"MSNBC took a clip of me talking about Tulsi Gabbard and edited it to make it look like I was praising Kamala Harris. They completely took my words out of context, blending my comments on Tulsi's military service with Kamala's media surge. They don't care about the truth—just pushing a narrative for surface readers." Source: The Joe Rogan Experience
"MSNBC took a clip of me talking about Tulsi Gabbard and edited it to make it look like I was praising Kamala Harris.
Not surprised, not their first time, and not their last time either.. that's how they manipulate and mislead people...it works for people who are too busy with life/work, and no time to dive deeper to those news...or still have faith in MSM or fake media
He launched Operation Warp Speed, the greatest public health achievement in history. Until now, the record for the fastest vaccine development was four years. Operation Warp Speed did it in nine months. Because of Operation Warp Speed, the worst of the pandemic should be over by the spring. For all his mistakes in managing the pandemic, Trump is also responsible for ending it. link: https://www.aei.org/op-eds/the-10-best-things-trump-did-in-2020/
He launched Operation Warp Speed, the greatest public health achievement in history. Until now, the record for the fastest vaccine development was four years. Operation Warp Speed did it in nine months. Because of Operation Warp Speed, the worst of the pandemic should be over by the spring. For all his mistakes in managing the pandemic, Trump is also responsible for ending it. link: https://www.aei.org/op-eds/the-10-best-things-trump-did-in-2020/
He launched Operation Warp Speed, the greatest public health achievement in history. Until now, the record for the fastest vaccine development was four years. Operation Warp Speed did it in nine months. Because of Operation Warp Speed, the worst of the pandemic should be over by the spring. For all his mistakes in managing the pandemic, Trump is also responsible for ending it. link: https://www.aei.org/op-eds/the-10-best-things-trump-did-in-2020/
He launched Operation Warp Speed, the greatest public health achievement in history. Until now, the record for the fastest vaccine development was four years. Operation Warp Speed did it in nine months. Because of Operation Warp Speed, the worst of the pandemic should be over by the spring. For all his mistakes in managing the pandemic, Trump is also responsible for ending it. link: https://www.aei.org/op-eds/the-10-best-things-trump-did-in-2020/
He launched Operation Warp Speed, the greatest public health achievement in history. Until now, the record for the fastest vaccine development was four years. Operation Warp Speed did it in nine months. Because of Operation Warp Speed, the worst of the pandemic should be over by the spring. For all his mistakes in managing the pandemic, Trump is also responsible for ending it. link: https://www.aei.org/op-eds/the-10-best-things-trump-did-in-2020/
"MSNBC took a clip of me talking about Tulsi Gabbard and edited it to make it look like I was praising Kamala Harris.
They completely took my words out of context, blending my comments on Tulsi's military service with Kamala's media surge.
They don't care about the truth—just pushing a narrative for surface readers."
Source: The Joe Rogan Experience
第一,不管Joe Rogan自己的言论多么不靠谱,媒体不应该歪曲他的position。 第二,媒体为啥要歪曲他的position也非常简单,因为他在网上流量太高了,人气高,口碑非常好。 第三,关于他对疫苗的看法,其实代表了相当多人的立场(我不大同意他的立场)。他的立场是: 1。不管疫苗本身有效性安全性如何,政府应该公布全部的信息。媒体应该允许立场不同的专家出来说话。而不是当言论的裁判。 2 。 他主张对于身体好,年龄段不是小孩不是老人,没有基础病的人,政府不应该mandate打疫苗,而是让每个人自己做决定。所以他主要怼的是疫情期间政府强迫大家打疫苗,不打不能上班不能上学这个政策。
非典是public health crisis 除非个人是不去接触别人的 每个人都有一定的obligation to minimize the spread 这就是为啥2002年的非典立马采取隔离措施才没有影响到全球 而2020的非典变成的global pandemic
美国很多人不愿意隔离 不愿意戴口罩 不愿意打疫苗 美其名曰个人选择和自由 就是罔顾别人的生命 诚然疫苗做不到virus free/proof 但正是因为诸多举措 美国才能flatten the curve 没有像意大利和西班牙一样发生医疗挤兑致使系统崩溃
Fox did this. Fair play
是的,要指望每个人都很自觉,在兼顾个人自觉和公共卫生安全之间找到sweep spot是很难的。 同样在公共卫生安全和经济代价之间也有很困难的平衡点。据说因为疫情lock down洛杉矶的餐馆有70%破产。想要恢复到疫情前的水平估计要很久很久。如果不是政府给大家直接发钱,估计很多人会因为lock down丢工作而生活受很大影响。但是直接发钱就是制造这波通胀的一个重要因素,所以。。。
这个咱必须实话实说,首先川普领导下美国以空前的速度研制出了疫苗,这个不可否认对于降低疫情死亡率(至少至少是在易感人群之中)肯定是有很大好处的。其次他在疫情最初其实反对lock down,因为担心经济受影响。他也在第一时间给纽约送去一大堆呼吸机。至于后来的lock down政策,都是各个州主导实施的,跟联邦关系并不大。
第一个发明安全有效的疫苗的公司是BioNTech 是两个土耳其人在德国的公司。 和川普花了180亿美元的投资operation warp speed 没啥关系
这不是我扣在他头上的,是Washington Post记者写的:
He launched Operation Warp Speed, the greatest public health achievement in history. Until now, the record for the fastest vaccine development was four years. Operation Warp Speed did it in nine months. Because of Operation Warp Speed, the worst of the pandemic should be over by the spring. For all his mistakes in managing the pandemic, Trump is also responsible for ending it.
link: https://www.aei.org/op-eds/the-10-best-things-trump-did-in-2020/
Opinion isn’t news or fact
哎,我特别烦说个啥事就扯川粉。粉不粉川普跟讨论的这个问题有啥关系?我最初是贴MSNBC misinformation的证据,结果没几句话又被扯到川普不要脸,川普不是人这个问题上了。咱能不能就是论事讨论,别管谁是不是谁的粉,是不是谁的黑。
你这老旧的思想需要进步了!! 还停在2020年呢!
我是觉得,川普做了该做的,那么应该给他的credit就应该给他。这个没啥大不了的,监督不是就起这个作用么? 疫苗在我看来绝对是利大于弊的,至少给众多有基础病(考虑到美国肥胖和糖尿病、心血管疾病人数众多)的人一个额外的保护。这一点没啥可怀疑的。
是那个造谣中国人枪击川普的垃圾报纸Washington post?
那个是New York Post 造谣小报
trump被白皮川粉嘘这事我还记得,然后他就怂了换话题了 所以很难说是trump利用了racists,还是racists利用了trump,狼狈为奸比较恰当