Someone’s husband just passed away, and yet you’re still kicking them when they’re down. Do you even have a conscience? Aren’t you ashamed of yourself? If someone gave you money, would you donate it to the poor? No one’s forcing donations here. If you don’t want to give, just don’t. Why are you targeting a widow like this? Double standards! Shameless POS!
Nicespringgirl 发表于 2024-08-24 15:17 Someone’s husband just passed away, and yet you’re still kicking them when they’re down. Do you even have a conscience? Aren’t you ashamed of yourself? If someone gave you money, would you donate it to the poor? No one’s forcing donations here. If you don’t want to give, just don’t. Why are you targeting a widow like this? Double standards! Shameless POS!
Someone’s husband just passed away, and yet you’re still kicking them when they’re down. Do you even have a conscience? Aren’t you ashamed of yourself? If someone gave you money, would you donate it to the poor? No one’s forcing donations here. If you don’t want to give, just don’t. Why are you targeting a widow like this? Double standards! Shameless POS! Nicespringgirl 发表于 2024-08-24 15:17
标题多一个逗号会好理解很多 火锅店老板救人牺牲, 妻子拒收捐款
愿意捐愿意做冤大头的就去做呗。 我每次等红绿灯的时候看到前面的车给流浪壮汉现金,我就想他们真的是在帮流浪壮汉吗?就是花几块钱安慰他们自己的心灵,自我感觉良好而已。