U.S. news专门发了一篇文章解释川普抹黑移民吃宠物的背后逻辑,和当年排华法案一样的,当时也说华人吃猫狗。最主要的目的就是渲染这些人和我们不一样,是野蛮人。其实和希特勒和日本人搞种族屠杀一样的宣传,就是挑动一般人对这些人的仇恨,不再把那些人当人看。 所以说川普和JD之流用心很险恶。 NEW YORK (AP) — It's a practice that's about as American as apple pie — accusing immigrant and minority communities of engaging in bizarre or disgusting behaviors when it comes to what and how they eat and drink, a kind of shorthand for saying they don't belong. The latest iteration came at Tuesday's presidential debate, when former President Donald Trump spotlighted a false online tempest around the Haitian immigrant community of Springfield, Ohio. He repeated the groundless claim previously spread by his running mate, JD Vance, that the immigrants were stealing dogs and cats, the precious pets belonging to their American neighbors, and eating them. The furor got enough attention that officials had to step in to refute it, saying there was no credible evidence of any such thing. But while it might be enough to turn your stomach, such food-based accusations are not new. Far from it. Food-related scorn and insults were hurled at immigrant Chinese communities on the West Coast in the late 1800s as they started coming to the United States in larger numbers, and in later decades spread to other Asian and Pacific Islander communities like Thai or Vietnamese. As recently as last year, a Thai restaurant in California was hit with the stereotype, which caused such an outpouring of undeserved vitriol that the owner had to close and move to another location. Behind it is the idea that “you’re engaging in something that is not just a matter of taste, but a violation of what it is to be human,” says Paul Freedman, a professor of history at Yale University. By tarring Chinese immigrants as those who would eat things Americans would refuse to, it made them the “other.”
meishan123 发表于 2024-09-13 08:13 天呐,千万不能让疯子上台,万一任期里挂了,Vance就上台了,这个是更坏,因为巧舌如簧,阴险的很,会更容易迷惑试听。非常之阴险,把床铺bully别人说是you got to have some fun sometimes, 总之就是把影响很坏的行为正常化,还把twist成好的行为。非常坏。就是white trash mindset加上教育加持。还年轻,这要上台真不敢想。 辩论的时候把他们为什么说人吃猫吃够的深层逻辑讲出来就好了,很多人会被潜意识中受到影响的。实在是太坏了。
花样失焦 发表于 2024-09-13 14:15 Trump团队知道Harris团队肯定会给Bait,Harris团队也说我们肯定会下Bait,结果Trump还是上钩了。估计他的团队也很无奈。 Harris那会儿几乎每几句话就去捅一下,一会儿说,Putin would 'eat you for lunch' ,一会说,You are fired by 80 million people。直到说到Rally size,川普就忍不住了
Springfield的发言人,Ohio的州长都马上出来辟谣,可惜赶不上Trump、Vance、Musk和其他他们的支持者们传播谣言的速度。 今天这个城市已经有Bomb Threats,种族仇恨谣言带来的暴力立竿见影 The bomb threat "was issued to multiple facilities throughout Springfield,” the city said. “We ask the community to avoid the area surrounding City Hall vicinity while the investigation is ongoing and to report any suspicious activity to the Springfield Police Division.”
daremighty 发表于 2024-09-12 14:54 U.S. news专门发了一篇文章解释川普抹黑移民吃宠物的背后逻辑,和当年排华法案一样的,当时也说华人吃猫狗。最主要的目的就是渲染这些人和我们不一样,是野蛮人。其实和希特勒和日本人搞种族屠杀一样的宣传,就是挑动一般人对这些人的仇恨,不再把那些人当人看。 所以说川普和JD之流用心很险恶。 NEW YORK (AP) — It's a practice that's about as American as apple pie — accusing immigrant and minority communities of engaging in bizarre or disgusting behaviors when it comes to what and how they eat and drink, a kind of shorthand for saying they don't belong. The latest iteration came at Tuesday's presidential debate, when former President Donald Trump spotlighted a false online tempest around the Haitian immigrant community of Springfield, Ohio. He repeated the groundless claim previously spread by his running mate, JD Vance, that the immigrants were stealing dogs and cats, the precious pets belonging to their American neighbors, and eating them. The furor got enough attention that officials had to step in to refute it, saying there was no credible evidence of any such thing. But while it might be enough to turn your stomach, such food-based accusations are not new. Far from it. Food-related scorn and insults were hurled at immigrant Chinese communities on the West Coast in the late 1800s as they started coming to the United States in larger numbers, and in later decades spread to other Asian and Pacific Islander communities like Thai or Vietnamese. As recently as last year, a Thai restaurant in California was hit with the stereotype, which caused such an outpouring of undeserved vitriol that the owner had to close and move to another location. Behind it is the idea that “you’re engaging in something that is not just a matter of taste, but a violation of what it is to be human,” says Paul Freedman, a professor of history at Yale University. By tarring Chinese immigrants as those who would eat things Americans would refuse to, it made them the “other.”
Well said👍: “you’re engaging in something that is not just a matter of taste, but a violation of what it is to be human,” says Paul Freedman ’By tarring Chinese immigrants as those who would eat things Americans would refuse to, it made them the “other.” 大多数的美国人有理性有正义感,是不会被TRUMP之流挟持的
likepeace 发表于 2024-09-12 15:10 Well said👍: “you’re engaging in something that is not just a matter of taste, but a violation of what it is to be human,” says Paul Freedman ’By tarring Chinese immigrants as those who would eat things Americans would refuse to, it made them the “other.” 大多数的美国人有理性有正义感,是不会被TRUMP之流挟持的
Trump advisor Stephen Miller has a 4-minute meltdown after a journalist asks Miller to provide evidence for a false claim Miller made about crime rates in the US.
daremighty 发表于 2024-09-12 14:54 U.S. news专门发了一篇文章解释川普抹黑移民吃宠物的背后逻辑,和当年排华法案一样的,当时也说华人吃猫狗。最主要的目的就是渲染这些人和我们不一样,是野蛮人。其实和希特勒和日本人搞种族屠杀一样的宣传,就是挑动一般人对这些人的仇恨,不再把那些人当人看。 所以说川普和JD之流用心很险恶。 NEW YORK (AP) — It's a practice that's about as American as apple pie — accusing immigrant and minority communities of engaging in bizarre or disgusting behaviors when it comes to what and how they eat and drink, a kind of shorthand for saying they don't belong. The latest iteration came at Tuesday's presidential debate, when former President Donald Trump spotlighted a false online tempest around the Haitian immigrant community of Springfield, Ohio. He repeated the groundless claim previously spread by his running mate, JD Vance, that the immigrants were stealing dogs and cats, the precious pets belonging to their American neighbors, and eating them. The furor got enough attention that officials had to step in to refute it, saying there was no credible evidence of any such thing. But while it might be enough to turn your stomach, such food-based accusations are not new. Far from it. Food-related scorn and insults were hurled at immigrant Chinese communities on the West Coast in the late 1800s as they started coming to the United States in larger numbers, and in later decades spread to other Asian and Pacific Islander communities like Thai or Vietnamese. As recently as last year, a Thai restaurant in California was hit with the stereotype, which caused such an outpouring of undeserved vitriol that the owner had to close and move to another location. Behind it is the idea that “you’re engaging in something that is not just a matter of taste, but a violation of what it is to be human,” says Paul Freedman, a professor of history at Yale University. By tarring Chinese immigrants as those who would eat things Americans would refuse to, it made them the “other.”
Trump advisor Stephen Miller has a 4-minute meltdown after a journalist asks Miller to provide evidence for a false claim Miller made about crime rates in the US.
花样失焦 发表于 2024-09-12 15:02 Springfield的发言人,Ohio的州长都马上出来辟谣,可惜赶不上Trump、Vance、Musk和其他他们的支持者们传播谣言的速度。 今天这个城市已经有Bomb Threats,种族仇恨谣言带来的暴力立竿见影 The bomb threat "was issued to multiple facilities throughout Springfield,” the city said. “We ask the community to avoid the area surrounding City Hall vicinity while the investigation is ongoing and to report any suspicious activity to the Springfield Police Division.”
主持人拉偏架? 真拉的话就不会让川普说了42分钟,Harris才说了37分钟。 如果不去correct川普的吃猫吃狗的谎话,这几天可能就有白人开车去撞移民了。 一个liar,loser, 尽说h谎,还说出生的婴儿会被杀掉,这个不能被correct? 川普就是个骗子,疯子, a national disgrace.
This is not an unintended consequence, it''s what the right-wingers pushing the "Haitians are eating dogs and cats" bullshit wanted all along: to trigger right-wing domestic terrorist attacks and mob violence. It''s a common right-wing tactic: Pick a soft target like a small-town city council, a "woke" teacher, or an ordinary liberal advocate, and sic the right-wing mob on them in order to serve as an example to others of what happens when you don''t conform to right-wingers'' narrow preferences on how to think, how to act, how to speak. These fascists are using the threat of violence to intimidate real Americans into silence and submission. Don''t let them win.
NEW YORK (AP) — It's a practice that's about as American as apple pie — accusing immigrant and minority communities of engaging in bizarre or disgusting behaviors when it comes to what and how they eat and drink, a kind of shorthand for saying they don't belong.
The latest iteration came at Tuesday's presidential debate, when former President Donald Trump spotlighted a false online tempest around the Haitian immigrant community of Springfield, Ohio. He repeated the groundless claim previously spread by his running mate, JD Vance, that the immigrants were stealing dogs and cats, the precious pets belonging to their American neighbors, and eating them. The furor got enough attention that officials had to step in to refute it, saying there was no credible evidence of any such thing.
But while it might be enough to turn your stomach, such food-based accusations are not new. Far from it. Food-related scorn and insults were hurled at immigrant Chinese communities on the West Coast in the late 1800s as they started coming to the United States in larger numbers, and in later decades spread to other Asian and Pacific Islander communities like Thai or Vietnamese. As recently as last year, a Thai restaurant in California was hit with the stereotype, which caused such an outpouring of undeserved vitriol that the owner had to close and move to another location.
Behind it is the idea that “you’re engaging in something that is not just a matter of taste, but a violation of what it is to be human,” says Paul Freedman, a professor of history at Yale University. By tarring Chinese immigrants as those who would eat things Americans would refuse to, it made them the “other.”
🔥 最新回帖
你们都是弱智吗? 一个满嘴瞎话的家伙被纠正难道不是正常吗? nm瞎话多就被纠正的多,难道这也讲究平权?
每次都是他have the last words。。。。 算了,跟你这种弱智都是白费口舌
下三滥政客就是这样,拉仇恨比赛来展现爱国博取政治资本 那些黄川粉还在sb呵呵的配合表演
🛋️ 沙发板凳
这一波宣传重点强调在ohio的海地移民 harris她爹是海地来的移民 vance是ohio的议员 应该都是设计好的
Harris 爹是牙买加移民, 不是海地。。这个言论确实是 Vance搞出来的反移民言论。。。
今天这个城市已经有Bomb Threats,种族仇恨谣言带来的暴力立竿见影
The bomb threat "was issued to multiple facilities throughout Springfield,” the city said. “We ask the community to avoid the area surrounding City Hall vicinity while the investigation is ongoing and to report any suspicious activity to the Springfield Police Division.”
她爸是Jamaica 的,不是海地,离得不远倒是。这么说也有道理,太阴毒了。吃猫吃狗的把我们中国人也带上了
Well said👍: “you’re engaging in something that is not just a matter of taste, but a violation of what it is to be human,” says Paul Freedman
’By tarring Chinese immigrants as those who would eat things Americans would refuse to, it made them the “other.”
华人女子因逮野鹅被抓了。 据世界新闻网报道,洛杉矶有一名华人女子在公园抓了一只野鹅,原本要拿回家做烧鹅吃。 而当女子的行为被制止时,她更振振有词地表示,她女儿喜欢吃鹅肉,抓了只野鹅炖汤吃,给女儿吃有错?却没有意识到,她的行为已严重触犯法律。
华人大妈公园抓野鹅炖汤 被抓还问「我有错?」 | 洛杉矶即时 | 洛杉矶 | 世界新闻网 (worldjournal.com)
Wild gooses are not pets. You are missing the point.
我刚到美国的时候也有人问我:中国人吃狗肉吗?我一开始不明白,还认真回答。 后来我才发现美国人以为的吃狗肉的意思是:我家里养着个宠物狗,某天回家,妈妈就指着桌上的饭菜说:快吃你的狗吧! 就算中国有个别地方有人吃狗肉,也完全不是吃宠物好吧!但是美国人的语境里,宠物相当于家人,吃宠物相当于吃家人,这么干的人就是妥妥的野蛮人。 关于海地移民的谣言说的还是海地移民 抓别人家的宠物吃,就是抓别人的家人吃,这种谣言简直太可恶了!!!
啥意思,移民里面有几个这种败类,我们全体都应该被picture成异类,应该被从上到下拎出来辱骂 白人这么多,各种深井冰更多,mass shooting还大多数他们干得呢。我能说白人都有基因问题都是深井冰吗
为什么呢? 小家伙为什么这么说呢?觉得政治太肮脏,还是水太深?
多亏主持人及时查证, trump的言论是歧视性言语, 会掀起反移民movement 的。。。 所以不能让trump 总出现在电视上。。 做为移民, 祈祷Harris-walz 获胜吧。。
学校真是最后的堡垒了,疫情时我们这有个孩子在学校说chinese virus,直接被停课,家长被叫去校长面谈的。
对啊, 所以trump这种言论很可怕。。
近现代的发展历程是:当年韩国车日本车横扫美国的时候,是主打韩国人日本人吃狗肉的调调,仇视排斥韩国人日本人。 后来才转攻中国人吃狗肉。
吃野生动物,鹅,鹿,熊,象拔蚌之类,是有证没证,在不在季节的问题。本身并不是moral turpitude 的问题。
吃别人家的宠物一是taboo, 二是theft。
只听说过有人抓鸽子炖 居然真有人抓鹅 话说鹅攻击性还满强的
有次在湖边不小心惹到一只野鹅(会飞那种), 被它追了好一段距离
连保守派代表的Bill O'Reilly 这种人都看不下了,觉得川普的言行已经不像个正常人了。直接在节目中否定了他。
鸽子算宠物吧, 信鸽是当宠物演的。 鹅不是, 鹅和鸡鸭一样本来就是养来吃的。 我说的是家鹅非野鹅。
友情提醒, 一不小心你这故事的版权可就没了 黄创粉可都饥渴着要立功呢
他们还和台绿的所谓大翻译计划相交莫逆, 会把你的故事添油加醋奉献给MAGA事业
主持人的fact check被认为是拉偏架,川普给ABC打电话让他们把参与这次辩论的人都fire掉
海地移民只是敲门砖,第一步, 其他族裔少不了的。你没看到现在X上,渲染黑人之间打架,黑人之间暴力的推送有多少!一天能轻松被推送几十次之多, 背后没有势力推动么? 我是不信的。
当年希特勒也是从打击坏犹太人开始的。先把犹太人分成好犹太人和坏犹太人, 先剿灭坏犹太人, 然后自己掌握好和坏的定义,慢慢铺开,一个不留。 这都是套路!
牛,这个主意好啊,川粉赶紧干,完了后宣布我们china virus 就是喜欢吃狗
对此黄右表示非常不满 学校教坏了自己的孩子
以色列弄巴勒斯坦人也是先说human animals的
笑死这人是谁啊 教科书式的恼羞成怒
很多白人,包括Sarah Palin,也是喜欢吃野生动物的,亲自用枪打下来那种
你怎么养孩子的,学政治? 你娃是中国人后代,除非你反华,不然你觉得你家孩子能当上什么职位?
ohio这次估计要翻蓝了 川普这边除了造谣也没别的招数了
主持人本来就拉偏架,另外看我前面发言,我不是川粉。 拉偏架确实是事实,主持人自己也说了就是民主党支持者
我抖音刷到很多和推特上面一样造谣哈里斯用智能耳机作弊的 因为中俄都希望川普当选 因为川普当选,乌克兰战争就输了,俄罗斯胜利,中俄势力就继续扩大了
你们让孩子学政治的都是疯子 你孩子是中国人后代,除非你反华,不然职业生涯不可能顺利
纳粹德国对犹太人,以色列对巴勒斯坦人的称呼都是 “human animal “
一个liar,loser, 尽说h谎,还说出生的婴儿会被杀掉,这个不能被correct?
川普就是个骗子,疯子, a national disgrace.
看不出主持人拉偏架的都是瞎了 主持人问的问题也不一样 为什么不问通胀的问题呢?为什么不问哈里斯在野为什么屁都没干出来呢? 很明显的拉偏架,看不出的就是瞎了
这说的是人话吗?人家孩子喜欢,学政治有什么问题? 你有什么资格这么教训人家?
哈哈,哈里斯很“狡猾”,主持人问她不好回答的问题的时候,就扔出“rally size”这根骨头,川普果然就跟狗一样去追那根骨头了,失去了攻击哈里斯最好的机会
[from reddit.com, link: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ohio/comments/1ff4ys3/comment/lmsbi7s/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button]
This is not an unintended consequence, it''s what the right-wingers pushing the "Haitians are eating dogs and cats" bullshit wanted all along: to trigger right-wing domestic terrorist attacks and mob violence. It''s a common right-wing tactic: Pick a soft target like a small-town city council, a "woke" teacher, or an ordinary liberal advocate, and sic the right-wing mob on them in order to serve as an example to others of what happens when you don''t conform to right-wingers'' narrow preferences on how to think, how to act, how to speak. These fascists are using the threat of violence to intimidate real Americans into silence and submission. Don''t let them win.
这是右翼分子的惯用伎俩:挑选一个软目标,如小镇的市议会、“觉醒 ”的教师或普通的自由派倡导者,让右翼暴徒对他们施暴,以儆效尤,让他们知道如果不遵从右翼分子狭隘的思想、行为和言论偏好,会有什么后果。
这就是为什么川普这种人不能在台上的原因,他根本毫无责任感,任意撒谎,煽动基本盘挑起暴力。以前的China Virus造成的Anti Asian crime 大增还有国会山骚乱都是前车之鉴。