有个纪录片 the truth about cancer: a global quest 讲了大型制药公司被发现故意让女性患上乳腺癌 他们的检查手段和仪器就是致癌的 Charlene Bollinger和ty因为这部纪录片不断受到死亡威胁 仅仅是因为讲了癌症真相 ps 这个版上混的药厂代表不知道收了多少钱大讲特讲要多吃药多打疫苗 能不能让她多买几件衣服掩盖她丑陋的灵魂
我的理解是现在的guideline是每两年一次mammography, 这个是保险都包的,所以default先做。而B超不是的。 搜了一下,确实是这样。这是ChatGPT的答案: The current guidelines for early detection of breast cancer emphasize mammography as the primary screening tool for most women, with some supplementary roles for ultrasound depending on individual circumstances.
gigivivi 发表于 2024-09-17 11:02 我的理解是现在的guideline是每两年一次mammography, 这个是保险都包的,所以default先做。而B超不是的。 搜了一下,确实是这样。这是ChatGPT的答案: The current guidelines for early detection of breast cancer emphasize mammography as the primary screening tool for most women, with some supplementary roles for ultrasound depending on individual circumstances.
好吧。。还是问了ai Why Ultrasound Alone Isn't Enough: Ultrasounds are more commonly used as a diagnostic tool rather than for screening. They are great at distinguishing between solid masses and fluid-filled cysts, but they are less reliable at detecting early-stage cancers, such as microcalcifications. Ultrasound can also be operator-dependent, meaning its effectiveness can vary based on the skill and experience of the person performing the test. Conclusion: While ultrasound can be a useful supplement to mammography, particularly in women with dense breast tissue or when more detailed imaging is needed, mammograms remain necessary for routine screening because they detect a wider range of early-stage breast abnormalities, particularly those that an ultrasound might miss.
jennyalger 发表于 2024-09-17 11:20 好吧。。还是问了ai Why Ultrasound Alone Isn't Enough: Ultrasounds are more commonly used as a diagnostic tool rather than for screening. They are great at distinguishing between solid masses and fluid-filled cysts, but they are less reliable at detecting early-stage cancers, such as microcalcifications. Ultrasound can also be operator-dependent, meaning its effectiveness can vary based on the skill and experience of the person performing the test. Conclusion: While ultrasound can be a useful supplement to mammography, particularly in women with dense breast tissue or when more detailed imaging is needed, mammograms remain necessary for routine screening because they detect a wider range of early-stage breast abnormalities, particularly those that an ultrasound might miss.
“Ultrasounds are more commonly used as a diagnostic tool rather than for screening.” 这段话其实没有什么信息。用来确诊的检查不是一般比用来预防筛查的更准确有效么。而且,是“used”,保险不包screening用 B超,自然就用的少。 中国的screening 用B超,但确诊也会结合钼靶结果。 B超依赖医生水平倒是个合理的理由。做B超比做钼靶拍照对技师要求高多了。中国做B超的医生遇到的几个水平都挺高的,而且医生工资没有美国那么高。 美国医疗界等级森严,操作B超的不算是MD吧,另外还有个读片子的医生,这边做,那边医生只看片子给反馈,金贵的很。如果每个人都先做B超Screening 他们估计忙不过来
Inferno 发表于 2024-09-17 18:00 “Ultrasounds are more commonly used as a diagnostic tool rather than for screening.” 这段话其实没有什么信息。用来确诊的检查不是一般比用来预防筛查的更准确有效么。而且,是“used”,保险不包screening用 B超,自然就用的少。 中国的screening 用B超,但确诊也会结合钼靶结果。 B超依赖医生水平倒是个合理的理由。做B超比做钼靶拍照对技师要求高多了。中国做B超的医生遇到的几个水平都挺高的,而且医生工资没有美国那么高。 美国医疗界等级森严,操作B超的不算是MD吧,另外还有个读片子的医生,这边做,那边医生只看片子给反馈,金贵的很。如果每个人都先做B超Screening 他们估计忙不过来
WhiteSalvia 发表于 2024-09-17 10:00 有个纪录片 the truth about cancer: a global quest 讲了大型制药公司被发现故意让女性患上乳腺癌 他们的检查手段和仪器就是致癌的 Charlene Bollinger和ty因为这部纪录片不断受到死亡威胁 仅仅是因为讲了癌症真相 ps 这个版上混的药厂代表不知道收了多少钱大讲特讲要多吃药多打疫苗 能不能让她多买几件衣服掩盖她丑陋的灵魂
WhiteSalvia 发表于 2024-09-17 10:00 有个纪录片 the truth about cancer: a global quest 讲了大型制药公司被发现故意让女性患上乳腺癌 他们的检查手段和仪器就是致癌的 Charlene Bollinger和ty因为这部纪录片不断受到死亡威胁 仅仅是因为讲了癌症真相 ps 这个版上混的药厂代表不知道收了多少钱大讲特讲要多吃药多打疫苗 能不能让她多买几件衣服掩盖她丑陋的灵魂
发现: 乳房为不均匀致密型,这可能会掩盖小肿块。 未见可疑肿块、钙化或其他异常发现。可见典型的良性钙化。
结论: 良性。无恶性肿瘤的可疑迹象。建议一年后进行筛查性乳腺X线检查。
好滴 谢谢!
Charlene Bollinger和ty因为这部纪录片不断受到死亡威胁 仅仅是因为讲了癌症真相
ps 这个版上混的药厂代表不知道收了多少钱大讲特讲要多吃药多打疫苗 能不能让她多买几件衣服掩盖她丑陋的灵魂
do you really do every year?
你的意思是momma 不需要做?B超没啥危害吧
我自己要求做了B超,HD 保险,花了500刀。
我的理解是现在的guideline是每两年一次mammography, 这个是保险都包的,所以default先做。而B超不是的。 搜了一下,确实是这样。这是ChatGPT的答案: The current guidelines for early detection of breast cancer emphasize mammography as the primary screening tool for most women, with some supplementary roles for ultrasound depending on individual circumstances.
Why Ultrasound Alone Isn't Enough: Ultrasounds are more commonly used as a diagnostic tool rather than for screening. They are great at distinguishing between solid masses and fluid-filled cysts, but they are less reliable at detecting early-stage cancers, such as microcalcifications. Ultrasound can also be operator-dependent, meaning its effectiveness can vary based on the skill and experience of the person performing the test. Conclusion: While ultrasound can be a useful supplement to mammography, particularly in women with dense breast tissue or when more detailed imaging is needed, mammograms remain necessary for routine screening because they detect a wider range of early-stage breast abnormalities, particularly those that an ultrasound might miss.
中国体检都是作B超,B超不确定再加个钼靶检查。B超比钼靶便宜很多。而且后者有辐射。 所以医学上先做B超应该是有依据的,至少对亚裔。 搜到一篇2017年研究,“与不筛查相比,乳腺超声筛查和钼靶X线筛查的增量成本效用比分别为102 653元/QALY和201 309元/QALY。概率敏感度分析结果显示,乳腺超声和钼靶X线具有成本效用的概率分别为54.5%和26.2%。” 上面这个成本没看明白,好像B超更贵?
我个人觉得guideline中先用钼靶检查,对白人也许比B超有效,但也有部分原因是生产厂商的lobby。 -仅仅个人猜测,因为钼靶又有辐射又贵,对致密性效果很差,却被保险公司规定所有人必须先做,一定有原因。利益是最大的动力。
“Ultrasounds are more commonly used as a diagnostic tool rather than for screening.” 这段话其实没有什么信息。用来确诊的检查不是一般比用来预防筛查的更准确有效么。而且,是“used”,保险不包screening用 B超,自然就用的少。 中国的screening 用B超,但确诊也会结合钼靶结果。 B超依赖医生水平倒是个合理的理由。做B超比做钼靶拍照对技师要求高多了。中国做B超的医生遇到的几个水平都挺高的,而且医生工资没有美国那么高。 美国医疗界等级森严,操作B超的不算是MD吧,另外还有个读片子的医生,这边做,那边医生只看片子给反馈,金贵的很。如果每个人都先做B超Screening 他们估计忙不过来
哈哈 我有过雌激素导致的别的问题 所以紧张了点
谢谢 多运动多晃动吧 哈哈哈哈哈
FDA 现在的指导思想就是要做
根据我身体很多部位的b超经历,b超需要确定一个比较小的范围,仔细看。但如果是全乳扫描,非常依赖技师的技术,很可能很多小的结节扫不出来。 我之前乳腺/腋下有过几个cyst,一直b超跟踪,有时候我自己摸得到,b超师需要多次确认位置然后放大看;有时候摸不到,她们只能根据上次报告单里讲的大致位置,努力地找,经常还找不到。可以想象如果用这种方法想要看全乳腺,效率有多么低下。 如果能有一种手段先扫一遍知道重点要看的点,这几个点用b超来仔细看,可能是更有效的。 当然 以上全都是我作为病人仅根据自身经历,纯属外行的猜测。不代表任何专业意见。
谢谢分享🙏 之前做的是dense tissue,医生啥也没说 今年让他给我开B超,他不开,让继续做mammo,气死我了😡 实在不想再去做那个boobie panini受罪 😂
但是我今年的经历的确让我非常生气。 第一次,钼靶 + ultrasonic 第二次,让我去做MRI 第三次,钼靶3D + ultrasonic 现在又要我去做 MRI + biopsy
就几个月的时间,第三次做之前我就质疑医生,为啥不直接biopsy,废话连片,基本意思是走程序。 做的时候,我被扫了20多次,啥也没看见。 按照这种狗屁程序,没癌都扫出癌了。
不可以的在美国。 我也有同样的问题, 但是我的医生对我说这两个都得做。