如果在美国生的,国籍很难剥夺;但如果是其他国家出生归化移民美国的,剥夺国籍并不难。 再说就算是美国生的, 想剥夺你一样可以! The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that a person born a citizen of this country cannot lose their nationality unless they voluntarily and intentionally relinquish it. However, there are certain behaviors that can result in a loss of nationality even if you were born in the United States.
https://www.usa.gov/renounce-lose-citizenship Renounce or lose your citizenship Renouncing and losing your citizenship both result in no longer being a U.S. citizen. Learn how to voluntarily renounce your citizenship or how you might involuntarily lose it. What happens when you renounce or lose your U.S. citizenship Renouncing or losing your citizenship both happen under very limited circumstances. Both mean that you: No longer have rights and responsibilities as a U.S. citizen. But you may still be: Subject to tax payments Eligible for Social Security benefits Must become a citizen of another nation or risk becoming "stateless" May need a visa to return to the U.S. How to renounce your U.S. citizenship Contact the U.S. embassy or consulate in the country where you intend to live to sign an oath to renounce your U.S. citizenship. Learn more about the renunciation process. How you may lose your U.S. citizenship You may lose your U.S. citizenship in specific cases, including if you: Run for public office in a foreign country (under certain conditions) Enter military service in a foreign country (under certain conditions) Apply for citizenship in a foreign country with the intention of giving up U.S. citizenship Commit an act of treason against the United States Are a naturalized U.S. citizen who faces denaturalization due to committing certain crimes Learn more about acts that could result in losing your U.S. citizenship. LAST UPDATED: January 11, 2024
"If Kamala Harris waves a wand, illegally, and says these people are now here legally, I'm still going to call them illegal aliens," Vance said. "An illegal action by Kamala Harris does not make an alien legal. That is not how this works."
I 20 是留学签证,非移民签证,给你的基础就是是留学生承诺自己不会移民美国的啊。 如果硬找茬,还不是一找就找到?当年对签证官撒谎,虚假陈词,这些都可以作为取消你绿卡和公民申请的原因啊。 参看Fraudsters这一条: Fraudsters & Other Criminals U.S. v. Mondino, No. 18-cv-21840 (S.D. Fla.). Successful civil denaturalization of an individual convicted of conspiring to defraud the U.S. Export-Import Bank of more than $24 million, resulting in more than $12 million in unrecovered losses. Because of the denaturalization proceedings, the defendant self-deported. U.S. v. Warsame cases, Nos. 17-cv-5023, -5024, -5025, -5027 (D. Minn.). Successful civil denaturalizations of four individuals who fraudulently claimed to be a family to gain admission to the United States through the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program.
回复 31楼 senyart 的帖子 “The media loves to say that the Haitian migrants hundreds of thousands of them, by the way, 20,000 in Springfield, but hundreds of thousands of them all across the country, they are here legally,” Vance said. “And what they mean is that Kamala Harris used two separate programs, mass parole and temporary protective status ... to wave a wand and to say, ‘We're not going to deport those people here.’” He added: “Well, if Kamala Harris waves the wand illegally and says these people are now here legally, I'm still going to call them an illegal alien. And illegal action from Kamala Harris does not make an alien legal. That is not how this works.” 川普第一个term下uscis就已经从行政手段上各种对h1b,eb绿卡各种限制过了。biden上台后又给放松了。比如当年eb1的bar一下子高了很多,eb23的ref多了很多,h1b额外加的专业对口要求,超级细化的944表,etc。合法移民路上每一步都加了难度。每次跟还没拿到绿卡的同事聊天大家都能听一耳朵。抱怨的人不限中印。欧洲的同事也一样。
看新闻只看一半的人真恐怖 Haitian migrants with legal immigration status are “illegal aliens” who have been unlawfully protected 别人说的是海地移民,他们这种不是通过正常程序拿到合法移民的人。 不了解他们是怎么“合法的”自己的去看看EB4的排期是这么变化的
bsnow 发表于 2024-09-19 10:34 看新闻只看一半的人真恐怖 Haitian migrants with legal immigration status are “illegal aliens” who have been unlawfully protected 别人说的是海地移民,他们这种不是通过正常程序拿到合法移民的人。 不了解他们是怎么“合法的”自己的去看看EB4的排期是这么变化的
bsnow 发表于 2024-09-19 10:34 看新闻只看一半的人真恐怖 Haitian migrants with legal immigration status are “illegal aliens” who have been unlawfully protected 别人说的是海地移民,他们这种不是通过正常程序拿到合法移民的人。 不了解他们是怎么“合法的”自己的去看看EB4的排期是这么变化的
https://www.usa.gov/renounce-lose-citizenship Renounce or lose your citizenship Renouncing and losing your citizenship both result in no longer being a U.S. citizen. Learn how to voluntarily renounce your citizenship or how you might involuntarily lose it. What happens when you renounce or lose your U.S. citizenship Renouncing or losing your citizenship both happen under very limited circumstances. Both mean that you: No longer have rights and responsibilities as a U.S. citizen. But you may still be: Subject to tax payments Eligible for Social Security benefits Must become a citizen of another nation or risk becoming "stateless" May need a visa to return to the U.S. How to renounce your U.S. citizenship Contact the U.S. embassy or consulate in the country where you intend to live to sign an oath to renounce your U.S. citizenship. Learn more about the renunciation process. How you may lose your U.S. citizenship You may lose your U.S. citizenship in specific cases, including if you: Run for public office in a foreign country (under certain conditions) Enter military service in a foreign country (under certain conditions) Apply for citizenship in a foreign country with the intention of giving up U.S. citizenship Commit an act of treason against the United States Are a naturalized U.S. citizen who faces denaturalization due to committing certain crimes Learn more about acts that could result in losing your U.S. citizenship. LAST UPDATED: January 11, 2024
Oh . Comitted a treason .... Um .... 让我想到red scare period . 这个真的可怕。怎么感觉和文革靠拢相似的感觉了?(一定是错觉~~~) 话说,那以后有没有可能我们这些人又被迫和孩子分开的风险啊?(孩子是美国生,长大的。我们不是。 他们想吸收下一代洗脑什么的? 呃, 不说了,变恐怖故事了) 反正现在还有华裔要去选懂王加weird 组合吗?如果真的对民主党的政策不满极了。 其实我们不需要极端。可以总统选HT组合。然后自己本地村的位置选不是MAGA的GOP呀。 也能起到制衡啊。
🔥 最新回帖
给你科普一下,海地曾经是美国占领地区,长达two decades
海地移民的TPS 身份是政府给的,政府给乌克兰人paper 你就认,政府给海地人的paper 你就不认,凭啥? 除非你连这届政府合法性都不认可了。
而且川普时代Stephen Miller 在谋划一个de naturalization 计划,你怎么看
好好的西海岸移民二代,父母都是教授,自己名校毕业,事业有成,换成ABC绝对是别人家爬藤的牛娃。结果嫁给这么一个white trash,现在一副attention whore的样子整天给一帮老白男摇旗呐喊,自己两个小孩天天被吃瓜群众群嘲,哪天说不定就被Vance糟糠下堂了
🛋️ 沙发板凳
那我们这些当年的留学生,拿I 20来美国的,岂不是一句话就可以被吊销绿卡和公民身份吗?
原文链接在哪里? 求一个,谢谢
黄川粉 大喊 我们的心是白的! 比好多白人的都白!
如果在美国生的,国籍很难剥夺;但如果是其他国家出生归化移民美国的,剥夺国籍并不难。 再说就算是美国生的, 想剥夺你一样可以!
The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that a person born a citizen of this country cannot lose their nationality unless they voluntarily and intentionally relinquish it. However, there are certain behaviors that can result in a loss of nationality even if you were born in the United States.
Renounce or lose your citizenship
Renouncing and losing your citizenship both result in no longer being a U.S. citizen. Learn how to voluntarily renounce your citizenship or how you might involuntarily lose it.
What happens when you renounce or lose your U.S. citizenship Renouncing or losing your citizenship both happen under very limited circumstances. Both mean that you: No longer have rights and responsibilities as a U.S. citizen. But you may still be: Subject to tax payments Eligible for Social Security benefits Must become a citizen of another nation or risk becoming "stateless" May need a visa to return to the U.S. How to renounce your U.S. citizenship Contact the U.S. embassy or consulate in the country where you intend to live to sign an oath to renounce your U.S. citizenship. Learn more about the renunciation process.
How you may lose your U.S. citizenship You may lose your U.S. citizenship in specific cases, including if you: Run for public office in a foreign country (under certain conditions) Enter military service in a foreign country (under certain conditions) Apply for citizenship in a foreign country with the intention of giving up U.S. citizenship Commit an act of treason against the United States Are a naturalized U.S. citizen who faces denaturalization due to committing certain crimes Learn more about acts that could result in losing your U.S. citizenship.
LAST UPDATED: January 11, 2024
你就是来这里 劝说 别人
不要给他 投票对吧
"If Kamala Harris waves a wand, illegally, and says these people are now here legally, I'm still going to call them illegal aliens," Vance said. "An illegal action by Kamala Harris does not make an alien legal. That is not how this works."
你若来路不正,靠的是独轮运、真偷渡假政庇,那么你真的得心慌慌鸟!否则,像咱们留学、工作、绿卡、入籍一路下来的"good citizens" 就问心无愧咯。问题是:您真地问心无愧吗???
I 20 是留学签证,非移民签证,给你的基础就是是留学生承诺自己不会移民美国的啊。 如果硬找茬,还不是一找就找到?当年对签证官撒谎,虚假陈词,这些都可以作为取消你绿卡和公民申请的原因啊。
Fraudsters & Other Criminals U.S. v. Mondino, No. 18-cv-21840 (S.D. Fla.). Successful civil denaturalization of an individual convicted of conspiring to defraud the U.S. Export-Import Bank of more than $24 million, resulting in more than $12 million in unrecovered losses. Because of the denaturalization proceedings, the defendant self-deported. U.S. v. Warsame cases, Nos. 17-cv-5023, -5024, -5025, -5027 (D. Minn.). Successful civil denaturalizations of four individuals who fraudulently claimed to be a family to gain admission to the United States through the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program.
绿卡的学名是permanent resident,移民签证是IR5啊,IR1这类的签证。
当然。每个人当初签证的时候都说了会回中国。显然所有转公民的都在签证的时候撒谎了。剥夺公民并关监狱十年没毛病。law and order!
怪不得川普总统御批尔等:china virus!
疫情期间中国签证作废 美籍回不去 但绿卡没人卡啊 你朋友的经历不是恰恰证明了你是错的么
“The media loves to say that the Haitian migrants hundreds of thousands of them, by the way, 20,000 in Springfield, but hundreds of thousands of them all across the country, they are here legally,” Vance said. “And what they mean is that Kamala Harris used two separate programs, mass parole and temporary protective status ... to wave a wand and to say, ‘We're not going to deport those people here.’” He added: “Well, if Kamala Harris waves the wand illegally and says these people are now here legally, I'm still going to call them an illegal alien. And illegal action from Kamala Harris does not make an alien legal. That is not how this works.” 川普第一个term下uscis就已经从行政手段上各种对h1b,eb绿卡各种限制过了。biden上台后又给放松了。比如当年eb1的bar一下子高了很多,eb23的ref多了很多,h1b额外加的专业对口要求,超级细化的944表,etc。合法移民路上每一步都加了难度。每次跟还没拿到绿卡的同事聊天大家都能听一耳朵。抱怨的人不限中印。欧洲的同事也一样。
万斯只是作为副总统候选人当传声筒罢了,TPS似乎也影响了不许多人。Stephen Miller才是川普的移民政策制定者,他和川普本人在以上这篇报道中的政策主张,对所有的移民,包括已经入籍的,才是真的荒谬和可怕。
真是胡说八道。 疫情期间,只有绿卡的才能回中国。拿美国护照的,中国政府直接签证暂停,全都不让进。
这认知 很符合川粉身份
美国的一些工作, 白男真的不如其他族裔的人适合。。 比如我们医院手术室最近来了个白男护士, 相比菲律宾男护士真的不行。 白男护士很容易给病人压迫感, 对其他族裔的医生也爱找麻烦。。今天去CVS, cashier也有个白男, 也觉得不太适合服务行业。。。医院转移病人, 打扫卫生基本都是黑人 西裔在做, 白男真的都干不了。。总之, 少数族裔还有移民对美国人的生活品质和质量也是不可缺少的。。。
西裔和黑人也有很多人踏踏实实, 吃苦耐劳的。。华人中也有又懒又不可靠,总想不劳而获。。 比如华人超市的华人快递员有时都不好好送货。。西裔黑人干体力活至少高高兴兴的, 华人干体力活, 还要求这要求那, 还要骂骂咧咧的。。
造谣吧就 他又不是没当过总统 在位都时候你听过他什么时候干过这个?
他是那根葱,啥时候轮到他有资格认定ANYTHING? 别忘了希特勒把他认定的犹太人都赶去焚化炉了,可别以为一定有遣返的机会哦。
Haitian migrants with legal immigration status are “illegal aliens” who have been unlawfully protected
TPS 就是Legal Status,你比政府都厉害,合法还是非法是你决定的还是政府决定的?
的确,maga黄疮中毒太深 不过摆事实讲道理 能救几个救几个吧
很多黄右不也受过高等教育 有用吗
他比万斯还厉害,一个曲线就让你大选作弊,再一个曲线就合法移民变非法, 哈哈
Oh .
Comitted a treason .... Um .... 让我想到red scare period .
话说,那以后有没有可能我们这些人又被迫和孩子分开的风险啊?(孩子是美国生,长大的。我们不是。 他们想吸收下一代洗脑什么的? 呃, 不说了,变恐怖故事了)
反正现在还有华裔要去选懂王加weird 组合吗?如果真的对民主党的政策不满极了。 其实我们不需要极端。可以总统选HT组合。然后自己本地村的位置选不是MAGA的GOP呀。 也能起到制衡啊。
这是左派危言耸听吗。这不是JD 自己亲口说的合法移民他该不认也可以不认吗
白人至上:嫌我们国家不好,就滚回你们shithole! MAGA:投票我们川大统领,一夜带你回天堂!
这货没脸没皮 连laura这种侮辱他阿三老婆这种,他都能若无其事 就是怕得罪老大的小老婆
今年看这俩邪教头目的表演算是彻底明白了 他们的竞选没有任何实际政策,就是靠两个恐吓议题 1.移民 每天听maga们喊美国人天天被移民奸杀抢夺,真是人间地狱。生活中遇到的墨西哥人反而往往是勤快干活快乐生活的人,正如我们先辈移民,弥补了劳动力不足,提振了经济 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hC7-2wjuJEw&t=1s
这次海地移民,更是让人明白了很多细节。 原来的springfield,铁锈带经济失速,人口流失,小镇破落。正和JD Vance的书《Hillbilly Elegy》里所反思的,实际原因其实大家都清楚,懒人太多,小企业没有效益,只有倒闭。 引入劳动力,是州政府和联邦的合作计划,事实也证明了对小镇恢复活力很有帮助。 这当然会产生一些发展中的问题,生活压力,文化冲击,资源短缺。 但是是衰败,还是发展中解决问题,答案是显而易见的。看看录像里里根总统等人的发言,想想我们自己何尝不是得益者?
they "poisoning the blood of our country'------------------这何尝不是白人至上者对所有移民包括华裔的歧视?!!!
这种垃圾,竟然会有黄疮粉殚精竭虑的为他们辩护, 我们当然不是某些黑人打砸抢的支持者,但是我们要明白maga上台绝对不是解决那些问题的答案。所以先把疮党选下去是当务之急。
2.经济 疮党每天都在威胁经济要崩溃,人民要饿死。事实是什么,有眼睛有耳朵的人都能看到。 黄疮们还是闭上你们的臭嘴,停止造谣吧。你们已经臭大街了,不要再跑出来献丑了。
痛斥楼主断章取义的假新闻 乌克兰走的是USRAP,这个是乌克兰战争之前就有的,合法合规途径。但是很遗憾海地移民跟前苏联没有这种关系,但是乌克兰有。照章办事是本份。
what a coward!
连个decent 反种族歧视声明都不敢说,or压根就是认同的
就好像一个精神病站在大街上当众拉屎还说自己的屎特别香,大家会说,这人病得不轻,也挺可怜的; 而一个没有精神病的正常人就因为那个精神病家里有钱有势,也跟那个精神病站在一起在大街上当众拉屎还说自己的屎特别香,那么这个正常人就比精神病更可怕了