to fraudulently file a tax return Note: If you are a victim of Identity theft but it does not involve your federal tax return, you should request an IP PIN to protect yourself. Get An Identity Protection PIN| Internal Revenue Service ( an explanation of the identity theft issue, how it impacts your tax account, when you became aware of it and provide relevant dates. If needed, attach additional information and/or pages to this form
About Self Lock Self Lock allows you to lock your Social Security number (SSN) and protect it against unauthorized use in E-Verify or Self Check. Your Self Lock remains active as long as your account remains valid and you have not unlocked your SSN. You can unlock your SSN anytime through your myE-Verify account. Once you lock your SSN, no one can use your SSN in E-Verify or Self Check—including you. For example, if you are currently employed and you start a new job with an E-Verify employer, they will not be able to access your information and you will receive a Self Lock DHS Tentative Nonconfirmation (Mismatch). If you receive a DHS TNC, you will receive instructions on how to resolve it. To avoid receiving a Self Lock DHS TNC, you can unlock your SSN before starting a new job with an E-Verify employer.
说是我工卡在黑网上找到了。不知道真假。一会先跟irs备案 然后锁工卡号码再看看什么回事
工卡是啥? 前段时间AT&T data breach,好多人的ssn都被泄露了,我的也被放到dark net上了。
就是ssn 我爸妈一直喊它叫工人卡 习惯了。你最后做了什么措施没
myverify 是什么? 怎么freeze? irs怎么去freeze?
myverify就注册账号申请lock 自己工卡。irs其实不能free 或者lock但是可以提供大约年份月份 这样可以有个备案。
我把三大机构的credit freeze了
我把三大机构的credit freeze了,还加了fraud alert。
谢谢. myverify lock ssn之后是怎么个lock法? 没人能用你的ssn做啥了吗?还是别的? IRS这个是指备案可能被盗用么?
请问是提供什么的大概年月?备案了有什么作用?还有怎么联系irs 做这个?
不知道呢。因为之前没有被盗用 所以不知道后续是怎么样。可以自己解锁的。我上次因为要做preapproval所以解锁了。
Form 14039 我爸以前被偷了工卡 连报税都没法报。他退休后claim 退休金时也说他继续在工作。给弄了很久才弄好。我爸以前在餐馆工作留下的隐患。
这个form是要别人盗用了你的身份才能用吧。一般的compromised还不算吧。但是看起来那个IP PIN可以用起来。
I am submitting this Form 14039 for myself
I am submitting this Form 14039 in response to an IRS Notice or Letter received
I am submitting this Form 14039 on behalf of my dependent child or dependent relative
I am submitting this Form 14039 on behalf of another person living or deceased (other than my dependent child or dependent relative) Select the following that apply to the specific situation you are reporting
I know or suspect that someone used my information to fraudulently file a tax return Note: If you are a victim of Identity theft but it does not involve your federal tax return, you should request an IP PIN to protect yourself. Get An Identity Protection PIN| Internal Revenue Service ( Provide an explanation of the identity theft issue, how it impacts your tax account, when you became aware of it and provide relevant dates. If needed, attach additional information and/or pages to this form
Re- 研究研究
这个看起来是你怀疑或已经有人用你的身份报税了。我只是ssn信息被泄露了,还没有identity theft
我暂时没有怀疑或者被人盗用身份。不过因为我爸发生过这样的事情 我不想同样发生 因为被盗用了会影响我学生贷款的还款事项还有换房子的贷款事项。真的发生了就头疼。我上面贴的黒体字就是就算没有盗用但是信息被外泄也可以备案或者申请保护密码的。
About Self Lock
Self Lock allows you to lock your Social Security number (SSN) and protect it against unauthorized use in E-Verify or Self Check. Your Self Lock remains active as long as your account remains valid and you have not unlocked your SSN. You can unlock your SSN anytime through your myE-Verify account.
Once you lock your SSN, no one can use your SSN in E-Verify or Self Check—including you. For example, if you are currently employed and you start a new job with an E-Verify employer, they will not be able to access your information and you will receive a Self Lock DHS Tentative Nonconfirmation (Mismatch). If you receive a DHS TNC, you will receive instructions on how to resolve it.
To avoid receiving a Self Lock DHS TNC, you can unlock your SSN before starting a new job with an E-Verify employer.
我今天的信用卡credit journey写信来了,本来我也不信的 都没有打开链接怕中毒。只好给自己的信用卡背后的号码打电话认证了这个事情。如果没有收到信估计没有事。
我看了下黑字,说的是identity theft,就是身份被盗用。身份信息泄露不一定会造成identity theft呢。这个表就是只给身份被盗用的人的。不过你已经填了,估计也没事。 那个保护密码IP PIN是给身份信息泄露的人的,我打算去弄一个。
我是那种什么都做最坏打算的人 一开始就把所有能做的都做了 少一个担心。“IF” 这个我巨不相信这词。我也不知道会不会已经被盗用了。我的号码是八月中就在黑网挂上了 但是昨天信用卡系统才检查到通知 填网表时有一个大框可以写comments就填进去了。我之前驾照被偷后也是换了号码 被告知平时只是拿新实体驾照了事 但是我说了担心后DMV分局的当值经理就决定给我换了新号码。
你是因为没有遇到过所以不知道这个过程多费事费人费时。我爸 我同事都被盗过 花了很多时间才证明被盗了。同事的信箱都被盗了 现在都用手机号码做two way verification 不敢用邮件做verification. 我爸被盗是我跑了很多地方和ssn 办公室才弄好的。
怎么知道具体哪些个人信息被放到dark web?我前段时间也收到chase credit aleart说我信息被泄漏到dark web,但是没说具体是什么信息。
panic没有但是前提是做好了措施就不会。不做的话 到发生了就烦了。因为相信预防花两三个小时 出了问题可能要花几倍的时间去补救。我之前已经丢过身份证护照这些 已经做了功课要做什么措施了 想着反正做都做了就分享出来。也许有人需要呢。如果第一次被偷到时候有人告诉我这五件事情 会省很多时间自己去做功课的。
打电话去chase credit journey 问
最后 Experian 一分没赔,说索赔人太多,送了一年免费 credit monitor。
应该主要是 社安号资料被黑客