如题,租客想安装电车充电桩"in your(我的) garage or near the driveway", 问我同不同意和希望我match 50% cost,有什么安全隐患吗?租客是个engineer,他说“ I have a friend who is a great electrician who would install it professionally and for free”。然后跟我鼓吹安了充电桩是房子的upgrade, add value to房子。 我们是远程管理,本就不容易,租客本身倒是交租按时又把房子打理得不错,但就怕有安全隐患,电车起火啥的,就麻烦了,安在车库外driveway上有可能吗?而且他的朋友来安装,我想至少得是个certified electrician才行吧。该同意或是拒绝吗?有什么注意事项? 谢谢大家出谋划策!
公用马甲5 发表于 2024-09-09 10:58 如题,租客想安装电车充电桩"in your(我的) garage or near the driveway", 问我同不同意和希望我match 50% cost,有什么安全隐患吗?租客是个engineer,他说“ I have a friend who is a great electrician who would install it professionally and for free”。然后跟我鼓吹安了充电桩是房子的upgrade, add value to房子。 我们是远程管理,本就不容易,租客本身倒是交租按时又把房子打理得不错,但就怕有安全隐患,电车起火啥的,就麻烦了,安在车库外driveway上有可能吗?而且他的朋友来安装,我想至少得是个certified electrician才行吧。该同意或是拒绝吗?有什么注意事项? 谢谢大家出谋划策!
回复 30楼 CaliforniaSun 的帖子 the most important is the wire must come from the electrical box, not share with anything wire. your tenant just take the charge with him, that is fine. the most cost is the wire and labor not the charge itself.
My tenants had the same request and asked if I can pay for it which I said no. Then he subsequently asked if we could share cost I said no. The cost would be labor and parts. The parts would depends on how far is the electric panel from the outlet, the further the more cost. The Tesla charger is a separate add on which tenants can take with them if they leaves
我们是远程管理,本就不容易,租客本身倒是交租按时又把房子打理得不错,但就怕有安全隐患,电车起火啥的,就麻烦了,安在车库外driveway上有可能吗?而且他的朋友来安装,我想至少得是个certified electrician才行吧。该同意或是拒绝吗?有什么注意事项?
充电口其实最好在室内, 漏电短路风险大大降低了, 还防止外人占用.
电车充电的风险完全在车本身的电源管理, 绝大多数车都有温控和各种短路保护, 相对是安全的
有充电口确实对房东有好处, 提升了房子的可用价值
他意思是labor是free parts肯定还要钱啊
室外墙上有outlet 的很常见的,找个电工做,不贵。那个outlet 还可以整个cover, 防水防雨
可能是想房东出一半电桩的钱,几百块? 如果不装也是插普通电插座,就是充的慢很多。要说有隐患,哪个都有吧。好像没听过家用电桩起火的新闻。
很久以前我家租房,房东就给装了个240V 的,皆大欢喜
I installed 5 of them, Im not electrical tech, but I'm a engineer, very easy, no permit need, in bay area . chargr $500 labor per one.
the most important is the wire must come from the electrical box, not share with anything wire. your tenant just take the charge with him, that is fine. the most cost is the wire and labor not the charge itself.
我印象中改电的东西一定要permit。之前我们外墙装个遥控的awning要加室外插座就是安装的人拍拍屁股装的,结果过不了检。 我老公自己是EE的,插座都买好了想自己装。后来幸好请的电工知道code...的确不是乱装就行的。这种高压电弄不好就要扩容。