我和丈夫在2018年4月首次去了一家IVF诊所,进行试管婴儿的初次咨询。2018年我们没有在诊所做任何检查,因为后来我自然怀孕了。2024年6月,我们再次找到了同一位医生进行咨询。这次医生把我们当成新病人,没有提出具体的治疗建议,只是开了几项检查,包括经期第三天的血液检查和宫腔镜检查。他说需要先查看我的激素水平等,才能给出治疗方案。 然而,这家IVF诊所告诉我们,这次咨询的200美元费用需要自付,他们认为这是“治疗咨询”(treatment consultation),而不是“诊断咨询”(diagnostic consultation),所以不能通过保险报销。但我之前在其他诊所的咨询,至少有10%的费用是可以报销的。现在这家诊所不愿意帮我把这次的咨询费用提交给保险公司。 我对此有些疑惑,因为在咨询中,医生没有做任何诊断,也没有给出治疗建议,只是开了检查的单子,单据上也写明了是“诊断测试”(diagnostic tests)。但诊所坚持认为2018年的那次是初次咨询,这次是跟进咨询,所以要自付费用。 **诊所的回复如下**: > Hello, Good morning! > I apologize for the late reply. I was out last week and just getting back with my messages. I reviewed your account and upon checking your 06/12/24 consultation, it is a Treatment consultation which is an exclusion from your policy (Diagnostic Only coverage). The self-pay fee for the consultation is $200 minus a $50 downpayment and a $78.35 credit card charge on the day of the consultation, which makes up the $71.65 balance on your account. 我想请问大家,这样的收费合理吗?他们把这次咨询算作治疗咨询是否有依据?如果不合理,我该如何处理?是否可以向相关部门投诉?谁是相关部门? 非常感谢大家的建议和帮助!
附上来回邮件,基本就是拉锯 我: Hi, Thank you for your patience. We were unsuccessful reaching you by phone. This appointment potentially would be covered -- at least partially - by insurance if the appropriate codes were assigned. For example: Diagnosis = Z31.69 Procedure = 99443 Would it be possible to submit this appt as a telehealth call to our insurance? thank you 诊所: Hello, your 6/12 Follow-up consultation is considered as a Treatment consultation, and upon checking your policy it is a Diagnostic only for infertility and has no treatment coverage which makes it a non-covered service. Our billing department was provided by your insurance with codes to submit and has a standard infertility diagnosis code to use when submitting to insurance. Unfortunately, we are not allowing by insurance to submit claims to insurance with non- covered services. 我: Hello, Thank you for your reply. I understand that you categorized my visit on 06/12/24 as a "Treatment consultation," but I would like to clarify that during the consultation, no treatment was offered or provided. The doctor only prescribed tests as part of an initial evaluation, which aligns with a diagnostic-only consultation. Given this, could you please review my account and consider this under the "Diagnostic Only" coverage? I appreciate your assistance in resolving this matter. 诊所: I have consulted this with my Lead and our coding team, however, they have confirmed that follow-up consultation for Insurance coverage that has Diagnostic-only coverage is at our self-pay pricing and a non-covered service for the Specialist''s clinic. This cannot be fall unto a New Patient appointment. I hope I can do more about this however there are standard policies we need to follow with your insurance. 我: Hello, Thank you for your response. However, I would like to clarify a few points: Our first appointment with your clinic was in 2018, and we did not receive any treatment following that initial consultation. Since then, we have not had any follow-up appointments, treatments, or ongoing care from your clinic. The appointment we recently scheduled is a **new patient** appointment, as we are starting fresh with your clinic. There is no existing treatment plan or follow-up to discuss; everything is starting anew. The tests that Dr. Nash has prescribed are new patient tests, not follow-up diagnostic tests, which is why it should not be coded as a follow-up consultation. Additionally, your clinic has coded these tests as diagnostic, but I have not received any diagnostic services or treatments before this. It doesn''t make sense to consider this as a follow-up when there hasn''t been any prior diagnostic procedure or treatment in place. I understand there are standard policies to follow, but given these circumstances, I believe this appointment should be categorized as a new patient visit, not a follow-up. I would appreciate it if you could review this situation again in light of this information. Thank you for your understanding.
From ChatGPT: In most medical practices, the distinction between a "new patient" and an "established patient" is based on the length of time since the last visit. According to the American Medical Association (AMA) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), a "new patient" is someone who has not received any professional services from the physician (or another physician of the same specialty within the same practice) within the past **three years**. Since your last visit was five years ago, your recent visit would generally be categorized as a **"new patient"** visit, not a "follow-up" visit. 鉴于ChatGPT也时不时胡说,建议你还是去这个AMA/CMA查查是不是有“只要三年没去这家诊所看过就算新病人”这一说。如果有的话,你应该可以继续argue。另外,你应该也给自己的保险公司打电话问问。
jennyalger 发表于 2024-08-28 21:51 From ChatGPT: In most medical practices, the distinction between a "new patient" and an "established patient" is based on the length of time since the last visit. According to the American Medical Association (AMA) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), a "new patient" is someone who has not received any professional services from the physician (or another physician of the same specialty within the same practice) within the past **three years**. Since your last visit was five years ago, your recent visit would generally be categorized as a **"new patient"** visit, not a "follow-up" visit. 鉴于ChatGPT也时不时胡说,建议你还是去这个AMA/CMA查查是不是有“只要三年没去这家诊所看过就算新病人”这一说。如果有的话,你应该可以继续argue。另外,你应该也给自己的保险公司打电话问问。
然而,这家IVF诊所告诉我们,这次咨询的200美元费用需要自付,他们认为这是“治疗咨询”(treatment consultation),而不是“诊断咨询”(diagnostic consultation),所以不能通过保险报销。但我之前在其他诊所的咨询,至少有10%的费用是可以报销的。现在这家诊所不愿意帮我把这次的咨询费用提交给保险公司。
我对此有些疑惑,因为在咨询中,医生没有做任何诊断,也没有给出治疗建议,只是开了检查的单子,单据上也写明了是“诊断测试”(diagnostic tests)。但诊所坚持认为2018年的那次是初次咨询,这次是跟进咨询,所以要自付费用。
> Hello, Good morning! > I apologize for the late reply. I was out last week and just getting back with my messages. I reviewed your account and upon checking your 06/12/24 consultation, it is a Treatment consultation which is an exclusion from your policy (Diagnostic Only coverage). The self-pay fee for the consultation is $200 minus a $50 downpayment and a $78.35 credit card charge on the day of the consultation, which makes up the $71.65 balance on your account.
Hi, Thank you for your patience. We were unsuccessful reaching you by phone.
This appointment potentially would be covered -- at least partially - by insurance if the appropriate codes were assigned.
For example: Diagnosis = Z31.69 Procedure = 99443
Would it be possible to submit this appt as a telehealth call to our insurance?
thank you
Hello, your 6/12 Follow-up consultation is considered as a Treatment consultation, and upon checking your policy it is a Diagnostic only for infertility and has no treatment coverage which makes it a non-covered service. Our billing department was provided by your insurance with codes to submit and has a standard infertility diagnosis code to use when submitting to insurance. Unfortunately, we are not allowing by insurance to submit claims to insurance with non- covered services.
Thank you for your reply. I understand that you categorized my visit on 06/12/24 as a "Treatment consultation," but I would like to clarify that during the consultation, no treatment was offered or provided. The doctor only prescribed tests as part of an initial evaluation, which aligns with a diagnostic-only consultation.
Given this, could you please review my account and consider this under the "Diagnostic Only" coverage? I appreciate your assistance in resolving this matter.
I have consulted this with my Lead and our coding team, however, they have confirmed that follow-up consultation for Insurance coverage that has Diagnostic-only coverage is at our self-pay pricing and a non-covered service for the Specialist''s clinic. This cannot be fall unto a New Patient appointment. I hope I can do more about this however there are standard policies we need to follow with your insurance.
Thank you for your response. However, I would like to clarify a few points:
Our first appointment with your clinic was in 2018, and we did not receive any treatment following that initial consultation. Since then, we have not had any follow-up appointments, treatments, or ongoing care from your clinic.
The appointment we recently scheduled is a **new patient** appointment, as we are starting fresh with your clinic. There is no existing treatment plan or follow-up to discuss; everything is starting anew. The tests that Dr. Nash has prescribed are new patient tests, not follow-up diagnostic tests, which is why it should not be coded as a follow-up consultation.
Additionally, your clinic has coded these tests as diagnostic, but I have not received any diagnostic services or treatments before this. It doesn''t make sense to consider this as a follow-up when there hasn''t been any prior diagnostic procedure or treatment in place.
I understand there are standard policies to follow, but given these circumstances, I believe this appointment should be categorized as a new patient visit, not a follow-up. I would appreciate it if you could review this situation again in light of this information.
Thank you for your understanding.
请问自己提交是不是我自己找垫付200块咨询费,然后保险公司如果通过的话退我钱?但是我觉得在没有任何诊断检查之前,就把咨询定为follow up treatment consultation很不合理
Since your last visit was five years ago, your recent visit would generally be categorized as a **"new patient"** visit, not a "follow-up" visit.
就算是200也不值得吧 你现在年轻 时间更值钱 等老了没事干了再到处讲理去
我在其他诊所无论是initial 还是follow up都能报销的是90%,但是这家都不帮我提交。
谢谢。请问医生开的是 diagnostic test,开diagnostic tests前的咨询能算treatment consultation吗?没有检验报告怎么treat?
你要看procedure code, 不要看“treatment consultation”.
对于自己claim我不是很熟, 但是我相信自己claim也需要诊所提供的documentation. 总之你要和诊所还有保险公司打交道,费时费力,你抓紧时间得到treatment ,安心备孕才是最重要的。
再说没有任何检验报告,当然可以算treatment consultation啦。 问诊的过程就是为了treat 你的怀孕问题的咨询过程。