Come on! Not again. It’s the sponsor invited her, not the Olympics committee! Olympics is all about pushing sponsors in your face as much as possible, it’s all about money. I’m sick of the money oriented games, and the twisted information allowing the celebrities to brag and monetize the Olympic spirit.
yoyo2013 发表于 2024-08-11 11:06 Come on! Not again. It’s the sponsor invited her, not the Olympics committee! Olympics is all about pushing sponsors in your face as much as possible, it’s all about money. I’m sick of the money oriented games, and the twisted information allowing the celebrities to brag and monetize the Olympic spirit.
yoyo2013 发表于 2024-08-11 11:06 Come on! Not again. It’s the sponsor invited her, not the Olympics committee! Olympics is all about pushing sponsors in your face as much as possible, it’s all about money. I’m sick of the money oriented games, and the twisted information allowing the celebrities to brag and monetize the Olympic spirit.
Because so many people fall for the crap! Everyone is quoting and spreading rumors instead of fact. You talked like you know how she’s invited. Others talked about she should be representing China for marathon. It’s just ridiculous. I’m also upset because it’s way too hard for people like my neighbor to participate in events like this. Those people are truly passionate about running, they represent the true Olympic spirit. Why I’m typing in English? Because that help filter the people who can’t read English, the paid posters!
yoyo2013 发表于 2024-08-11 11:22 Because so many people fall for the crap! Everyone is quoting and spreading rumors instead of fact. You talked like you know how she’s invited. Others talked about she should be representing China for marathon. It’s just ridiculous. I’m also upset because it’s way too hard for people like my neighbor to participate in events like this. Those people are truly passionate about running, they represent the true Olympic spirit. Why I’m typing in English? Because that help filter the people who can’t read English, the paid posters!
北京时间8月11日,巴黎奥运会女子马拉松决赛进行,3位中国选手张德顺、夏雨雨和白丽参加了角逐。张德顺以2:36:47完赛,排名第59;夏雨雨以2:42:10完赛,排名第72;白丽以2:44:44完赛,排名第76 。 冠军被荷兰名将西凡-哈桑以2小时22分55秒的成绩拿下。这个成绩也打破了奥运会纪录。 值得一提的是,本次巴黎奥运会还设置了大众组马拉松,比赛赛道与正赛完全相同,全球共40048名大众选手中签参赛,其中包括120余名中国跑者。第一个冲线的女子选手,是来自中国云南昭通、在厦门工作的女程序员黄雪梅,成绩是2小时41分03秒,她的这个成绩,比今天参加奥运会正式比赛的夏雨雨和白丽还快。 “90后”的黄雪梅,本职身份是一名在银行工作的程序员,平日的工作是敲代码、补bug。她只在业余时间练习跑步,利用周末时间参加马拉松比赛。
Come on! Not again. It’s the sponsor invited her, not the Olympics committee! Olympics is all about pushing sponsors in your face as much as possible, it’s all about money. I’m sick of the money oriented games, and the twisted information allowing the celebrities to brag and monetize the Olympic spirit.
没有赞助商,谁愿意办比赛,现在奥运会都没有人要办了 再说是群众组 邀请这些体育明星去吸引更多人关注奥运会,没什么可说的 奥运火炬接力的时候不也是一大堆明星,政客
Because so many people fall for the crap! Everyone is quoting and spreading rumors instead of fact. You talked like you know how she’s invited. Others talked about she should be representing China for marathon. It’s just ridiculous. I’m also upset because it’s way too hard for people like my neighbor to participate in events like this. Those people are truly passionate about running, they represent the true Olympic spirit. Why I’m typing in English? Because that help filter the people who can’t read English, the paid posters!
2024年 1月1日,2024石狮半程马拉松赛,黄雪梅净成绩1小时15分56秒获得女子组冠军。 1月7日,2024厦门马拉松赛,黄雪梅以02:35:18成绩获得中国籍女子组亚军。 4月20日,2024年世界田联钻石联赛,黄雪梅以16分52秒24的成绩获得女子5000米大众组冠军。 8月11日,黄雪梅以2小时41分03秒的净成绩获得巴黎奥运会大众马拉松女子第一名。 2023年 10月29日,2023年北京马拉松赛,业余跑者黄雪梅以2小时32分16秒的成绩,位列国际女子第7名、国内女子第3名。 10月22日,2023泰宁环大金湖马拉松赛暨“奔赴山海·直通厦马”马拉松联赛(首站)在泰宁鸣枪开赛,黄雪梅获得半程马拉松赛女子第一名。 11月12日,2023妈祖(湄洲岛)女子半程马拉松在莲池沙滩鸣枪开跑,黄雪梅净成绩为1小时15分钟44秒获得冠军。 11月19日,2023环冠豸山马拉松赛,黄雪梅以1小时18分43秒的成绩获得2023环冠豸山马拉松赛半程女子组冠军。 11月26日,2023绍兴马拉松,黄雪梅以1:13:50的净成绩获得女子半程马拉松亚军。 12月3日,2023晋江马拉松赛,黄雪梅净成绩01:15:12获得半程马拉松女子冠军。 12月10日,2023广州马拉松赛,黄雪梅1小时16分获得女子半马冠军。 12月17日,2023特步厦门环东半程马拉松赛在环东浪漫线鸣枪开跑,黄雪梅获女子组第三名,用时1:12:58,创造个人最好成绩。
you won! I’m heading to the gym. It’s a waste of my time posting.
Congrats! This is awesome!
她17年马拉松才跑4个多小时,现在这个成绩,天赋厉害了👍 要是从小能被发现,专业跑步,说不定还真出大神,当然现在也很好,985计算机毕业,这学历也是杠杠的
前不久有ID在某贴说,中国的奥运冠军有过的很惨的,当搓澡工和当街卖艺。 然后我跑去查了一下,也是网上以讹传讹。 当搓澡工和当街卖艺的不是奥运冠军,成绩没那么突出。退役时也给了体制内工作,但是他们都辞职自己出来干了。