今天接到一个电话,号称是Costco的客服,报了我家的地址,还有我的账号email,上来说了几句英文后开始说中文,问我最近下单买的书柜送货服务怎样,因为之前有收到我的complain,还说我的账号最近买了好多东西,什么5个书柜,还有好几个dyson的产品直接寄到中国。我当即一头雾水,说我先查一下我的账号再给他打回去,让他给个回电,他推辞半天后给了一个425开头的号码。后来我赶紧查了我的citi Costco card和costco.com购买记录,并没有发现什么异常,并且他给我打电话的显示号码也是costco的customer service number。 后来我去Costco的网站上查发现了官网提供的信息 SCAM CALLS FROM "CHINESE COSTCO MEMBER SERVICE" We have been notified of people receiving scam calls disguised as our home office number (425-313-8100), Ecommerce number (800-955-2292), or Membership number (800-774-2678), stating they are from the “Costco Chinese Member Service." The scammers will have the person’s name, address, and phone number and attempt to convince them that an account in China has been opened in their name that now has fraud activity and that the police have been notified. The scammers are offering to communicate with our members in Chinese, if they prefer. 这里发出来一是提醒大家警惕,二是想和大家讨论下骗子通过这种行骗方式达到什么目的
SuanMeiTang 发表于 2024-09-04 10:40 今天接到一个电话,号称是Costco的客服,报了我家的地址,还有我的账号email,上来说了几句英文后开始说中文,问我最近下单买的书柜送货服务怎样,因为之前有收到我的complain,还说我的账号最近买了好多东西,什么5个书柜,还有好几个dyson的产品直接寄到中国。我当即一头雾水,说我先查一下我的账号再给他打回去,让他给个回电,他推辞半天后给了一个425开头的号码。后来我赶紧查了我的citi Costco card和costco.com购买记录,并没有发现什么异常,并且他给我打电话的显示号码也是costco的customer service number。 后来我去Costco的网站上查发现了官网提供的信息 SCAM CALLS FROM "CHINESE COSTCO MEMBER SERVICE" We have been notified of people receiving scam calls disguised as our home office number (425-313-8100), Ecommerce number (800-955-2292), or Membership number (800-774-2678), stating they are from the “Costco Chinese Member Service." The scammers will have the person’s name, address, and phone number and attempt to convince them that an account in China has been opened in their name that now has fraud activity and that the police have been notified. The scammers are offering to communicate with our members in Chinese, if they prefer. 这里发出来一是提醒大家警惕,二是想和大家讨论下骗子通过这种行骗方式达到什么目的
SuanMeiTang 发表于 2024-09-04 10:40 今天接到一个电话,号称是Costco的客服,报了我家的地址,还有我的账号email,上来说了几句英文后开始说中文,问我最近下单买的书柜送货服务怎样,因为之前有收到我的complain,还说我的账号最近买了好多东西,什么5个书柜,还有好几个dyson的产品直接寄到中国。我当即一头雾水,说我先查一下我的账号再给他打回去,让他给个回电,他推辞半天后给了一个425开头的号码。后来我赶紧查了我的citi Costco card和costco.com购买记录,并没有发现什么异常,并且他给我打电话的显示号码也是costco的customer service number。 后来我去Costco的网站上查发现了官网提供的信息 SCAM CALLS FROM "CHINESE COSTCO MEMBER SERVICE" We have been notified of people receiving scam calls disguised as our home office number (425-313-8100), Ecommerce number (800-955-2292), or Membership number (800-774-2678), stating they are from the “Costco Chinese Member Service." The scammers will have the person’s name, address, and phone number and attempt to convince them that an account in China has been opened in their name that now has fraud activity and that the police have been notified. The scammers are offering to communicate with our members in Chinese, if they prefer. 这里发出来一是提醒大家警惕,二是想和大家讨论下骗子通过这种行骗方式达到什么目的
遇到过!他们还扯东扯西叫我报警。reddit上的人说到了这一步他们会给你转接到一个假的警察局,然后就是著名的账户封锁骗局了 至于我为什么会接……因为在他们打来的前一周我刚刚在costco file了一个customer service 的complaint,我以为和那件事有关系-_-
后来我去Costco的网站上查发现了官网提供的信息 SCAM CALLS FROM "CHINESE COSTCO MEMBER SERVICE" We have been notified of people receiving scam calls disguised as our home office number (425-313-8100), Ecommerce number (800-955-2292), or Membership number (800-774-2678), stating they are from the “Costco Chinese Member Service." The scammers will have the person’s name, address, and phone number and attempt to convince them that an account in China has been opened in their name that now has fraud activity and that the police have been notified. The scammers are offering to communicate with our members in Chinese, if they prefer.
至于我为什么会接……因为在他们打来的前一周我刚刚在costco file了一个customer service 的complaint,我以为和那件事有关系-_-
我从来不接不在我contact list的电话。如果打电话的是来自我的银行或者确实是熟人但并未在我联系人名单的话,他们都会留言的。这样我可以确认这些留言的不是诈骗,然后再打过去。
他们会盗用caller 🆔 的好像