对,K-12的主要经费来自state and local tax,联邦出8%。 教育部的经费主要给student loan, Discretionary Grant Applications。后者这个Grant和k-12、青少年有关,公立学校新开的programs、扩建,比如Stem的一些活动,建实验室,这些或者放在ballot里面征收特别税收,或者申请联邦经费。青少年的一些团体,组织教育相关活动的也可以申请。
花样失焦 发表于 2024-08-13 18:25 对,K-12的主要经费来自state and local tax,联邦出8%。 教育部的经费主要给student loan, Discretionary Grant Applications。后者这个Grant和k-12、青少年有关,公立学校新开的programs、扩建,比如Stem的一些活动,建实验室,这些或者放在ballot里面征收特别税收,或者申请联邦经费。青少年的一些团体,组织教育相关活动的也可以申请。
花样失焦 发表于 2024-08-13 18:25 对,K-12的主要经费来自state and local tax,联邦出8%。 教育部的经费主要给student loan, Discretionary Grant Applications。后者这个Grant和k-12、青少年有关,公立学校新开的programs、扩建,比如Stem的一些活动,建实验室,这些或者放在ballot里面征收特别税收,或者申请联邦经费。青少年的一些团体,组织教育相关活动的也可以申请。
花样失焦 发表于 2024-08-13 18:25 对,K-12的主要经费来自state and local tax,联邦出8%。 教育部的经费主要给student loan, Discretionary Grant Applications。后者这个Grant和k-12、青少年有关,公立学校新开的programs、扩建,比如Stem的一些活动,建实验室,这些或者放在ballot里面征收特别税收,或者申请联邦经费。青少年的一些团体,组织教育相关活动的也可以申请。
他写前言的这本书,书名叫“Dawn’s Early Light: Taking Back Washington to Save America,” 前言节选: ‘It’s time to circle the wagons and load the muskets’ “The old conservative movement argued if you just got government out of the way, natural forces would resolve problems—we are no longer in this situation and must take a different approach. As Kevin Roberts writes, ‘It’s fine to take a laissez-faire approach when you are in the safety of the sunshine. But when the twilight descends and you hear the wolves, you’ve got to circle the wagons and load the muskets.” “We are now all realizing that it’s time to circle the wagons and load the muskets. In the fights that lay ahead, these ideas are an essential weapon.” Thinks Roberts taking risk by publishing the book “Never before has a figure with Roberts’s depth and stature within the American Right tried to articulate a genuinely new future for conservatism. The Heritage Foundation isn’t some random outpost on Capitol Hill; it is and has been the most influential engine of ideas for Republicans from Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump. Yet it is Heritage’s power and influence that makes it easy to avoid risks. Roberts could collect a nice salary, write decent books, and tell donors what they want to hear. But Roberts believes doing the same old thing could lead to the ruin of our nation.” Warns against idolizing tech companies, free market “Roberts understands economics and supports basic free market principles, but he doesn’t make an idol out of decades old theories. He argues persuasively that the modern financial corporation was almost entirely foreign to the founders of our nation. The closest eighteenth-century analogue to the modern Apple or Google is the British East India company, a monstrous hybrid of public and private power that would have made its subjects completely unable to access an American sense of liberty. The idea that our founders meant to make their citizens subjects to this kind of hybrid power is ahistorical and preposterous, yet too many modern ‘conservatives’ make such an idol out of the market that they ignore this. A private company that can censor speech, influence elections, and work seamlessly with intelligence services and other federal bureaucrats deserves the scrutiny of the Right, not its support.” ‘We should encourage our kids to get married and have kids‘ “Roberts sees a conservatism that is focused on the family. In this, he borrows from the old American Right that recognized—correctly, in my view—that cultural norms and attitudes matter. We should encourage our kids to get married and have kids. We should teach them that marriage isn’t just a contract, but a sacred—and to the extent possible, lifelong—union. We should discourage them from behaviors that threaten the stability of their families.” … https://thehill.com/homenews/4819346-five-key-excerpts-from-jd-vances-forward-to-project-2025-leaders-book/amp/
https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/17/homes/florida-law-bans-chinese-citizens-buying-homes/index.html#:~:text=Chinese%20citizens%20barred%20from%20buying,critical%20infrastructure%20facility%E2%80%9D%20in%20Florida. Chinese citizens barred from buying property in Florida Under SB 264, citizens of Russia, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and Syria are prohibited from buying property within 10 miles of any “military installation or critical infrastructure facility” in Florida.
drower 发表于 2024-08-14 01:09 https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/17/homes/florida-law-bans-chinese-citizens-buying-homes/index.html#:~:text=Chinese%20citizens%20barred%20from%20buying,critical%20infrastructure%20facility%E2%80%9D%20in%20Florida. Chinese citizens barred from buying property in Florida Under SB 264, citizens of Russia, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and Syria are prohibited from buying property within 10 miles of any “military installation or critical infrastructure facility” in Florida.
不需要CNN,几个大媒体都有报道: https://apnews.com/article/florida-chinese-citizen-court-desantis-land-agriculture-9c977ca05db001224e2017ad7577c467 https://theweek.com/politics/florida-chinese-homes https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/06/us/florida-land-law-chinese-homes.html US appeals court split over Florida ban on Chinese citizens owning property | Reuters 够了吗?
这群疯子搞这个的目的是什么?不是要让America great again 吗?这些脑残的提议怎么能make America great SmileOrange 发表于 2024-08-13 18:29
他们的逻辑是 make America great again 必须从 make America white again,. make America Christian again做起 很多时候魔鬼不在口号里面,魔鬼在实现这个口号的方法里面 做个类比,问题是怎么用一刀分蛋糕给3个小朋友 川党口号非常伟大,要让收到蛋糕的小朋友感到公平! 方法是: 直接砍死一个,剩下俩个一人一半
Silverwing 发表于 2024-08-14 08:53 他们的逻辑是 make America great again 必须从 make America white again,. make America Christian again做起 很多时候魔鬼不在口号里面,魔鬼在实现这个口号的方法里面 做个类比,问题是怎么用一刀分蛋糕给3个小朋友 川党口号非常伟大,要让收到蛋糕的小朋友感到公平! 方法是: 直接砍死一个,剩下俩个一人一半
Project 2025有几项内容需要指出: · 关掉美国教育部,解散国土安全局。 · 司法部权力归属于总统。 · 官员的升值要接受仔细的审查,包括是否否认气候变化,是否支持堕胎等。 · 将数万名职业公务员重新分类,以便他们可以更容易地被解雇和替换。 · Project 2025还否认气候变化,要抹掉所有关于气候变化的文字。 · 禁止同性恋组成家庭、生养孩子。 · 限制堕胎药,甚至禁止堕胎药。
因为Project 2025发布以来,在两党选民内都不受欢迎,导致Trump从大选季开始,就试图撇开关系,Trump还声称不了解Project 2025。但是,他的副手JD Vance是Project 2025的绝对支持者,更是为Project 2025书作序。Project 2025其中20多位作者都是他上一任政府、和他关系亲密的官员。而且,最近还有他和Heritage Foundation的头儿在私人飞机上的合影流出。这位领导接受采访的时候说,“Trump只是为了大选在和我们保持距离,我们的关系很好。”
Project 2025最近有内部培训视频被流出,共计超过14个小时,23个视频。在36名演讲者里,29名曾服务于上一届的特朗普政府,与特朗普的政治运作有其他紧密联系。视频旨在招聘培训遵循Project 2025的官员,来取代现有政府官员,以及,上任以后,如何推进保守政策。
这个Project 2025是共和党上任之后,大概率会实施的政策,很多让社会倒退的政策,被详细的写在文档上,有点细思极恐。
🔥 最新回帖
https://x.com/krassenstein/status/1824110431956259234 更多被爆出来的录像
教育部确实没必要存在。美国学校的主要经费来自于各州和各地区的 local tax,主要大学的科研经费来自于 NSF, 或者联邦政府其它各部,或者企业。教育部支持的项目大多数和政治有关,比如支持平权,反歧视的各种Fund,这些实在是没什么作用,教育部没必要存在。
川普支持者,包括JD VANCE和他22名幕僚,搞出来的project 25
我也喜欢Ronny Chieng! 还有Jordan,原先Trevor在的时候他只做采访,后来才发现他能力远远不止做采访
🛋️ 沙发板凳
Project 2025说了,最高法院也归总统管,那样就离一人独裁的日子不远了
川粉还口口生生女性失去堕胎权跟 trump 无关呢。
最大的影响是经费,联邦层面不再拨款,各个州需要自己筹集经费搞教育,不富裕的州就只好自求多福,各个层面上的教育经费被砍几乎是一定的。 然后不能在联邦的层面上保障公民权利,比如,以前出现过的,有色人种不能入学,也没有过去很多年 还有些特殊教育,给残疾人的特殊教育,经费都无法保障 统一教材或者理念也是各个州自己把握
美国教育政策以及教育课程设置等均由各州与地方学区决定的。废除教育部挺好的,不用纳税人养一帮没用的政府官僚机构。 这个我支持。第十修正案的有关规定,联邦政府因而无权确定国家教育政策。所以这个教育部没啥用。
我看了看project 2025,还有比你提的更厉害的。反正是很scared.
哦,我上面加了一点。本来教育部就没权利规定各州的教育政策。 你说的现在落后州也还是自己州和地方决定的教育政策。联邦教育部起不了作用。 所以你的假设不成立,当然也不排除将来出现任何幺蛾子。
Trump 在白宫的20多为官员起草这个project 2025.
刚看一个Vance 访谈说堕胎权的问题,他们的立场是交由各州自己决定
project2025 Is very scared. 回到中世纪被教会管制的黑暗时刻。
川普pro life但是接受exceptions,Vance是法学院开始就坚决反对堕胎的strong pro life advocate
Vance的fore words? 他的前言是给 project 2025 leader 的一本书写的序。其他的他还参与什么了?
团体。。。 联邦政府按Vance 访谈的说法,他们让各州自己决定
你就不用辩解了。我在各个美国网站昨天把project 25的讨论都浏览了。每个美国人都在说trump团队实施project25的事情。明确指出20多位trump团队撰写支持project25。
帖子太不严谨啦。“每个美国人”这么一说你的结论就站不住脚了。“撰写” 还是“支持” project 2025 意思差别太大了。
对,K-12的主要经费来自state and local tax,联邦出8%。 教育部的经费主要给student loan, Discretionary Grant Applications。后者这个Grant和k-12、青少年有关,公立学校新开的programs、扩建,比如Stem的一些活动,建实验室,这些或者放在ballot里面征收特别税收,或者申请联邦经费。青少年的一些团体,组织教育相关活动的也可以申请。
你难道还没明白,他们所说的America是属于以前白人统领有色人种的America吗?其实是要Make America white again。
wsj的油管是这个吧,贴在下面了。 听一些做反对Project 2025活动的人说,他们在做宣传的时候,都要适当dial down the danger of project 2025,因为很多内容太难以置信了。
I used google...
Not going back
左派不是一直站在freedom 的道德高地吗?怎么我一争辩,就没有辩解的自由啦?因为你比我有更多自由?
这是make America medieval again
他写前言的这本书,书名叫“Dawn’s Early Light: Taking Back Washington to Save America,”
前言节选: ‘It’s time to circle the wagons and load the muskets’ “The old conservative movement argued if you just got government out of the way, natural forces would resolve problems—we are no longer in this situation and must take a different approach. As Kevin Roberts writes, ‘It’s fine to take a laissez-faire approach when you are in the safety of the sunshine. But when the twilight descends and you hear the wolves, you’ve got to circle the wagons and load the muskets.” “We are now all realizing that it’s time to circle the wagons and load the muskets. In the fights that lay ahead, these ideas are an essential weapon.” Thinks Roberts taking risk by publishing the book “Never before has a figure with Roberts’s depth and stature within the American Right tried to articulate a genuinely new future for conservatism. The Heritage Foundation isn’t some random outpost on Capitol Hill; it is and has been the most influential engine of ideas for Republicans from Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump. Yet it is Heritage’s power and influence that makes it easy to avoid risks. Roberts could collect a nice salary, write decent books, and tell donors what they want to hear. But Roberts believes doing the same old thing could lead to the ruin of our nation.” Warns against idolizing tech companies, free market “Roberts understands economics and supports basic free market principles, but he doesn’t make an idol out of decades old theories. He argues persuasively that the modern financial corporation was almost entirely foreign to the founders of our nation. The closest eighteenth-century analogue to the modern Apple or Google is the British East India company, a monstrous hybrid of public and private power that would have made its subjects completely unable to access an American sense of liberty. The idea that our founders meant to make their citizens subjects to this kind of hybrid power is ahistorical and preposterous, yet too many modern ‘conservatives’ make such an idol out of the market that they ignore this. A private company that can censor speech, influence elections, and work seamlessly with intelligence services and other federal bureaucrats deserves the scrutiny of the Right, not its support.” ‘We should encourage our kids to get married and have kids‘ “Roberts sees a conservatism that is focused on the family. In this, he borrows from the old American Right that recognized—correctly, in my view—that cultural norms and attitudes matter. We should encourage our kids to get married and have kids. We should teach them that marriage isn’t just a contract, but a sacred—and to the extent possible, lifelong—union. We should discourage them from behaviors that threaten the stability of their families.” … https://thehill.com/homenews/4819346-five-key-excerpts-from-jd-vances-forward-to-project-2025-leaders-book/amp/
我说的不用辩解,是trump团体和project 2025 是一伙,这件事情是事实。你在那里说不是,就是和trump一样在撒谎。川粉撒谎成性。
的确难以置信,handmaid's tale离我们并不遥远
弗罗里达禁止华人买房?拿绿卡的和成为公民的华人不能买房? 假新闻吧!
你这才是危言耸听,很多川普支持者包括Ohio senator公开威胁过内战,但是我从没见谁说过世界大战,更别说多人表示要导致世界大战,找不出source等同于你造谣。
不太懂你的意思。project 2025不是川普认同的政策,去看他的agenda 47。现在左派拿project 2025攻击他 太没下限,谎言重复一万遍也是谎言,好吧。川普在位时 并没有极端政策,即使他有啥也没法通过,倒是拜登时不时绕开国会 不顾最高法院的判定,我行我素。随便贴一个媒体报道川普将引发世界大战的观点,事实上他在位期间并没有开辟新的战争。https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2017/10/09/politics/corker-world-war-iii-donald-trump-white-house
感谢分享这个文章,2017年我还不关心政治,不了解这些,现在回头看当时的新闻,更提醒了大家,当时在任的川普有多unhinged,这个说他set path for WW III可是个田纳西共和党的议员,连他自己党派的人都受不了他
Chinese citizens barred from buying property in Florida Under SB 264, citizens of Russia, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and Syria are prohibited from buying property within 10 miles of any “military installation or critical infrastructure facility” in Florida.
不需要CNN,几个大媒体都有报道: https://apnews.com/article/florida-chinese-citizen-court-desantis-land-agriculture-9c977ca05db001224e2017ad7577c467 https://theweek.com/politics/florida-chinese-homes https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/06/us/florida-land-law-chinese-homes.html US appeals court split over Florida ban on Chinese citizens owning property | Reuters
那政策最可恶的不是“禁止非绿卡公民华人买房”,而是所有大陆last name的人,包括疑似大陆last name的亚裔(比如越裔韩裔),如果要买房都得比其他人多一重手续,证明自己不是来自大陆,或已经有绿卡公民。
川粉在这世界上唯一需要的证据就是川普怎么说的, 它们啥时候管过事实是什么? 它们的圈子是: 如果你怀疑,说明你的信仰不坚定,这就是原罪了
他们的逻辑是 make America great again 必须从 make America white again,. make America Christian again做起
做个类比,问题是怎么用一刀分蛋糕给3个小朋友 川党口号非常伟大,要让收到蛋糕的小朋友感到公平! 方法是: 直接砍死一个,剩下俩个一人一半
同时也是“清君侧,先统一思想”。 按它这纲领司法都归总统了,直接推翻三权分立,还民主个茄子,一天到晚喊个屁的二修,不如早点散伙分行李
是不在美国居住的非绿卡/公民不能买房. 当时一群人去州政府发言,有个议员就说,你们今天来的这些人都不是这个法案针对的对象。还有人老喜欢说华人脸就要多一道手续,人家说那个声明是所有购房者都要签的。后来就没怎么关注这个事儿了,反正肯定不是网上传的那样。
唇亡齿寒啊,没有h1 和 f1过来居住,华人肯定就衰亡了
这个说的很有道理。16、17年的时候因为对川普移民政策不确定的害怕,很多公司都暂停了招需要H1B的international students ,即使川普也没有出台禁止H1B的政策。这种反移民情绪就像病毒一样蔓延,潜移默化地影响普通人生活。
举个例子,很多人做房东 看到黑人就不愿意租, 如果有其他选项一定会pass 会有人仔细再去看这个黑人是不是受过高等教育的"好"黑人?
你们猜美国黑人会不会像黄川粉辩护一样,为系统性歧视非洲黑人移民辩护?比如他们不是美国公民啊, 俺们土生土长的黑人不受影响?