不是很懂 美弟人民装傻吗 https://www.cnn.com/us/live-news/apalac ... index.html The US has endured an average of 1.5 mass shootings every day so far this year, data shows From CNN's Holly Yan The US has suffered at least 385 mass shootings so far this year, according to the Gun Violence Archive, which defines mass shootings as those in which four or more victims are shot. That’s an average of more than 1.5 mass shootings every day so far this year. The 385 mass shootings include Wednesday’s deadly rampage at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia. At least four people were killed and at least nine people were hospitalized with injuries, according to authorities. 今年比去年好一点 枪击最严重的是21年 不过那个 Gun Violence Archive网站统计也不全。虽然漏得不多,但是我知道的有漏
你才不读书,要不就是你理解能力不行。二修里面security of a free state是什么含义你解释解释?你张嘴就喷的根本就不了解二修是在什么历史条件下产生的,连美国高中历史的水平都没有。一个特定历史环境下产生的二修被保留至今,现在被蟆嘠党,枪棍各种延伸解释,当年的国父看见现在的乱象不气死才怪。 再说了,有史以来二修给予的持枪权利杀死的人多还是拯救的人多?它保卫了啥?那么多国家控枪,那些国家是比美国更不自由呢,还是更不安全?恐怕两者都不是。况且现在说的是控枪,又不是要禁你的枪。14岁的学生能搞到枪并实施mass shooting,要是有人觉得这也是正常的那么只能说明那人脑子里都是水。
https://www.cnn.com/us/live-news/apalac ... index.html The US has endured an average of 1.5 mass shootings every day so far this year, data shows From CNN's Holly Yan
The US has suffered at least 385 mass shootings so far this year, according to the Gun Violence Archive, which defines mass shootings as those in which four or more victims are shot.
That’s an average of more than 1.5 mass shootings every day so far this year.
The 385 mass shootings include Wednesday’s deadly rampage at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia. At least four people were killed and at least nine people were hospitalized with injuries, according to authorities.
今年比去年好一点 枪击最严重的是21年 不过那个 Gun Violence Archive网站统计也不全。虽然漏得不多,但是我知道的有漏
控枪跟 新冠 lockdown 差不多一个道理。
不lockdown, 不控枪, 美其名曰自由无价。
还好, 没傻到开车不看红绿灯。
不读书可以不要说话吗?2nd amendment就一句话要不要去读一下。
其实这个也未必全是二修的错, 高院也是愚昧的狠, 把二修解释称基本人权。 这个是 2000 年 NRA 的官司之后的才开始的。
二修高院都有错, 归根结底错在 GOP, 一群愚昧透顶的人, 丝毫不作为 , 连基本的严格控枪都反对, 不要低估这些人的愚昧无知。
你才不读书,要不就是你理解能力不行。二修里面security of a free state是什么含义你解释解释?你张嘴就喷的根本就不了解二修是在什么历史条件下产生的,连美国高中历史的水平都没有。一个特定历史环境下产生的二修被保留至今,现在被蟆嘠党,枪棍各种延伸解释,当年的国父看见现在的乱象不气死才怪。
再说了,有史以来二修给予的持枪权利杀死的人多还是拯救的人多?它保卫了啥?那么多国家控枪,那些国家是比美国更不自由呢,还是更不安全?恐怕两者都不是。况且现在说的是控枪,又不是要禁你的枪。14岁的学生能搞到枪并实施mass shooting,要是有人觉得这也是正常的那么只能说明那人脑子里都是水。