疫苗这个话题也属于近期热门话题哈。我知道一提疫苗这个话题,一定会有人说,什么什么MMR和自闭症的关联的论文已经撤稿了。现在主流对疫苗和自闭症的关联是持明确反对和打压的态度。我明白,对于那些人来说,只要是现在还没有形成主流认可的观点的,只要是没有权威论文证明的,都是错误的,都是反科学的。 我相信自闭症(其实还不止自闭症)和婴幼儿疫苗的关联,给予足够长的时间,一定会被数据证明。我相信科学有一定的纠错能力,但这个纠错的时间可能是10年,可能是20年,可能是更长。在这漫长的年月里,会产生多少自闭症儿童,会产生多少深陷痛苦的父母和家庭?We are parents. We want to do better than that. 在现在美国的婴幼儿疫苗schedule里面,MMR是一个三合一的减毒疫苗,也就是有三种活的病毒(虽然说毒性是减量的)在同一针里,这些年来父母有最大疑虑的是这个疫苗。但实际上最主要的问题不在于某一个特定的疫苗针,而在于现在儿医普遍所使用的那个疫苗schedule---一言以蔽之就是:太小的时候就打太多针。 简单的说,从刚出生的婴儿就开始打疫苗,2个月4个月6个月9个月1岁,一针又一针,那些疫苗里面每一针还往往是3-4种的合针。而且美国因为人工贵,为了省事,常规操作是一次打所有的疫苗针。有娃的家长你们数一数你们2个月大的婴儿,一次打多少种病毒的疫苗。 这样就导致有些先天体弱的孩子,受疫苗的影响会比其他孩子更大,从而现在孩子出现了各种各样的病症。这个贴主题虽然是自闭症,但实际上现在孩子很多的病都是婴幼儿疫苗有关联的,包括但不限于ADHD,湿疹,各种各样的过敏,哮喘等等等等。
Not sure there's truly more Autistic boys than girls. One theory is that Autistic girls are better at social mimicking, so they appear to be normal and are not diagnosed.
frogette 发表于 2024-08-22 14:08 Not sure there's truly more Autistic boys than girls. One theory is that Autistic girls are better at social mimicking, so they appear to be normal and are not diagnosed.
我懒,直接扔ChatGPT 的回答。一篇伪造的论文真是贻害万年。 The controversy surrounding autism and vaccines primarily stems from a 1998 study led by Andrew Wakefield, published in The Lancet, which falsely claimed a link between the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism. This study suggested that the MMR vaccine caused developmental regression and autism in children. The paper received widespread media attention, leading to public fear, a significant decline in vaccination rates, and a rise in vaccine-preventable diseases. However, the study was deeply flawed. It involved only 12 children, had no control group, and was later found to be unethical. Further investigations revealed that Wakefield had financial conflicts of interest, and he had manipulated data. As a result, The Lancet retracted the paper in 2010, and Wakefield was stripped of his medical license. Since then, numerous large-scale, well-conducted studies have found no credible evidence supporting a link between vaccines and autism. These studies have included hundreds of thousands of children, comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated groups, with consistent results showing that vaccines do not increase the risk of autism. Current Scientific Consensus: The scientific community overwhelmingly agrees that vaccines do not cause autism. Vaccines are safe and effective in preventing serious, potentially life-threatening diseases. The notion of a link between vaccines and autism has been thoroughly debunked by extensive research. Public health authorities, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the American Academy of Pediatrics, continue to advocate for vaccination as a critical component of public health. Efforts are ongoing to educate the public about the safety of vaccines and to combat misinformation that still circulates, often through social media and other platforms. The persistence of vaccine hesitancy, fueled by these debunked claims, remains a public health challenge, but the scientific field is clear: vaccines do not cause autism.
gigivivi 发表于 2024-08-22 14:39 我懒,直接扔ChatGPT 的回答。一篇伪造的论文真是贻害万年。 The controversy surrounding autism and vaccines primarily stems from a 1998 study led by Andrew Wakefield, published in The Lancet, which falsely claimed a link between the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism. This study suggested that the MMR vaccine caused developmental regression and autism in children. The paper received widespread media attention, leading to public fear, a significant decline in vaccination rates, and a rise in vaccine-preventable diseases. However, the study was deeply flawed. It involved only 12 children, had no control group, and was later found to be unethical. Further investigations revealed that Wakefield had financial conflicts of interest, and he had manipulated data. As a result, The Lancet retracted the paper in 2010, and Wakefield was stripped of his medical license. Since then, numerous large-scale, well-conducted studies have found no credible evidence supporting a link between vaccines and autism. These studies have included hundreds of thousands of children, comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated groups, with consistent results showing that vaccines do not increase the risk of autism. Current Scientific Consensus: The scientific community overwhelmingly agrees that vaccines do not cause autism. Vaccines are safe and effective in preventing serious, potentially life-threatening diseases. The notion of a link between vaccines and autism has been thoroughly debunked by extensive research. Public health authorities, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the American Academy of Pediatrics, continue to advocate for vaccination as a critical component of public health. Efforts are ongoing to educate the public about the safety of vaccines and to combat misinformation that still circulates, often through social media and other platforms. The persistence of vaccine hesitancy, fueled by these debunked claims, remains a public health challenge, but the scientific field is clear: vaccines do not cause autism.
我相信自闭症(其实还不止自闭症)和婴幼儿疫苗的关联,给予足够长的时间,一定会被数据证明。我相信科学有一定的纠错能力,但这个纠错的时间可能是10年,可能是20年,可能是更长。在这漫长的年月里,会产生多少自闭症儿童,会产生多少深陷痛苦的父母和家庭?We are parents. We want to do better than that.
1. 只打你所在的州,其法律规定必须打的疫苗。你如果对照过CDC的疫苗和州法律要求的疫苗,或者说有娃的家长对照一下在儿医那里你娃打过的疫苗(儿医生一般按CDC的来),你就会发现你娃打的疫苗数量比州法律要求的疫苗多不少。凡是州法律不要求的疫苗,你都要谨慎考虑。
2. 推迟打所有必须打的疫苗!这点非常重要。至于推迟多久,取决于父母内心能够承受的尺度。我仔细读过州法律对疫苗的要求,是要求所有孩子在上学(也就是过集体生活)之前,打所有州法律要求的疫苗的第一针。之后的boosters,按照州法律要求的间隔来即可。在你孩子打第一针疫苗之前,做你能做的保护他,比如说,不要去室内人多容易感染病毒的地方了,比如体育场馆看球赛了,比如看电影了这些的。
我自己是给孩子推迟到上day care/preschool之前打第一针。我为了孩子能推迟打疫苗,就推迟孩子上学的时间,之前都是请人在家里带。你能接受推迟多久,自己决定,毕竟每家的情况不一样。哪怕只能推迟半年,那都是好的。有的父母缺人手,必须娃很多小就送去day care,那样你记住在送去之前打第一针。
4.现在美国,其实除了少部分的州以外,大部分的州都是可以以personal belief或宗教信仰为理由来waive掉法律规定的疫苗。也就是说如果你是一针疫苗都不想打的家长,你去仔细读一下你州里法律对疫苗的要求,很多州都是填个表就可以不打。但声明我个人并不建议此项哈,这由父母自己决定。我个人认为推迟足够的时间打就已经很好了,是个周全的解决方案。
目前能做的就是:别找阿斯伯格老公生孩子,婚前多打听对方家庭有无精神病史; 怀孕前三个月补够叶酸;别跟老男人生孩子。
Not sure there's truly more Autistic boys than girls. One theory is that Autistic girls are better at social mimicking, so they appear to be normal and are not diagnosed.
自闭症女孩跟男孩比例1:4。 自闭症女孩子虽然少,但一旦得了一般就比男孩严重。 这是我参加本地自闭症义工组织得到的信息,也有亲身的观察,做活动的时候很明显一屋子男孩寥寥几个女孩。
去年12月的文章, ASD可能和X染色体上突变相关。 Rare X-linked variants carry predominantly male risk in autism, Tourette syndrome, and ADHD https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-43776-0
再加上只来自母亲的线粒体,是应该别找可能有ASD/ADHD risk的老婆。
The controversy surrounding autism and vaccines primarily stems from a 1998 study led by Andrew Wakefield, published in The Lancet, which falsely claimed a link between the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism. This study suggested that the MMR vaccine caused developmental regression and autism in children. The paper received widespread media attention, leading to public fear, a significant decline in vaccination rates, and a rise in vaccine-preventable diseases. However, the study was deeply flawed. It involved only 12 children, had no control group, and was later found to be unethical. Further investigations revealed that Wakefield had financial conflicts of interest, and he had manipulated data. As a result, The Lancet retracted the paper in 2010, and Wakefield was stripped of his medical license. Since then, numerous large-scale, well-conducted studies have found no credible evidence supporting a link between vaccines and autism. These studies have included hundreds of thousands of children, comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated groups, with consistent results showing that vaccines do not increase the risk of autism.
Current Scientific Consensus: The scientific community overwhelmingly agrees that vaccines do not cause autism. Vaccines are safe and effective in preventing serious, potentially life-threatening diseases. The notion of a link between vaccines and autism has been thoroughly debunked by extensive research. Public health authorities, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the American Academy of Pediatrics, continue to advocate for vaccination as a critical component of public health. Efforts are ongoing to educate the public about the safety of vaccines and to combat misinformation that still circulates, often through social media and other platforms. The persistence of vaccine hesitancy, fueled by these debunked claims, remains a public health challenge, but the scientific field is clear: vaccines do not cause autism.
你说的不对 女孩子和男孩子表现不同
垃圾,我说的是ChatGPT Output.