"I will be casting my vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in the 2024 Presidential Election," Swift said in a post on Instagram. "I’m voting for @kamalaharris because she fights for the rights and causes I believe need a warrior to champion them. I think she is a steady-handed, gifted leader and I believe we can accomplish so much more in this country if we are led by calm and not chaos. I was so heartened and impressed by her selection of running mate @timwalz, who has been standing up for LGBTQ+ rights, IVF, and a woman’s right to her own body for decades." "I’ve done my research, and I’ve made my choice," the Grammy-winning artist added. "Your research is all yours to do, and the choice is yours to make. I also want to say, especially to first time voters: Remember that in order to vote, you have to be registered! I also find it’s much easier to vote early. I’ll link where to register and find early voting dates and info in my story."
已经有不少了,他的副总统彭斯,以前的两个Secretary of Defense,等等 1. His vice president, Mike Pence: “The American people deserve to know that President Trump asked me to put him over my oath to the Constitution. … Anyone who puts himself over the Constitution should never be president of the United States.” 2. His second attorney general, Bill Barr: “Someone who engaged in that kind of bullying about a process that is fundamental to our system and to our self-government shouldn’t be anywhere near the Oval Office.” 3. His first secretary of defense, James Mattis: “Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people – does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us.” 4. His second secretary of defense, Mark Esper: “I think he’s unfit for office. … He puts himself before country. His actions are all about him and not about the country. And then, of course, I believe he has integrity and character issues as well.” 5. His chairman of the joint chiefs, retired Gen. Mark Milley, seemed to invoke Trump: “We don’t take an oath to a wannabe dictator. We take an oath to the Constitution and we take an oath to the idea that is America – and we’re willing to die to protect it.” 6. His first secretary of state, Rex Tillerson: “(Trump’s) understanding of global events, his understanding of global history, his understanding of US history was really limited. It’s really hard to have a conversation with someone who doesn’t even understand the concept for why we’re talking about this.” 7. His second national security adviser, HR McMaster: “We saw the absence of leadership, really anti-leadership, and what that can do to our country.” 8. His third national security adviser, John Bolton: “I believe (foreign leaders) think he is a laughing fool.” 9. His second chief of staff, John Kelly: “A person that has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law. There is nothing more that can be said. God help us.” 10. His former acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, who resigned as US special envoy to Ireland after January 6, 2021: “I quit because I think he failed at being the president when we needed him to be that.” https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/03/politics/donald-trump-former-allies-what-matters/index.html
花样失焦 发表于 2024-09-10 23:32 已经有不少了,他的副总统彭斯,以前的两个Secretary of Defense,等等 1. His vice president, Mike Pence: “The American people deserve to know that President Trump asked me to put him over my oath to the Constitution. … Anyone who puts himself over the Constitution should never be president of the United States.” 2. His second attorney general, Bill Barr: “Someone who engaged in that kind of bullying about a process that is fundamental to our system and to our self-government shouldn’t be anywhere near the Oval Office.” 3. His first secretary of defense, James Mattis: “Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people – does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us.” 4. His second secretary of defense, Mark Esper: “I think he’s unfit for office. … He puts himself before country. His actions are all about him and not about the country. And then, of course, I believe he has integrity and character issues as well.” 5. His chairman of the joint chiefs, retired Gen. Mark Milley, seemed to invoke Trump: “We don’t take an oath to a wannabe dictator. We take an oath to the Constitution and we take an oath to the idea that is America – and we’re willing to die to protect it.” 6. His first secretary of state, Rex Tillerson: “(Trump’s) understanding of global events, his understanding of global history, his understanding of US history was really limited. It’s really hard to have a conversation with someone who doesn’t even understand the concept for why we’re talking about this.” 7. His second national security adviser, HR McMaster: “We saw the absence of leadership, really anti-leadership, and what that can do to our country.” 8. His third national security adviser, John Bolton: “I believe (foreign leaders) think he is a laughing fool.” 9. His second chief of staff, John Kelly: “A person that has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law. There is nothing more that can be said. God help us.” 10. His former acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, who resigned as US special envoy to Ireland after January 6, 2021: “I quit because I think he failed at being the president when we needed him to be that.” https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/03/politics/donald-trump-former-allies-what-matters/index.html
"I’ve done my research, and I’ve made my choice," the Grammy-winning artist added. "Your research is all yours to do, and the choice is yours to make. I also want to say, especially to first time voters: Remember that in order to vote, you have to be registered! I also find it’s much easier to vote early. I’ll link where to register and find early voting dates and info in my story."
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🛋️ 沙发板凳
先从Taylor Swift 生活作风说起。男朋友换了一个又一个
川粉: Taylor swift 一路睡上去的。在mv里搔首弄姿,childless cat lady。
Cat Lady
这张图片用的太有用意了,哈哈 当时childless cat lady的言论刚出来时,Swifties就贴过这个系列的照片
大家都知道川粉有多疯狂。Taylor Swift这么做真是需要非常大的勇气。太赞了!
已经有不少了,他的副总统彭斯,以前的两个Secretary of Defense,等等 1. His vice president, Mike Pence: “The American people deserve to know that President Trump asked me to put him over my oath to the Constitution. … Anyone who puts himself over the Constitution should never be president of the United States.” 2. His second attorney general, Bill Barr: “Someone who engaged in that kind of bullying about a process that is fundamental to our system and to our self-government shouldn’t be anywhere near the Oval Office.” 3. His first secretary of defense, James Mattis: “Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people – does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us.” 4. His second secretary of defense, Mark Esper: “I think he’s unfit for office. … He puts himself before country. His actions are all about him and not about the country. And then, of course, I believe he has integrity and character issues as well.” 5. His chairman of the joint chiefs, retired Gen. Mark Milley, seemed to invoke Trump: “We don’t take an oath to a wannabe dictator. We take an oath to the Constitution and we take an oath to the idea that is America – and we’re willing to die to protect it.” 6. His first secretary of state, Rex Tillerson: “(Trump’s) understanding of global events, his understanding of global history, his understanding of US history was really limited. It’s really hard to have a conversation with someone who doesn’t even understand the concept for why we’re talking about this.” 7. His second national security adviser, HR McMaster: “We saw the absence of leadership, really anti-leadership, and what that can do to our country.” 8. His third national security adviser, John Bolton: “I believe (foreign leaders) think he is a laughing fool.” 9. His second chief of staff, John Kelly: “A person that has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law. There is nothing more that can be said. God help us.” 10. His former acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, who resigned as US special envoy to Ireland after January 6, 2021: “I quit because I think he failed at being the president when we needed him to be that.”
快赶上川普了! 笑不活了。。
而且很多第一次参与投票的年轻粉丝。 几年前还有GOP的政客在推特上嘲笑一个不满18岁的年轻粉丝,现在这帮粉丝都可以投票了
是的,她情商一直很高。 有些人是情商高但是三观不正所以没用在正道上, 她情商高三观也正。估计和她年少成名一直顺风顺水有关系。
Repeating the same lie does not make it true.
我男神被她睡了 I hate her
Taylor 的endorsement是一张大牌, 在什么时机出牌很重要。 对方出2的时候,你干嘛出王炸。 前一阵动静不大,而且已经一群名人都支持过了,没必要在那个时候表态。
所以我觉得肯定dem的团队和她的团队沟通过。 根据harris的辩论表现来决定什么时候发帖。 如果今晚表现不佳,她不一定会发。
脑残??我不允许你这么说Donald J. Trump!
翻译:"I'll impregnate you and lock your pussy."
大部分年轻人, 特别是20不到20岁的群体
本身就是, 很多人有生育困难, 他估计是不会考虑到的
她还有很多小学生中学生粉丝吧。 不知道她这种表态是帮到哈里斯多,还是会影响到她自己的粉丝群
what a joke
他和Trump 真是一路人!不要脸的!