隔壁那楼吓我一跳,稍稍研究一下就发现白担心了: 1. Capital gain tax增加只限于家庭年收入高于100万的,在这之上投资年收入高于40万的额外收1.2%. 2. Unrealized capital gain 只限于亿元(100M)资产级别的. 这里的绝大部分人不需要担心吧? 这是原文链接: https://home.treasury.gov/system/files/131/General-Explanations-FY2025.pdf
VirocochaSD 发表于 2024-08-24 12:11 隔壁那楼吓我一跳,稍稍研究一下就发现白担心了: 1. Capital gain tax增加只限于家庭年收入高于100万的,在这之上投资年收入高于40万的额外收1.2%. 2. Unrealized capital gain 只限于亿元(100M)资产级别的. 这里的绝大部分人不需要担心吧? 这是原文链接: https://home.treasury.gov/system/files/131/General-Explanations-FY2025.pdf
VirocochaSD 发表于 2024-08-24 12:11 隔壁那楼吓我一跳,稍稍研究一下就发现白担心了: 1. Capital gain tax增加只限于家庭年收入高于100万的,在这之上投资年收入高于40万的额外收1.2%. 2. Unrealized capital gain 只限于亿元(100M)资产级别的. 这里的绝大部分人不需要担心吧? 这是原文链接: https://home.treasury.gov/system/files/131/General-Explanations-FY2025.pdf
回复 11楼 扶苏 的帖子 对呀,政府真应该想想怎么花钱。 加州监狱里的犯人,每年的教育费用平均十万。比Stanford 高多了。 长期资本利得税最高20%,对收入高的人,看起来好像税的比普通收入低。但是别忘了,跟普通收入不一样,投资是有风险的。赔钱的时候政府可不会陪你钱。 美国之所以经济这么发达,最主要原因就是鼓励创新。创新就需要大量的资本冒很大的风险去投入。而且long term capital gain低于short term income也能有助于资本市场的稳定。 对long term capital gain的高税收无异于杀鸡取卵。
回复 32楼 VirocochaSD 的帖子 你看看下面。这里有多少家庭没有400k 收入的? 毫无疑问我们要多交税的。 Chatgpt: Kamala Harris, as Vice President under the Biden administration, has supported several tax policy proposals that could impact individuals with annual incomes over $400,000. Here's an overview of key components: Income Tax Rate Increase: For households earning over $400,000, the Biden administration proposed increasing the top individual income tax rate from 37% to 39.6%. This would revert the top rate to its pre-2017 level under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). Capital Gains and Dividends: There was a proposal to increase the long-term capital gains and qualified dividends tax rate to 39.6% for those earning over $1 million. While this specifically targets those with higher incomes than $400,000, it could affect high-income earners' overall tax planning. Social Security Payroll Tax Expansion: Currently, the Social Security payroll tax is only applied to wages up to a certain threshold (around $160,200 for 2023). The proposal suggests reintroducing the payroll tax on wages over $400,000. This means that individuals earning above $400,000 could see additional payroll taxes on their income above this threshold. Limitations on Deductions: There is also support for capping the value of itemized deductions at 28% of their value for taxpayers in higher tax brackets. This would effectively reduce the tax benefit of deductions for those earning over $400,000. Qualified Business Income Deduction: The proposal includes limiting the 20% qualified business income deduction under Section 199A for those earning over $400,000. This could result in higher taxes for business owners and self-employed individuals above this income level. Overall, individuals with an annual income over $400,000 could see an increase in their federal tax liability due to higher marginal rates, expanded payroll taxes, and reduced benefits from deductions. The actual impact would depend on their specific income composition, deductions, and other factors.
把LZ的link发到了chatgpt,step-up要没有了。下面是summary: The Biden administration's proposed fiscal year 2025 budget includes several significant changes to capital gains taxes, primarily targeting higher-income individuals. If enacted, these changes would represent a substantial shift in how capital gains are taxed: Taxing Unrealized Gains at Transfer: One of the most notable proposals is to tax unrealized capital gains on appreciated assets when they are transferred, either by gift or upon death. Currently, such transfers do not trigger capital gains taxes until the assets are sold. Under the new proposal, these transfers would be treated as taxable events, requiring the payment of capital gains taxes even if no sale has occurred. Increased Capital Gains Tax Rates: The proposal also includes raising the top long-term capital gains tax rate from 20% to 39.6% for individuals earning over $1 million annually. This would align the tax rate on capital gains more closely with the highest ordinary income tax rate. End of Step-Up in Basis: The plan seeks to eliminate the step-up in basis for inherited assets, which currently allows heirs to reset the asset's value to its fair market value at the time of inheritance, avoiding taxes on gains accrued during the decedent's lifetime. These proposals reflect the administration's focus on increasing taxes on the wealthy and reducing tax benefits that primarily benefit high-income individuals. However, it's important to note that the current Congress is divided, making the passage of these proposals uncertain. They are likely to be part of broader tax policy discussions, particularly as provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act expire in 2025
这里的绝大部分人不需要担心吧? 这是原文链接: https://home.treasury.gov/system/files/131/General-Explanations-FY2025.pdf
加州这火可不就是政府搞出来的嘛,以前哪有年年这么多的,就是不让control burn了,都靠天然烧了。吓走保险公司,现在政府把火险这一块拿过来了,又是一个生意啊。加州政府在这方面真是遥遥领先
对呀,政府真应该想想怎么花钱。 加州监狱里的犯人,每年的教育费用平均十万。比Stanford 高多了。 长期资本利得税最高20%,对收入高的人,看起来好像税的比普通收入低。但是别忘了,跟普通收入不一样,投资是有风险的。赔钱的时候政府可不会陪你钱。 美国之所以经济这么发达,最主要原因就是鼓励创新。创新就需要大量的资本冒很大的风险去投入。而且long term capital gain低于short term income也能有助于资本市场的稳定。 对long term capital gain的高税收无异于杀鸡取卵。
搞笑, 修改不同投票啊?
这个增加也是针对capital gain的,现在是年收入超25万的家庭对于投资收入(或者超过25万的收入,按低的算)收3.8%,那个proposal 说以后再加40万的坎,超过再收1.2%
PROJECT 2025 建议给中产阶级加税。你觉得怎么样?算不算苛政猛于虎?
你看看下面。这里有多少家庭没有400k 收入的? 毫无疑问我们要多交税的。
Chatgpt: Kamala Harris, as Vice President under the Biden administration, has supported several tax policy proposals that could impact individuals with annual incomes over $400,000. Here's an overview of key components: Income Tax Rate Increase: For households earning over $400,000, the Biden administration proposed increasing the top individual income tax rate from 37% to 39.6%. This would revert the top rate to its pre-2017 level under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). Capital Gains and Dividends: There was a proposal to increase the long-term capital gains and qualified dividends tax rate to 39.6% for those earning over $1 million. While this specifically targets those with higher incomes than $400,000, it could affect high-income earners' overall tax planning. Social Security Payroll Tax Expansion: Currently, the Social Security payroll tax is only applied to wages up to a certain threshold (around $160,200 for 2023). The proposal suggests reintroducing the payroll tax on wages over $400,000. This means that individuals earning above $400,000 could see additional payroll taxes on their income above this threshold. Limitations on Deductions: There is also support for capping the value of itemized deductions at 28% of their value for taxpayers in higher tax brackets. This would effectively reduce the tax benefit of deductions for those earning over $400,000. Qualified Business Income Deduction: The proposal includes limiting the 20% qualified business income deduction under Section 199A for those earning over $400,000. This could result in higher taxes for business owners and self-employed individuals above this income level. Overall, individuals with an annual income over $400,000 could see an increase in their federal tax liability due to higher marginal rates, expanded payroll taxes, and reduced benefits from deductions. The actual impact would depend on their specific income composition, deductions, and other factors.
请问是income加capital gain还是只是capital gain超过100万的部分就要交39.6%
大家可以拿自己的情况去CHATGPT里算一下。 很方便。 可能需要付费版本。
现在打工挣20万的最高联邦税率是35%。 而一年长期投资挣一百万的税率是20%。 50万的话只有15%。 我认为这个不应该。税率应该是PROGRESSIVE的。 没有理由通过劳力挣的钱要比用钱挣钱交更多的税。我觉得我的想法很正常。不极端。 很多人在美国的时间不长。总说现在的税率和利率高。90年代的房贷利率都是10%的。所以那时候的钱值钱,房价没有飞,也没有通货膨胀。80年代的INCOME TA X最高税率是70%。
100万算的是总收入,39.6%针对的是投资收入。现在是年收入超过$553,850的对于超过的投资收入收20%的税,以后多加一道坎,超过100万的那部分投资收入变成39.6%。当然,像我这种家庭年收入都不到30万的其实不用担心的。还有,这个投资收入指的是long term的,short term从来都是按收入税算的
那说明湾区有钱人多。 不会真有人认为一年挣一百万不算有钱人吧?这得是多么和世界脱钩的人。估计都是小时候喊着金钥匙长大的。否则不会认为一年一百万美元不算有钱人。
谢谢解释,那现在有大额capital gain的是不是需要今年兑现
这个gain指的是已经兑现的了,你假如有很多没兑现的capital gain (unrealized) ,可以每年兑现一部分,只要保持年总收入低于100万就不用担心这个39.6%了。当然,你资产过亿就不一样了
The Biden administration's proposed fiscal year 2025 budget includes several significant changes to capital gains taxes, primarily targeting higher-income individuals. If enacted, these changes would represent a substantial shift in how capital gains are taxed:
Taxing Unrealized Gains at Transfer: One of the most notable proposals is to tax unrealized capital gains on appreciated assets when they are transferred, either by gift or upon death. Currently, such transfers do not trigger capital gains taxes until the assets are sold. Under the new proposal, these transfers would be treated as taxable events, requiring the payment of capital gains taxes even if no sale has occurred. Increased Capital Gains Tax Rates: The proposal also includes raising the top long-term capital gains tax rate from 20% to 39.6% for individuals earning over $1 million annually. This would align the tax rate on capital gains more closely with the highest ordinary income tax rate. End of Step-Up in Basis: The plan seeks to eliminate the step-up in basis for inherited assets, which currently allows heirs to reset the asset's value to its fair market value at the time of inheritance, avoiding taxes on gains accrued during the decedent's lifetime.
These proposals reflect the administration's focus on increasing taxes on the wealthy and reducing tax benefits that primarily benefit high-income individuals. However, it's important to note that the current Congress is divided, making the passage of these proposals uncertain. They are likely to be part of broader tax policy discussions, particularly as provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act expire in 2025
民主党的方针并非“不够钱”,而是致力于解决社会深层次问题,试图通过合理的财政政策改善公共服务 苛捐杂税与国家衰落联系的案例更多存在于那些未能有效管理税收的政权中,而非现代民主国家。
加州的税收较高,但高税收与道路问题无直接因果关系。税收去向透明化是公民有权监督的过程,而不是简单推论钱被浪费。 加州的火灾虽然电力公司被追责,但这是因为其设备故障确实引发了火灾。惩罚机制是为避免类似事件再度发生,并非毫无依据
驴党团结大家,trump分裂大家,自己从中渔利 没有感受到驴党在团结大家的,美国算白来了
你这种傻脑子考虑问题真是简单。这个unrealized capital gain只要开了口子,标准就可以往下定。而且大部分人投资基金,这个unrealized capital gain征收,有个屁收益
让我富吧,我不担心多交税, lol
再补充一下,加州电力公司pge这些年来只对持有它股票的股民负责,应该有的设备老化更新,各种维护电线的除草工作都是一省再省。 出这种问题被罚以后,还增加电费,再加一个wild fire prevention fund。这种公共设施上市企业还是需要有更有效的监控。
就像之前的厕所问题,明明只是给gender identity 认知不同的人有个上厕所的机会,到他们嘴里变成要求男女同厕。
“以后也会从中产口袋里多收税”, 怎么能说是以后呢?从前以及现在民主党已经增加了中产的税收啊?