In Ayers v. Singh, 1997 CanLII 3410 (BCCA) the lead vehicle stopped suddenly at a green light after he became confused by a left turn signal that had turned red, and was then rear ended by a vehicle driven by the plaintiff: The trial judge found that the defendant's vehicle, which was the first of the three that I have talked about, came to a very sudden stop at the intersection. The trial judge also found that the reason why it did so was that the left turn lane signal had changed to prohibit traffic turning left and that Mr. Singh, who was not an experienced driver, reached the conclusion that the red light was for him and so he stopped. In fact, the light was still green for northbound traffic. The Chu vehicle, which was in the middle of the three vehicles, then struck the Singh vehicle.(Ayers v. Singh, 1997 CanLII 3410 at para. 3 (BCCA)). The Court of Appeal quoted the following passage from the trial judgment in which the trial judge concluded that the driver of the rear-ending vehicle was not at all responsible for the accident: [T]his was a situation where drivers still on the green phase coming to the stop line certainly expected to go on through the traffic and no doubt were accelerating at that time.When they were confronted with the sudden stopping there was insufficient time for them to apply their brakes and stop in a timely manner. I am of the view that under these circumstances that certainly was an agony of the moment where it would be very difficult to stop and although I have given consideration to the application of contributory negligence, I am of the view that in these particular circumstances I would discount that factor.(Ayers v. Singh, 1997 CanLII 3410 at para. 8 (BCCA), citing the trial judge). The Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal and upheld the conclusion of the trial judge that the plaintiff, who was the driver of the vehicle that rear ended the lead vehicle, was not at all responsible for the accident.
"追尾别的车,永远后车的错" 这个我不赞同 In Ayers v. Singh, 1997 CanLII 3410 (BCCA) the lead vehicle stopped suddenly at a green light after he became confused by a left turn signal that had turned red, and was then rear ended by a vehicle driven by the plaintiff: The trial judge found that the defendant's vehicle, which was the first of the three that I have talked about, came to a very sudden stop at the intersection. The trial judge also found that the reason why it did so was that the left turn lane signal had changed to prohibit traffic turning left and that Mr. Singh, who was not an experienced driver, reached the conclusion that the red light was for him and so he stopped. In fact, the light was still green for northbound traffic. The Chu vehicle, which was in the middle of the three vehicles, then struck the Singh vehicle.(Ayers v. Singh, 1997 CanLII 3410 at para. 3 (BCCA)). The Court of Appeal quoted the following passage from the trial judgment in which the trial judge concluded that the driver of the rear-ending vehicle was not at all responsible for the accident: [T]his was a situation where drivers still on the green phase coming to the stop line certainly expected to go on through the traffic and no doubt were accelerating at that time.When they were confronted with the sudden stopping there was insufficient time for them to apply their brakes and stop in a timely manner. I am of the view that under these circumstances that certainly was an agony of the moment where it would be very difficult to stop and although I have given consideration to the application of contributory negligence, I am of the view that in these particular circumstances I would discount that factor.(Ayers v. Singh, 1997 CanLII 3410 at para. 8 (BCCA), citing the trial judge). The Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal and upheld the conclusion of the trial judge that the plaintiff, who was the driver of the vehicle that rear ended the lead vehicle, was not at all responsible for the accident.
"追尾别的车,永远后车的错" 这个我不赞同 In Ayers v. Singh, 1997 CanLII 3410 (BCCA) the lead vehicle stopped suddenly at a green light after he became confused by a left turn signal that had turned red, and was then rear ended by a vehicle driven by the plaintiff: The trial judge found that the defendant's vehicle, which was the first of the three that I have talked about, came to a very sudden stop at the intersection. The trial judge also found that the reason why it did so was that the left turn lane signal had changed to prohibit traffic turning left and that Mr. Singh, who was not an experienced driver, reached the conclusion that the red light was for him and so he stopped. In fact, the light was still green for northbound traffic. The Chu vehicle, which was in the middle of the three vehicles, then struck the Singh vehicle.(Ayers v. Singh, 1997 CanLII 3410 at para. 3 (BCCA)). The Court of Appeal quoted the following passage from the trial judgment in which the trial judge concluded that the driver of the rear-ending vehicle was not at all responsible for the accident: [T]his was a situation where drivers still on the green phase coming to the stop line certainly expected to go on through the traffic and no doubt were accelerating at that time.When they were confronted with the sudden stopping there was insufficient time for them to apply their brakes and stop in a timely manner. I am of the view that under these circumstances that certainly was an agony of the moment where it would be very difficult to stop and although I have given consideration to the application of contributory negligence, I am of the view that in these particular circumstances I would discount that factor.(Ayers v. Singh, 1997 CanLII 3410 at para. 8 (BCCA), citing the trial judge). The Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal and upheld the conclusion of the trial judge that the plaintiff, who was the driver of the vehicle that rear ended the lead vehicle, was not at all responsible for the accident.
打了我们的insurance 他们说, 我们从后门撞了别人, 不管什么情况, 都是我们的错, 然后现在担心, 对方如果车完全不能开, transmission issue,这车基本上就报销了, 但是我们擦到她, 她会不会完顺势claim我们的insurance弄个新车。 还有就是, 我现在想起来, 我下次去看对方车的时候, 她在电话上, 然后完全没有任何表情,感觉好像没事一样, 如果是我被人撞了, 一定是很不自然的状态的, 所以不厚道得想, 这是不是新一类得碰瓷?
update: 谢谢大家公正的feedback,和正面的input。经过这件事物,我认识到,车会有些极端的状况下,完全不能操控的状态,这种情况非常可怕,尤其是是在晚上,或许我会考虑自己带上三角,如果这种情况发生在我身上,除了打双闪(如果车灯工作), 车后放上三角是对自己的保护,也保护别人。也借此提醒大家注意晚上开车可能会有想不到的情况,最后谢谢大家。
🔥 最新回帖
In Ayers v. Singh, 1997 CanLII 3410 (BCCA) the lead vehicle stopped suddenly at a green light after he became confused by a left turn signal that had turned red, and was then rear ended by a vehicle driven by the plaintiff: The trial judge found that the defendant's vehicle, which was the first of the three that I have talked about, came to a very sudden stop at the intersection. The trial judge also found that the reason why it did so was that the left turn lane signal had changed to prohibit traffic turning left and that Mr. Singh, who was not an experienced driver, reached the conclusion that the red light was for him and so he stopped. In fact, the light was still green for northbound traffic. The Chu vehicle, which was in the middle of the three vehicles, then struck the Singh vehicle.(Ayers v. Singh, 1997 CanLII 3410 at para. 3 (BCCA)).
The Court of Appeal quoted the following passage from the trial judgment in which the trial judge concluded that the driver of the rear-ending vehicle was not at all responsible for the accident: [T]his was a situation where drivers still on the green phase coming to the stop line certainly expected to go on through the traffic and no doubt were accelerating at that time.When they were confronted with the sudden stopping there was insufficient time for them to apply their brakes and stop in a timely manner. I am of the view that under these circumstances that certainly was an agony of the moment where it would be very difficult to stop and although I have given consideration to the application of contributory negligence, I am of the view that in these particular circumstances I would discount that factor.(Ayers v. Singh, 1997 CanLII 3410 at para. 8 (BCCA), citing the trial judge). The Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal and upheld the conclusion of the trial judge that the plaintiff, who was the driver of the vehicle that rear ended the lead vehicle, was not at all responsible for the accident.
比如前车的人有没有机会把熄火的车推到路边。如果有但不这么做,而是停在路中间等待救援,那他有责任。 再如后车司机有没有刹车,没有刹车也不躲避,那他有责任。如果刹了但刹车突然失灵了,那他就没责任。
🛋️ 沙发板凳
这个是所有撞车的美国人的思维方式。撞车了只有傻子才说“I am sorry”。
千万不要跟保险公司说啥你脑子糊涂,MD 3点有脑子绝对清醒的么?那个傻逼把车停高速中间没有提醒,不是一马路杀手么
建议LZ通过保险公司去claim 她的保险,你给了她自己的保险也可以claim
这这么不能argue? 3点把车停在高速上要是没有做预防措施等同于谋杀
就算做了也可以argue 做了不够
什么愚蠢逻辑。 明明是对方车停路中间 给楼主造成麻烦 楼主倒霉还要破财 幸亏大人孩子没受伤。花钱消灾了只能。楼主下次谨记要掌握各种对自己有利的证据。
真的好恶心 这是什么心理 自己撞到人家 这是可能有生命危险的事 说人家会不会碰瓷
LZ是什么人啊😯 还好不是我朋友 可怕😨
曾经有个案子,四个警察追到一个嫌犯,在高速路边停车查证件询问,结果一个大货车过来,把四个警察都撞死了。。。当然事后发现大货车嗑药以及疲劳驾驶。这个案子的嫌犯也不是省油的灯。 但要说的是,把车停在高速边真的挺危险。车后备箱还是要准备几个反光的cone之类的。
"我开始不解的是,即便车坏了,在高速上行驶的车,依靠惯性也可以行驶一段路,从而有机会pull over, 为啥停在lane的中间,pull over的话,连一米的距离都不到。" 这个assumption本身就不一定成立。有可能人家看到灯亮了,第一反应可能是打双闪然后找个合适的路口出去找维修。结果没想到车很快就趴下了
所以她打了双闪你自己没看见??!! 这状态还敢带着孩子开车?
有police report,剩下的就是保险公司的事了
你说的这些都是“可能”,你有什么证据呢? 而且说一千道一万,如果前面那个车没有停在路中间,整个事情就不会发生,出了事故,不去追究始作俑者,不去追究本质原因,却非要从楼主没能规避这个事故这个出发点,来找各种理由,把所有责任都归给楼主,我不明白这个论坛大部分人为什么这么想。 你说楼主注意力不集中,我还说对方司机违规操作,明明车子失去动力,却不知道在这期间把车子引导到路肩上停下,而是让车子一路降速最后完全停在了主路上,这是非常危险的行为。而且这个车子可能停下很久了,对方司机没有报警,没有请求道路救援,就停在这里,这也是违法。再次,对方司机很可能没有按时进行保养,或者check engline亮了很久了,她明知道车子有问题却不去维修,导致车子完全失去动力。这些很容易找到证据的,都是客观事实。我不信一个按时保养及时维修的车子,会毫无征兆的在高速行驶的时候熄火,这是概率极低的事情。那个人可能早就知道自己的transmission会挂掉,因为心存侥幸的不去维修,才导致车子突然失去动力的吧,这些都可以查到。 她的车子上一次保养是什么时候,有没有按时保养,她车子的check engine灯亮了多久了,她却置若罔闻,这些都可以查到,与其费尽心思证明楼主走神这种完全主观的事情,不如直接看看对方到底犯了多少错。
你说的那么多不也是很多推测?你咋确定前车没有求援?你咋知道前车车主知道车子有问题不去修? 信不信由你,transmission会忽然死亡还真算不上极低概率事件。
我还是那句话,前车主观不一定存在恶意,但是过失杀人也是杀人,所以前车不可能完全没有责任 她说她车坏了,如何证明? 是不是所有人都可以随便把车停在高速上,被别人撞了就说自己的车动不了了,别人全责?或者说自己突发眩晕低血糖心脏病之类的,没法继续驾驶,所以只能把车停在路中间? 总有人说楼主没有竭尽全力避免事故,可跟前车的谜之操作比起来·,我觉着楼主的责任忽略不计
追尾别的车,永远后车的错,除非前车故意brake check你。
"追尾别的车,永远后车的错" 这个我不赞同 In Ayers v. Singh, 1997 CanLII 3410 (BCCA) the lead vehicle stopped suddenly at a green light after he became confused by a left turn signal that had turned red, and was then rear ended by a vehicle driven by the plaintiff: The trial judge found that the defendant's vehicle, which was the first of the three that I have talked about, came to a very sudden stop at the intersection. The trial judge also found that the reason why it did so was that the left turn lane signal had changed to prohibit traffic turning left and that Mr. Singh, who was not an experienced driver, reached the conclusion that the red light was for him and so he stopped. In fact, the light was still green for northbound traffic. The Chu vehicle, which was in the middle of the three vehicles, then struck the Singh vehicle.(Ayers v. Singh, 1997 CanLII 3410 at para. 3 (BCCA)).
The Court of Appeal quoted the following passage from the trial judgment in which the trial judge concluded that the driver of the rear-ending vehicle was not at all responsible for the accident: [T]his was a situation where drivers still on the green phase coming to the stop line certainly expected to go on through the traffic and no doubt were accelerating at that time.When they were confronted with the sudden stopping there was insufficient time for them to apply their brakes and stop in a timely manner. I am of the view that under these circumstances that certainly was an agony of the moment where it would be very difficult to stop and although I have given consideration to the application of contributory negligence, I am of the view that in these particular circumstances I would discount that factor.(Ayers v. Singh, 1997 CanLII 3410 at para. 8 (BCCA), citing the trial judge). The Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal and upheld the conclusion of the trial judge that the plaintiff, who was the driver of the vehicle that rear ended the lead vehicle, was not at all responsible for the accident.
前车司机自己犯错,违反交通规则临时突然刹车,相当于给后车突然 brake check。你给我截取除非前面的部分,忘了brake check这种情况。
你这个case, 前车司机没有主观犯错而给你创造出类似于 brake check这种圣经病困难。 你只要稍微有点defensive driving常识,像你的娃一样专心点,根本就不是个事。
我开车很小心,曾躲过三次大车祸。彻头彻尾别人的错,甚至一次凌晨一两点在亚历桑腊 高速上被 DUI疯子 超车 brake check(估算对方至少120mph),躲过了,自己多活了快20年。