回复 1楼 cxying 的帖子 最新进展, 新的业主收回驱逐令,准备继续照料老人 Soon after a story went viral around the world about 96-year-old Jean Jacques of Pacific Grove Senior Living receiving a three-day eviction notice from owners Pacifica Senior Living—despite having a contract guaranteeing her care for life— the company reversed itself on Friday, Aug. 30. Jacques received word she can remain in her apartment for life, according to Bob Sadler of the P.G. Senior Living residents association. The story ran in the Weekly on Aug. 22 and on local TV news. On the morning of Aug. 30, the story appeared on the New York Post website, spreading to the Daily Mail in England and on blogs around the world by the afternoon. Jacques moved to what was then Forest Hill Manor, owned by California-Nevada Methodist Homes, 22 years ago. She paid a $249,000 entrance fee and then approximately $5,000 a month until her savings ran out 16 years after she moved in. She had a contract with Methodist Homes that said once her money ran out they would be required to care for her for the rest of her life. Pacifica purchased the facility in 2022, renaming it Pacific Grove Senior Living. The for-profit company was required by the California Attorney General's Office to honor all contracts. On Friday, Aug. 16, Jacques heard a knock on her door and was handed a three-day eviction notice. The notice said she owed $109,000 in back rent and fees. "They'll have to drag me out of here screaming and hollering," she told the Weekly. Many advocates came to her aid to block the eviction. Patricia McGinnis, founder of California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform called the notice "grossly insufficient," as it did not follow state law for evictions. Plans were in the works to find a lawyer for Jacques to fight the eviction, but now she'll be able to remain, as she was originally promised.
这里暂时不能怪政府 新业主接手的时候加州总检察长要求其honor all the contracts 是黑心业主拒绝履行义务 现在被媒体全面曝光之后挺不住了,退缩了。 本来其不占理,被曝光之后引起PR 危机,且弄不好会被告,还不如不要算计了,算计来算计去捡了芝麻丢了西瓜, 反正96的老人也活不了几年了。。。。
这种情况根据合同前业主对老人有liability,俺不了解相关法律,也不是律师, 但是俺认为对于一个养老机构, 破产清算 排在top priority 的应该是现有养老人员的liability 问题, 你买卖了其资产,却没有接手这个俺认为最核心的liability (在资本家眼里,也许只有欠另外一些资本家--银行的欠债才是他们应该处理的liability),基本肯定可以认定重大交易缺陷。类似于中国买卖房产不破租赁 这个问题在美国应该能通过打官司解决,但是这个老人恐怕没有能力和资源来打这个官司
我觉得她住的是assisted living,就是类似入住的时候交50万(买断),然后每月再付4千到8千月租(我2年前听说过的我们州某院的行情),据说那个50万就是用于她老了之后在里面看病的钱。
最新进展, 新的业主收回驱逐令,准备继续照料老人
Soon after a story went viral around the world about 96-year-old Jean Jacques of Pacific Grove Senior Living receiving a three-day eviction notice from owners Pacifica Senior Living—despite having a contract guaranteeing her care for life— the company reversed itself on Friday, Aug. 30. Jacques received word she can remain in her apartment for life, according to Bob Sadler of the P.G. Senior Living residents association. The story ran in the Weekly on Aug. 22 and on local TV news. On the morning of Aug. 30, the story appeared on the New York Post website, spreading to the Daily Mail in England and on blogs around the world by the afternoon. Jacques moved to what was then Forest Hill Manor, owned by California-Nevada Methodist Homes, 22 years ago. She paid a $249,000 entrance fee and then approximately $5,000 a month until her savings ran out 16 years after she moved in. She had a contract with Methodist Homes that said once her money ran out they would be required to care for her for the rest of her life. Pacifica purchased the facility in 2022, renaming it Pacific Grove Senior Living. The for-profit company was required by the California Attorney General's Office to honor all contracts. On Friday, Aug. 16, Jacques heard a knock on her door and was handed a three-day eviction notice. The notice said she owed $109,000 in back rent and fees. "They'll have to drag me out of here screaming and hollering," she told the Weekly. Many advocates came to her aid to block the eviction. Patricia McGinnis, founder of California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform called the notice "grossly insufficient," as it did not follow state law for evictions. Plans were in the works to find a lawyer for Jacques to fight the eviction, but now she'll be able to remain, as she was originally promised.
新业主接手的时候加州总检察长要求其honor all the contracts
现在被媒体全面曝光之后挺不住了,退缩了。 本来其不占理,被曝光之后引起PR 危机,且弄不好会被告,还不如不要算计了,算计来算计去捡了芝麻丢了西瓜, 反正96的老人也活不了几年了。。。。
合同里面没写终身 只是原来那个机构是实际上那样操作的 就是一种约定俗成的不成文规定 新机构想改这个不成文规定
要有这些钱去中国养老,再陪人说说英语, 不被当女王伺候着?
私人的那种吧? 没钱了可以去公立的,但条件比较差了,所以很多人不愿意把父母送到政府免费nursing home,要不就是在家自己照顾再找个帮手,要不然就是花钱住私人养老院。有的就是一个house里边3-4个老人。
其实这反而是个活广告 继续照顾赚了名声 然后如果活到了100+那就证明这里照顾的好 更有人愿意来了 这个机构真的是非得媒体曝光才害怕
刚看到她交了16年$5000 /month, 96万,加上开始的25万, 钱交的不少了。所以当年的百万富翁也活不起了。
你太不了解美国了 美国的律师是给资本服务的。 除非是class action,没几个律师会做慈善打这种官司的。