奇怪了,我不让你说话了吗? 我替专科医生说什么了? 你臆想呢? 看来你既无心讨论,也不打算尊重别人的言论自由,并且把别人说你说的不对理解成别人不尊重你的言论自由。 呵呵,你编辑回复了。无知无畏,随便看看哈:There''s a phenomenon known as "mini-puberty" where sex hormones increase temporarily early in life. It''s far more pronounced in boys than it is in girls. This increase for boys starts at about 6 months and peaks around 2 years before dropping off to baseline by age 6. At 2 years old, testosterone levels for boys is almost half of what it would be at puberty. Girls also have a mini-puberty, but the spike in estrogen is far lower at only about a 10th of what it would be during puberty.
wtorchid 发表于 2024-08-19 13:23 奇怪了,我不让你说话了吗? 我替专科医生说什么了? 你臆想呢? 看来你既无心讨论,也不打算尊重别人的言论自由,并且把别人说你说的不对理解成别人不尊重你的言论自由。 呵呵,你编辑回复了。无知无畏,随便看看哈:There''''''''''''''''s a phenomenon known as "mini-puberty" where sex hormones increase temporarily early in life. It''''''''''''''''s far more pronounced in boys than it is in girls. This increase for boys starts at about 6 months and peaks around 2 years before dropping off to baseline by age 6. At 2 years old, testosterone levels for boys is almost half of what it would be at puberty. Girls also have a mini-puberty, but the spike in estrogen is far lower at only about a 10th of what it would be during puberty.
不需要是从业人员吧? 你如果自己先Google 也许就不会问这种问题 In females, when a gene on one chromosome has a mutation, the same gene on the other chromosome can often compensate. However, in males, when there’s not a functionally equivalent gene on the Y chromosome, mutations on the X chromosome can cause disease. This study's findings suggest that when there’s a harmful mutation in NLGN4X, NLGN4Y isn’t able to take over because the protein doesn’t function the same way. This may help explain why males tend to have a greater incidence of NLGN4X-associated ASD than females.
ASD可能基因NLGN3, NLGN4X, FMR1, MECP2 在性X染色体上 The FMR1 gene is the leading cause of autism spectrum disorder. https://fragilex.org/understanding-fragile-x/fragile-x-syndrome/autism/
In females, when a gene on one chromosome has a mutation, the same gene on the other chromosome can often compensate. However, in males, when there’s not a functionally equivalent gene on the Y chromosome, mutations on the X chromosome can cause disease. This study's findings suggest that when there’s a harmful mutation in NLGN4X, NLGN4Y isn’t able to take over because the protein doesn’t function the same way. This may help explain why males tend to have a greater incidence of NLGN4X-associated ASD than females. https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/gene-linked-sex-differences-autism
人类有23 对染色体好吧, 不是所有的基因都在性染色体上
我这里提供自己的two cents,觉得不合适的不要看。我自己对疫苗是有怀疑的,但是因为孩子去daycare,又不能不打。当时的儿医人很好,用了Dr Sear''s的schedule,就是尽量把针都分开打。尤其MMR,放在3岁以后打。我不知道别人如何看,反正我有同事的孩子就是打了MMR以后觉得不对劲的。不管是心理作用也好,不管有人觉得就是巧合也好。反正我对这件事情抱着相信当事人自己的观察和感觉。
是X和自闭有关联, 因为男孩只有一个X有问题就体现了。 女孩有两个X, 所以反而两个都不正常的少。
我不是从业人员,专科医生还不敢说新冠疫苗有后遗症呢? 问什么不良反应都说不是疫苗的事 你敢说新馆疫苗没有后遗症吗? 首先, 如果自闭症和X还有Y染色体无关, 那么男孩子闭症大概是女孩8 倍这个差距怎么来的, 你说女孩会掩饰, 可能是吧, 但是谁不是模仿别人尊重社会守则戴着面具做人, 能掩饰, 能约束自己本身就说明本质没问题。 如果自闭症只和Y有关, 那不会有女孩有这个病。 难道这还不能得出自闭症大概率关联着X。 至于是否关联Y还未可知, 但至少对X和Y的关联性有差距才能造成8 倍患病率的性别差异, 我不需要是啥从业者也有在本版发言的权力。
哎呀 X这么重要吗?我记得说智商好像也是集中在X上遗传 所以说男孩子大概率都是随妈妈的智商部分多
这么说找老婆一定要注意喽 那是不是老公就可以找个不用聪明但是颜值要高的
扯新冠疫苗没用。你这一段是你自己的推断,并没有严谨的科学的说服力。最简单的比如说,如果是男性激素调控某些基因的表达和女性激素调控的表达不一样呢?那跟X染色体的关系在哪?人体是个很复杂的有机体,各种物质互相联系错综复杂,知道个X染色体就非说是它是它就是它真的有点儿... 我也不是从业人员,但觉得你的推断实在过于粗浅武断了些,连“谁不是模仿别人尊重社会守则戴着面具做人”都能作论据了...
不对不对 想起来前面那个老公不要自闭症娃的那个帖子里 大家都说是老公的原因 再找一个再生一个大概率也是自闭呢
老公也有X啊, 女孩是老公提供X, 男孩是老公提供Y啊。
关键是我没堵你的嘴不让你说, 是你不让我说话不是吗? 三岁自闭症诊断率是最高的, 你确定三岁的孩子就有雄性激素分泌了? 还雄性激素导致男孩确认率比女孩高八倍, 你觉得你这个男女激素分泌不同的解释2-3岁孩子的差异离谱不? 既然你也不是从业人员, 你替专科医生说什么呢? 疫苗只是说明专科医生没说的不一定是事实。 华人是公共论坛, 不是学术期刊和学术会议, 我有权力发表任何观点。 不因为不严谨不科学就不能说, 尊重别人言论自由那么难吗?
呵呵,你编辑回复了。无知无畏,随便看看哈:There''s a phenomenon known as "mini-puberty" where sex hormones increase temporarily early in life. It''s far more pronounced in boys than it is in girls. This increase for boys starts at about 6 months and peaks around 2 years before dropping off to baseline by age 6. At 2 years old, testosterone levels for boys is almost half of what it would be at puberty. Girls also have a mini-puberty, but the spike in estrogen is far lower at only about a 10th of what it would be during puberty.
所以你先回答一下, 三岁大多数人就能确诊的自闭症为什么会像你说的和男女性激素分泌有关。 你再解释下, 如果真的和性激素有关, 为何青春期没有大量男孩被诊断为自闭症, 不是应该男孩从六岁到青春期被诊断人数急剧上升吗? 你在给出论据说雄性激素和自闭症相关吧, 如果给不出证据, 不是X或者Y染色体的影响如何解释性别8倍的差异
不需要是从业人员吧? 你如果自己先Google 也许就不会问这种问题
In females, when a gene on one chromosome has a mutation, the same gene on the other chromosome can often compensate. However, in males, when there’s not a functionally equivalent gene on the Y chromosome, mutations on the X chromosome can cause disease. This study's findings suggest that when there’s a harmful mutation in NLGN4X, NLGN4Y isn’t able to take over because the protein doesn’t function the same way. This may help explain why males tend to have a greater incidence of NLGN4X-associated ASD than females.
ASD可能基因NLGN3, NLGN4X, FMR1, MECP2 在性X染色体上
The FMR1 gene is the leading cause of autism spectrum disorder. https://fragilex.org/understanding-fragile-x/fragile-x-syndrome/autism/
In females, when a gene on one chromosome has a mutation, the same gene on the other chromosome can often compensate. However, in males, when there’s not a functionally equivalent gene on the Y chromosome, mutations on the X chromosome can cause disease. This study's findings suggest that when there’s a harmful mutation in NLGN4X, NLGN4Y isn’t able to take over because the protein doesn’t function the same way. This may help explain why males tend to have a greater incidence of NLGN4X-associated ASD than females.
从生活经验来说 的确看到的男孩多 而且多是高知家庭