Negotiate with Moscow to end the Ukraine war and prevent nuclear devastation by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Donald Trump Jr., opinion contributors - 09/17/24 7:30 AM ET The New York Times reported Thursday that the Biden administration is considering allowing Ukraine to use NATO-provided long-range precision weapons against targets deep inside Russia. Such a decision would put the world at greater risk of nuclear conflagration than at any time since the Cuban missile crisis. At a time when American leaders should be focused on finding a diplomatic off-ramp to a war that should never have been allowed to take place, the Biden-Harris administration is instead pursuing a policy that Russia says it will interpret as an act of war. In the words of Vladimir Putin, long-range strikes in Russia “will mean that NATO countries — the United States and European countries — are at war with Russia.” Some American analysts believe Putin is bluffing, and favor calling his bluff. As the Times reported, “‘Easing the restrictions on Western weapons will not cause Moscow to escalate,’17 former ambassadors and generals wrote in a letter to the administration this week. ‘We know this because Ukraine is already striking territory Russia considers its own — including Crimea and Kursk — with these weapons and Moscow’s response remains unchanged.’” These analysts are mistaking restraint for weakness. In essence, they are advocating a strategy of brinksmanship. Each escalation — from HIMARS to cluster munitions to Abrams tanks to F-16s to ATACMS — draws the world closer to the brink of Armageddon. Their logic seems to be that if you goad a bear five times and it doesn’t respond, it is safe to goad him even harder a sixth time. Such a strategy might be reasonable if the bear had no teeth. The hawks in the Biden administration seem to have forgotten that Russia is a nuclear power. They have forgotten the wisdom of John F. Kennedy, who said in 1963, “Nuclear powers must avert those confrontations which bring an adversary to a choice of either a humiliating retreat or a nuclear war.” We should take this advice seriously. Putin has signaled numerous times that Russia would use nuclear weapons in extreme circumstances. In September 2022, Putin said, “If the territorial integrity of our country is threatened, we will without doubt use all available means to protect Russia and our people — this is not a bluff.” In March 2023, he struck a deal with Belarus to station tactical nuclear weapons there. Earlier this month, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov announced that Russia would be amending its nuclear doctrine in response to Western involvement in the Ukraine war. Imagine if Russia were providing another country with missiles, training and targeting information to strike deep into American territory. The U.S. would never tolerate it. We shouldn’t expect Russia to tolerate it either. This game of nuclear “chicken” has gone far enough. There is no remaining step between firing U.S. missiles deep into Russian territory and a nuclear exchange. We cannot get any closer to the brink than this. And for what? To “weaken Russia”? To control Ukraine’s minerals? No vital American interest is at stake. To risk nuclear conflict for the sake of the neoconservative fantasy of global “full-spectrum dominance” is madness. The war fever in the U.S. foreign policy establishment is at such a pitch that it is hard to tell whether they believe their own rhetoric. In last Tuesday’s debate, Vice President Kamala Harris conjured up images of Russian forces rolling across Europe. Surely she must know how absurd that is. For one thing, Russia can barely wrest a few provinces from Ukraine, which is by no means one of Europe’s great powers. Secondly, Russia made its war aims very clear at the outset — most notably Ukrainian neutrality and a halt to NATO’s eastward expansion. Hundreds of thousands of lost lives, and hundreds of billions of dollars later, no one is better off — not Europe, not America and certainly not Ukraine. It is past time to de-escalate this conflict. This is more important than any of the political issues our nation argues about. Nuclear war would mean the end of civilization as we know it, maybe even the end of the human species. Former President Donald Trump has vowed to end this war, but by the time he takes office, it might be too late. We need to demand, right now, that Harris and President Biden reverse their insane war agenda and open direct negotiations with Moscow. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is an environmental lawyer and public health advocate. Donald Trump Jr. is executive vice president of the Trump Organization.
by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Donald Trump Jr., opinion contributors - 09/17/24 7:30 AM ET
The New York Times reported Thursday that the Biden administration is considering allowing Ukraine to use NATO-provided long-range precision weapons against targets deep inside Russia. Such a decision would put the world at greater risk of nuclear conflagration than at any time since the Cuban missile crisis. At a time when American leaders should be focused on finding a diplomatic off-ramp to a war that should never have been allowed to take place, the Biden-Harris administration is instead pursuing a policy that Russia says it will interpret as an act of war. In the words of Vladimir Putin, long-range strikes in Russia “will mean that NATO countries — the United States and European countries — are at war with Russia.” Some American analysts believe Putin is bluffing, and favor calling his bluff. As the Times reported, “‘Easing the restrictions on Western weapons will not cause Moscow to escalate,’17 former ambassadors and generals wrote in a letter to the administration this week. ‘We know this because Ukraine is already striking territory Russia considers its own — including Crimea and Kursk — with these weapons and Moscow’s response remains unchanged.’” These analysts are mistaking restraint for weakness. In essence, they are advocating a strategy of brinksmanship. Each escalation — from HIMARS to cluster munitions to Abrams tanks to F-16s to ATACMS — draws the world closer to the brink of Armageddon. Their logic seems to be that if you goad a bear five times and it doesn’t respond, it is safe to goad him even harder a sixth time. Such a strategy might be reasonable if the bear had no teeth. The hawks in the Biden administration seem to have forgotten that Russia is a nuclear power. They have forgotten the wisdom of John F. Kennedy, who said in 1963, “Nuclear powers must avert those confrontations which bring an adversary to a choice of either a humiliating retreat or a nuclear war.” We should take this advice seriously. Putin has signaled numerous times that Russia would use nuclear weapons in extreme circumstances. In September 2022, Putin said, “If the territorial integrity of our country is threatened, we will without doubt use all available means to protect Russia and our people — this is not a bluff.” In March 2023, he struck a deal with Belarus to station tactical nuclear weapons there. Earlier this month, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov announced that Russia would be amending its nuclear doctrine in response to Western involvement in the Ukraine war. Imagine if Russia were providing another country with missiles, training and targeting information to strike deep into American territory. The U.S. would never tolerate it. We shouldn’t expect Russia to tolerate it either. This game of nuclear “chicken” has gone far enough. There is no remaining step between firing U.S. missiles deep into Russian territory and a nuclear exchange. We cannot get any closer to the brink than this. And for what? To “weaken Russia”? To control Ukraine’s minerals? No vital American interest is at stake. To risk nuclear conflict for the sake of the neoconservative fantasy of global “full-spectrum dominance” is madness. The war fever in the U.S. foreign policy establishment is at such a pitch that it is hard to tell whether they believe their own rhetoric. In last Tuesday’s debate, Vice President Kamala Harris conjured up images of Russian forces rolling across Europe. Surely she must know how absurd that is. For one thing, Russia can barely wrest a few provinces from Ukraine, which is by no means one of Europe’s great powers. Secondly, Russia made its war aims very clear at the outset — most notably Ukrainian neutrality and a halt to NATO’s eastward expansion. Hundreds of thousands of lost lives, and hundreds of billions of dollars later, no one is better off — not Europe, not America and certainly not Ukraine. It is past time to de-escalate this conflict. This is more important than any of the political issues our nation argues about. Nuclear war would mean the end of civilization as we know it, maybe even the end of the human species. Former President Donald Trump has vowed to end this war, but by the time he takes office, it might be too late. We need to demand, right now, that Harris and President Biden reverse their insane war agenda and open direct negotiations with Moscow.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is an environmental lawyer and public health advocate. Donald Trump Jr. is executive vice president of the Trump Organization.
大帝又又又扩军了, 三次共扩军50万,这数字和乌克兰统计的消灭俄军60万相近。 巧和、真是巧合了….
普京签署总统令 将俄罗斯军事人员扩增至150万人
普京上一次签署类似总统令是在2023年12月,当时他要求将俄罗斯武装力量编制人数增加至2209130人,其中包括132万名军事人员。 也就是说此次增加了18万军事人员,前两次则分别增加了13.7万人和17万人。
2022/02 开战 2022/08 6个月后扩编军事人员13.7万 2023/12 16个月后扩编军事人员17万 2024/09 9个月后扩编军事人员18万
环比间隔变短, 扩编人数增加…..
核弹有核弹的好处, 没有核弹, 第三次世界大战早开始了。
有些愚民就是盲目的自信, 核弹头来了, 吹口气就把核弹头原路吹回去了。 不要低估愚昧者的愚昧。
版上一群ID帮大弟吹核弹得有个两年半了, 期间大弟的红线都画成红毯了, 还吹,。这嘴功不得不服
核战真打起来, 德国波兰估计是第一批倒霉的。
核战争也没必要全球一起玩完, 先打出去两颗, 灭掉两个城市再说, 不行再灭掉 4 个。 肯定有先输不起的。
呵呵,你的担心可以理解 但是没有必要 美帝play这个game很在行的 敌进我退敌疲我扰的游戏将会继续一段时间
美帝等的是俄罗斯内部出问题 joe挂之前玻尿酸肯定被解决
川总越这样鼓捣,军队里人越明白他是大帝的puppet 很快小布什等大佬估计都出来让他闭嘴了
担心是应该的 毕竟独裁政府老大的面子大过天 但是putin不傻,只要他女儿还在,小老婆还搂在怀里,他是不会胡来的
问题是现在老普直接出来支持哈哈姐,哈哈姐要是冻蒜,被独裁政府支持的哈哈姐政府可怎么说呢 lol
普京以为大家都是傻子哈哈。 哈里斯说的是她上台后会继续支持乌克兰。川普说的是他上台让俄乌马上停战,并且还说了如果他在台上普京会很开心。主持人问他承认不承认如果乌克兰赢了会对美国有利,他都不敢回答这个问题。太明显的俄奸了。所以他才会引起民愤,最近不是一个白男就想暗杀他了吗?他越明显地支持普京,他上台就越没希望。
结果是哈哈姐冻蒜是被老普支持的结果 lol
是么,那你很像轮毒了 lol
网上说啥就是啥呀 lol
a proof in no time
nod 大家配合演戏
你说再送武器我就扔核弹了 欧美赶紧说‘不扔不扔’
下一步咋办 当然是继续常规肉搏呗
过三两月忽然发现 咦?怎么二毛又有武器了 美帝指德国 德国指英国 英国指以色列 玩一圈哑谜后继续肉搏 过一阵摸到莫斯科跟前了
大毛又要扔核弹了 欧美又开始拽二毛 支持谈判啊联合国讨论啊再来一轮 核蛋就再放放吧 你急眼了我就让步 你不嚷嚷了我就继续吃你豆腐 。。。
这就是个game 美帝擅长
已经700个老将军们签名表示疮总是国家安全威胁了 这个舆情是前所未有的
恰恰就是他这种爱刷新闻习惯会刷死他 拭目以待
川普应该明白,他不蠢是纯坏, 但川粉蠢啊,真的就信了
愚蠢。 用不用核当然要看局势发展, 又不是两年之前就决定了, 你不会这么蠢吧?
开战初期美国放话说如果俄罗斯用核, 黑海舰队将被团灭。 黑海舰队无了之后, 美国的表态是如果俄罗斯用核武器, 美国将立即摧毁俄罗斯的一切核设施。
事实都看到了, 俄罗斯红线无数次被践踏,直到现在被入侵43天也没有提用核武, 甚至将国土被入侵降调称作“恐怖袭击“。
俄罗斯有胆就扔出来, 可惜现在是一帮太监叫的欢, 比皇上都着急
“如果俄罗斯用核, 黑海舰队将被团灭” 这叫威胁?
当然字面上来说这叫威胁。。。。但有意义么? 就好像:“如果你打我家孩子,我就把你的帽子剪了”。。。你觉得这“威胁”有意义?
事实是大弟姐夫在红线被踩无数次后现在、在国土被入侵43天后根本不提核武器, 反倒是满世界托人协调和谈。
is Donald Trump Jr the favorite son?
至于“大弟姐夫在红线被踩无数次后现在、在国土被入侵43天后根本不提核武器, 反倒是满世界托人协调和谈”, 倒真是无所谓,我又没和你争那个,我只是指出你前贴中提到的威胁方式很可笑而已。你觉得我指出你的说法“可笑”无所谓,那我当然没意见啦。。。
核大战只有三个国家有最好存活条件: 1. 俄罗斯, 乌拉尔山脉 2.美国, 落基山脉 ,青藏高原
不是说其他地方没有山, 而是其他地方的人没有几十年不停的假设自己被核平, 然后拼命挖防核武洞洞
新西兰应该能躲过第一波核爆炸 但是后续辐射和核冬天不行