来看看CNN对Harris经济政策的评价。 https://www.cnn.com/2024/08/16/business/harris-price-gouging-ban-inflation/index.html New YorkCNN — Food prices have surged by more than 20% under the Biden-Harris administration, leaving many voters eager to stretch their dollars further at the grocery store.
“My plan will include new penalties for opportunistic companies that exploit crises and break the rules,” Harris said at a campaign event. There’s just one issue: Harris’ proposal could create more problems than the one it’s trying to solve, some economists say. Gavin Roberts studied anti-price gouging laws some states passed during the pandemic. One of the biggest effects he observed, especially at grocery stores, was that these laws motivated people “to go buy goods more than they would if prices had risen.”
哈哈哈哈,真别扯什么高素质低素质了。你不承认Grocery 趁通胀疯涨牟取暴利的事实,那我也没办法。 Tyson Foods’ execs and shareholders are some of the big beneficiaries of stock buybacks. Tyson raised the price of meat nearly 30 percent and saw its profit margins more than double between 2021 and 2022. It’s operating costs rose, but price increases more than offset those costs—by 33 percent. According to the Federal Trade Commission, Walmart, Kroger, and Amazon “used rising costs as an opportunity to further hike prices to increase their profits.” The price of food and drinks rose seven percent more than their costs. Walmart raised prices more than 50 percent on some of its generic food brands in the three years between 2020 and 2023. General Mills raised the price of cereal 12 percent in 2023 from the prior year. It also shrunk the amount of cereal in the box to 18.1 ounces from 19.3 ounces.
哈哈哈哈,真别扯什么高素质低素质了。你不承认Grocery 趁通胀疯涨牟取暴利的事实,那我也没办法。 Tyson Foods’ execs and shareholders are some of the big beneficiaries of stock buybacks. Tyson raised the price of meat nearly 30 percent and saw its profit margins more than double between 2021 and 2022. It’s operating costs rose, but price increases more than offset those costs—by 33 percent. According to the Federal Trade Commission, Walmart, Kroger, and Amazon “used rising costs as an opportunity to further hike prices to increase their profits.” The price of food and drinks rose seven percent more than their costs. Walmart raised prices more than 50 percent on some of its generic food brands in the three years between 2020 and 2023. General Mills raised the price of cereal 12 percent in 2023 from the prior year. It also shrunk the amount of cereal in the box to 18.1 ounces from 19.3 ounces. Mediterranean 发表于 2024-08-18 06:08
这都什么鬼扯淡啊, Tyson Foods 因为成本上升太快,明明是亏本的吧 Tyson Foods on Monday (Nov. 13) reported an income loss in fiscal year 2023 of $648 million, well below the $3.238 billion of net income in fiscal 2022. 2022年也一样,the Springdale-based company ended fiscal 2022 with record revenue of $53.282 billion, up 13.2% from the prior year. Net income grew to $3.249 billion, up 6.26% year over year Revenue 增长比利润快,利润率自然是下降的 要不说你们容易被忽悠呢
你这话自己看着可笑不? 地处偏僻就能垄断?你连啥叫垄断都不知道吧!
垄断,或称独占[1],旧译辜榷[2],一般指唯一的卖者在一个或多个市场,通过一个或多个阶段,面对竞争性的消费者,与买方垄断相反。在垄断中,永远只有一个卖家,有很高的进入门槛,商品通常是独一无二的。垄断者通常指垄断一个行业的公司或企业。 独占者在市场上,能够随意调节价格与产量。垄断能够借由在法律上独享的特权、对供应来源的控制、或是企业间的联手或协力行为(卡特尔)来达成。[3] 一般认为,垄断的基本原因是进入障碍,也就是说,独占厂商能在其市场上保持唯一卖者的地位,是因为其它企业不能进入市场并与之竞争。产生垄断的原因有: 自然垄断:生产成本使一个生产者比大量生产者更有效率。这是最常见的垄断形式。 资源垄断:关键资源由一家企业拥有(如:无线电视的配音业)。 行政性垄断:政府给予一家企业排他性地生产某种产品或劳务的权利(public franchise)。 专卖:政府自行垄断
New YorkCNN — Food prices have surged by more than 20% under the Biden-Harris administration, leaving many voters eager to stretch their dollars further at the grocery store.
“My plan will include new penalties for opportunistic companies that exploit crises and break the rules,” Harris said at a campaign event. There’s just one issue: Harris’ proposal could create more problems than the one it’s trying to solve, some economists say. Gavin Roberts studied anti-price gouging laws some states passed during the pandemic. One of the biggest effects he observed, especially at grocery stores, was that these laws motivated people “to go buy goods more than they would if prices had risen.”
吓死人了,还社会主义一点都不能有,二战时罗斯福政府就控价了。还是那句话,得国会通过,Harris 没有多数通不过。
你这通篇没解释为市场不能是地域性的,也没解释grocery 不能垄断啊?
不是高素质人士吗?真的连基本的经济学常识都不具备,给了你定义,还地域性市场?还grocery store垄断呢?你在讲笑话吗?垄断的核心是竞争者无法进入,请问偏远地区价格高,其他商家是眼瞎看不到吗?还是没有能力进入这个市场呢?
哈哈哈哈,真别扯什么高素质低素质了。你不承认Grocery 趁通胀疯涨牟取暴利的事实,那我也没办法。 Tyson Foods’ execs and shareholders are some of the big beneficiaries of stock buybacks. Tyson raised the price of meat nearly 30 percent and saw its profit margins more than double between 2021 and 2022. It’s operating costs rose, but price increases more than offset those costs—by 33 percent. According to the Federal Trade Commission, Walmart, Kroger, and Amazon “used rising costs as an opportunity to further hike prices to increase their profits.” The price of food and drinks rose seven percent more than their costs. Walmart raised prices more than 50 percent on some of its generic food brands in the three years between 2020 and 2023. General Mills raised the price of cereal 12 percent in 2023 from the prior year. It also shrunk the amount of cereal in the box to 18.1 ounces from 19.3 ounces.
价值是有的,拿出来大家讨论一下利弊(实施起来确实也不见得一帆风顺,需要考虑副作用的),总比川普什么政策说不出来强(你们选我就行了,保证降价)。但基本上没有国会足够票数确实就是大饼,还有codify Roe也是大饼。这饼比Project 25 靠谱而已。
别扯了。共和党哪里控制参院。一旦Harris 上台。从此没有两党才是真的。希望八月底之后你们这些毛毛funding cut. 不要来带风向了。
是的, 如果明知国会通不过只是故意说说, 有点愚弄选民的嫌疑。 这种揣着明白装糊涂很讨厌, 会让公众政治讨论离现实越来越远。
另外共和党在国会真的没有那么大优势, 2022中期选举喊了半天red wave, 最后被狠狠大脸, 因为堕胎问题得罪的女性选民太多了。 所以后来初选上所有候选人的一大议题就是在堕胎权上表态。
Alito 大法官都援引了17世纪的witch hunter了,高院都宣布美国有king了,两百年历史在MAGA看来算个屁啊,就是要一脚倒车踩回建国前。
你觉得川普上台你说的这些会发生?整天搞fear mongering有啥意思(连你自己也不会信)?还是多讨论哈里斯上台怎么解决通胀问题,边境问题,冶安问题吧。
你好像忘了现在欧洲和中东在过去三年都开始爆发战争,而且目测没有立刻停止的可能性,而且这两场战争的players都有核武或者即将有核武(伊朗,thanks to the Democratic Party)只有扩大化的担心。还有个地区这些年对可能战争的猜测一直没停过。
哈里斯上台会怎么样我不知道,川普在台上的Chinese virus绝对是听够了不想再听,就这么简单
Well said! 没想到华人上还有阿根廷长大的,层主应该多讲讲阿根廷,Venezuela怎样短短几十年时间从南美富国到今天的地步,不过说了估计也没用,这么多从大陆出来的,即使自己没亲身经历过国内的社会主义,难道还没听父母祖辈提起。当然很多只是trolls,纯粹搅浑水的。
remember what thatcher said: socialism is great till you run out of other people’s money.
这都什么鬼扯淡啊, Tyson Foods 因为成本上升太快,明明是亏本的吧
Tyson Foods on Monday (Nov. 13) reported an income loss in fiscal year 2023 of $648 million, well below the $3.238 billion of net income in fiscal 2022.
2022年也一样,the Springdale-based company ended fiscal 2022 with record revenue of $53.282 billion, up 13.2% from the prior year. Net income grew to $3.249 billion, up 6.26% year over year Revenue 增长比利润快,利润率自然是下降的