我家是买的Wahl无线,用了十年,还行, 缺点是有点重,震动厉害,剪完俩娃头发手都麻了。 想着家里有三个人要理发,去年买了Novah® Professional Hair Clippers for Men, Professional Barber Clippers and Trimmer Set,有点小贵好像70,用了一年半了,很好用。
hahaha 这个推子看着不错。 下面一个一星评价口才真好: I almost only write reviews when I have positive experiences because there’s too much negativity in that arena. Most people just use the products and move on with their lives when the experience is average or good. These Cozmio clippers are terrible. The other morning I went to shave my head and realized my sink had leaked and rusted the blades on the Wahl clippers I’ve used every other week for two years. I ordered these. They came last night. I opened the packaging and read the instructions. Confirmed they were fully charged so I could buzz my head before work in the morning. I began the hair cut. They worked long enough for me to make myself look like Terry Bradshaw. Then they began shutting off. I looked to make sure the battery still had juice even though I had used them for only two minutes. It was at 97 percent. It kept doing it, leaving me to turn these off and then on, shave a tiny spot and do that over and over. It became clear these were not going to do the job. For reference, my hair after two weeks is like a 3 and I shave it with no guard. Its barely even a job for clippers but they couldn't handle it. I began crafting a story about the clippers, in a white dress with an updraft blowing it up exposing its underwear. “If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best.” The ONLY value I got out of these clippers was my own imaginations jokes roasting them. What was I supposed to do? I had to finish the job so I plugged in the rusty Wahl clippers. They were working as always. I nicked my head pretty deep and started bleeding all over, which is problematic because rust. Now I’m digging through my medical records to find out when I last got a tetanus shot. It was at least eight years ago so now I’m driving to the ER to get one. Two hours and four hundred dollars later I’m on my way to work. Insanely late. I got written up. I also get paid hourly so these clippers cost me the initial purchase, 400 at ER, and two hours pay as well as the hit to my perfect attendance record which is the only thing I pride myself on at my terrible job. I’m not sure I’ve had a worse experience with any product since I began buying stuff when I was 6 (candy), 35 years ago. Can’t wait to waste more time returning these via the UPS store drop off.
🔥 最新回帖
效果只要被剃的人乐意不就得了吗?人家上班上学无压力 就是效果了
🛋️ 沙发板凳
你Temu 或者amazon 上看看,有个套脖子上的兜子,特别好用。
省了被理发的人的时间,但增加了理发师的麻烦。收拾地上碎头发也比较烦,用套脖子上的兜子也要收拾兜子。 总而言之,外面剪对老婆来说最省心省力。除非疫情期间不得已
我真不懂。 他们1不需要layering , 2 不需要styling . 我剃和32刀能差哪里去?。 真是。
家里2 个男娃加娃爹, 疫情时电推子是省了很多, 不仅仅是钱, 还有疫情高峰时提心吊胆的出门压力
自己理发的话,可以用这个镜子 https://www.amazon.com/Rechargeable-Adjustable-Trifold-Telescoping-Cutting/dp/B09841G8TS
这个频道的理发教程非常好 https://www.youtube.com/@norman_hair
自从我留短发,还省了好多洗发膏! 我觉得你们推荐的理发推子都不好,我当初选的时候比较了半天,最后买了一款带左右两边侧剪的,类似这个 https://www.amazon.com/Clipper-Color-Complete-Haircutting-Coded/dp/B00006IVEN 证明是一个光明正确的决定:这两个侧剪太重要了。
你赚的太多了。可以买两个iPhone 16。一个给你老婆,另一个也给你老婆。
钱还是其实, 最重要是省了时间。又不需要预约, 又不需要等。
Now $139.00 You save $90.99 was $229.99
hahaha 这个推子看着不错。 下面一个一星评价口才真好:
I almost only write reviews when I have positive experiences because there’s too much negativity in that arena. Most people just use the products and move on with their lives when the experience is average or good.
These Cozmio clippers are terrible.
The other morning I went to shave my head and realized my sink had leaked and rusted the blades on the Wahl clippers I’ve used every other week for two years. I ordered these. They came last night. I opened the packaging and read the instructions. Confirmed they were fully charged so I could buzz my head before work in the morning. I began the hair cut. They worked long enough for me to make myself look like Terry Bradshaw. Then they began shutting off.
I looked to make sure the battery still had juice even though I had used them for only two minutes. It was at 97 percent. It kept doing it, leaving me to turn these off and then on, shave a tiny spot and do that over and over. It became clear these were not going to do the job. For reference, my hair after two weeks is like a 3 and I shave it with no guard. Its barely even a job for clippers but they couldn't handle it. I began crafting a story about the clippers, in a white dress with an updraft blowing it up exposing its underwear.
“If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best.”
The ONLY value I got out of these clippers was my own imaginations jokes roasting them.
What was I supposed to do? I had to finish the job so I plugged in the rusty Wahl clippers. They were working as always. I nicked my head pretty deep and started bleeding all over, which is problematic because rust. Now I’m digging through my medical records to find out when I last got a tetanus shot. It was at least eight years ago so now I’m driving to the ER to get one. Two hours and four hundred dollars later I’m on my way to work. Insanely late. I got written up. I also get paid hourly so these clippers cost me the initial purchase, 400 at ER, and two hours pay as well as the hit to my perfect attendance record which is the only thing I pride myself on at my terrible job. I’m not sure I’ve had a worse experience with any product since I began buying stuff when I was 6 (candy), 35 years ago.
Can’t wait to waste more time returning these via the UPS store drop off.
没看懂,什么是侧剪? 推子哪里不一样?
我们公司没有着装要求,短裤运动鞋上班的男士不要太多。我老板,高大帅气老美男,是个坚持每天衬衣西裤上班的,但是也是自己给自己用推子理发。开组会的时候大家聊起来过,其他男manager 也有这么干的,还交流怎么理的, 就是个人选择吧。 我自己动员娃出去理发,一个愿意,另外一个不愿意。
侧面如果保持短发动态的话,两周修减一次最佳,如果等一个月,侧面会太长,形状早就没有了。 侧面会横这长,容易看出来。上面的头发长一些看不出来
经常出门做头发呀……湾区这边有挺多韩国理发师剪的挺好的…要是你老婆剪的比理发师好就当我没说 反正我自己剪的超烂的,而且收拾碎头发很麻烦,帮我老公剪过两次就放弃了
在店里就提要求让人修啊。回来自己再修多麻烦。 我觉得理发的人基本技巧有,只是不上心,指出来了会修修
有些理发剪自带vacuum,比如这种, https://www.amazon.com/Remington-HKVAC2000A-Haircut-Trimmer-Clippers/dp/B00OLV3UN8/ref=asc_df_B00OLV3UN8/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=692875362841&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1867485392027400972&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9032178&hvtargid=pla-2281435183138&psc=1&mcid=0c5f21860d5637dc8a8ecfad5d69d9a8&hvocijid=1867485392027400972-B00OLV3UN8-&hvexpln=73。 剩下极少掉地上的就用吸尘器。
买个淘宝神器, 带脖子上 一圈,
推一圈, 直接倒掉, 前后十分钟都不要
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