查了 Minimum age in 50 states: 4 states have no official minimum age, but still require either parental consent, court approval or both: California, Mississippi, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. 2 states have a minimum age of 15: Hawaii and Kansas. 21 states have a minimum age of 16. 10 states have a minimum age of 17. 13 states have a minimum age of 18, which is the same as their general age: Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia and Washington.
网上查到的: 在最新修订的各州法律中,美国的确只有6个州完全禁止“童婚”,44个州在女方怀孕、父母同意、法院授权等情况下允许部分未成年人结婚。 美国反童婚组织Unchained at Last在2019年更新的一项研究发现,2000年至2018年间,美国估计有29万余名未成年人结婚,约96%的未成年人结婚年龄在16岁或17岁之间,但也有少数儿童年仅10岁。
Missouri lawmaker defends 12-year-olds getting married Missouri State Sen. Mike Moon (R-Ash Grove) said on the floor Tuesday that he knew at least one person who got married at 12 years old and followed up with a comment of “Guess what, they’re still married.” https://fox2now.com/news/missouri/missouri-lawmaker-defends-12-year-olds-getting-married/amp/ In the video, State Rep. Peter Merideth (D-St. Louis) was addressing Moon and discussed his support of “parents’ rights to raise their kids how they want.” Merideth then points out that Moon did not want to make it illegal for children at the age of 12 to get married, as long as they had consent of parents.
根据美国官方公布的数据,在2000年至2010年的这十年,美国有接近25万儿童步入了婚姻,最小的年仅10岁,进行登记的儿童几乎都是女童,罕有男童,而且几乎所有的女童都嫁给了成年男子。在2010年至2020年的这十年,数字依然没有降低太多,全美国依然有超过20万儿童进行了合法的结婚。注意是20万儿童,不是20个儿童,单位是万。 美国反童婚组织Unchained at Last曾经发布一组数据,曝光了美国童婚更多的“秘密”。 从2000年至2010年,美国的阿肯色州、爱达荷州和肯塔基州拥有最高的“童婚率”,每一万个人中,就有超过20个未成年人步入婚姻。 纯粹看未成年结婚的儿童数量,德克萨斯州位居第一,有34793个孩子早早结婚;紧随其后的是佛罗里达州,相应的数量为14278。 A landmark 2021 study by Unchained at Last found that an estimated three hundred thousand children were married in the United States between 2000 and 2018, the vast majority of whom were girls married to older men. Approximately sixty thousand occurred at an age or involved a spousal age difference that should have constituted a sex crime. Some were as young as ten. Child marriage, or marriage before age 18, was legal in all 50 U.S. states as of 2017. Thanks to Unchained’s relentless advocacy, that is changing. Delaware and New Jersey in 2018 became the first two states to end this human rights abuse, followed by American Samoa in 2018, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Pennsylvania and Minnesota in 2020, Rhode Island and New York in 2021, Massachusetts in 2022 and Vermont in 2023. However, child marriage remains legal in 42 states and is happening in the U.S. at an alarming rate: Unchained’s groundbreaking research revealed that nearly 300,000 children as young as 10 were married in the U.S. between 2000 and 2018 – mostly girls wed to adult men. At least 60,000 child marriages in the U.S. between 2000 and 2018 occurred at an age or with a spousal age difference that should have been considered a sex crime. Of those child marriages, 88% gave a rapist a “get out of jail free” card, while 12% sent a child home to be raped. Either way, the marriage license made a mockery of statutory rape laws. https://www.unchainedatlast.org/laws-to-end-child-marriage/
小乖媽咪 发表于 2024-08-09 23:36 根据美国官方公布的数据,在2000年至2010年的这十年,美国有接近25万儿童步入了婚姻,最小的年仅10岁,进行登记的儿童几乎都是女童,罕有男童,而且几乎所有的女童都嫁给了成年男子。在2010年至2020年的这十年,数字依然没有降低太多,全美国依然有超过20万儿童进行了合法的结婚。注意是20万儿童,不是20个儿童,单位是万。 美国反童婚组织Unchained at Last曾经发布一组数据,曝光了美国童婚更多的“秘密”。 从2000年至2010年,美国的阿肯色州、爱达荷州和肯塔基州拥有最高的“童婚率”,每一万个人中,就有超过20个未成年人步入婚姻。 纯粹看未成年结婚的儿童数量,德克萨斯州位居第一,有34793个孩子早早结婚;紧随其后的是佛罗里达州,相应的数量为14278。 A landmark 2021 study by Unchained at Last found that an estimated three hundred thousand children were married in the United States between 2000 and 2018, the vast majority of whom were girls married to older men. Approximately sixty thousand occurred at an age or involved a spousal age difference that should have constituted a sex crime. Some were as young as ten. Child marriage, or marriage before age 18, was legal in all 50 U.S. states as of 2017. Thanks to Unchained’s relentless advocacy, that is changing. Delaware and New Jersey in 2018 became the first two states to end this human rights abuse, followed by American Samoa in 2018, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Pennsylvania and Minnesota in 2020, Rhode Island and New York in 2021, Massachusetts in 2022 and Vermont in 2023. However, child marriage remains legal in 42 states and is happening in the U.S. at an alarming rate: Unchained’s groundbreaking research revealed that nearly 300,000 children as young as 10 were married in the U.S. between 2000 and 2018 – mostly girls wed to adult men. At least 60,000 child marriages in the U.S. between 2000 and 2018 occurred at an age or with a spousal age difference that should have been considered a sex crime. Of those child marriages, 88% gave a rapist a “get out of jail free” card, while 12% sent a child home to be raped. Either way, the marriage license made a mockery of statutory rape laws. https://www.unchainedatlast.org/laws-to-end-child-marriage/
我把你原帖里没有写出来的补充在这里: An estimated 297,033 children were married in the U.S. between 2000 and 2018. That number includes 232,474 based on actual data plus 64,559 based on estimates. 10-Year-Olds: 5 (<1%) 11-Year-Olds: 1 (<1%) 12-Year-Olds: 14 (<1%) 13-Year-Olds: 78 (<1%) 14-Year-Olds: 1,223 (<1%) 15-Year-Olds: 8,199 (4%) 16-Year-Olds: 63,956 (29%) 17-Year-Olds: 148,944 (67%) 数据里10岁的5个,11岁1个,12岁14个,加起来一共20个12岁以内的。也就是全美国一年里平均出现1例极端情况。
我把你原帖里没有写出来的补充在这里: An estimated 297,033 children were married in the U.S. between 2000 and 2018. That number includes 232,474 based on actual data plus 64,559 based on estimates. 10-Year-Olds: 5 (<1%) 11-Year-Olds: 1 (<1%) 12-Year-Olds: 14 (<1%) 13-Year-Olds: 78 (<1%) 14-Year-Olds: 1,223 (<1%) 15-Year-Olds: 8,199 (4%) 16-Year-Olds: 63,956 (29%) 17-Year-Olds: 148,944 (67%) 数据里10岁的5个,11岁1个,12岁14个,加起来一共20个12岁以内的。也就是全美国一年里平均出现1例极端情况。 CK 发表于 2024-08-10 00:08
Peacelife 发表于 2024-08-09 15:51 查了 Minimum age in 50 states: 4 states have no official minimum age, but still require either parental consent, court approval or both: California, Mississippi, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. 2 states have a minimum age of 15: Hawaii and Kansas. 21 states have a minimum age of 16. 10 states have a minimum age of 17. 13 states have a minimum age of 18, which is the same as their general age: Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia and Washington.
虽然但是。。。。你这是2013年的老照片。。。 这照片,和这次伊拉克法定结婚的提案(对,仅仅是提案,还没变成法律),根本就没关系。。 However, the blonde girl pictured here was not being sold into sexual slavery as a child bride by Muslims (or anyone else), and no credible reports (outside of the inflammatory meme itself) suggested she was a Christian who had seen her "father beheaded and her mother raped." The image used in the meme originated with a (no longer available) video from 2013 that captured a 7-year-old girl participating in a Quran recital competition, The website Arabic Canada solved the mystery surrounding the “outrageous” picture, by sharing a video of what seems to be a Quran recital competition -- from which the picture was taken -- organized by ISIS in Klassa, a neighborhood in Aleppo, in 2013. The video shows the ISIS member, who was misleadingly presented as the young girl’s groom, having a small chat with her before she recites verses of the Quran. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/girl-forced-child-marriage-meme/
这个惊恐万分的小女孩 9 岁了,在她家人被伊斯兰恐怖分子 Mawayiah Abu-Alqahtani 杀害后,她被迫嫁给他。
然后呢 很多9岁爹妈被杀然后就结婚了?
查了 Minimum age in 50 states: 4 states have no official minimum age, but still require either parental consent, court approval or both: California, Mississippi, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. 2 states have a minimum age of 15: Hawaii and Kansas. 21 states have a minimum age of 16. 10 states have a minimum age of 17. 13 states have a minimum age of 18, which is the same as their general age: Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia and Washington.
9岁就可以结婚真是太邪恶了!跟恋童癖有什么区别? 美国再不正常也不会法律规定到9岁就可以结婚吧?不要夸大其词了,我查了一下,绝大部分州都是18岁。上面15,16,17的都是exceptional circumstances,需要特别申请,并且对婚姻另一方年龄有限制
首先Mawayiah Abu-Alqahtani是伊斯兰恐怖分子,他残忍的杀害了小女孩的家人并逼迫小女孩嫁给他,和小女孩几岁并无太大关联。
伊朗法定结婚年龄 伊朗的法定结婚年龄因地区和宗教信仰的不同而有所差异。然而,在伊斯兰教教法中,女性最低结婚年龄是9岁,男性是15岁。但请注意,这只是宗教上的规定,并不等同于现代法律意义上的法定结婚年龄。在实际操作中,伊朗的法定结婚年龄可能会受到当地民事法律的影响,因此具体年龄限制可能会有所不同。
美国反童婚组织Unchained at Last在2019年更新的一项研究发现,2000年至2018年间,美国估计有29万余名未成年人结婚,约96%的未成年人结婚年龄在16岁或17岁之间,但也有少数儿童年仅10岁。
美国“但也有少数儿童年仅10岁。” 那里来的数据?请给出数据来源。网上无正规出处道听途说的数据就算了。 童婚在这些穆斯林国家可不是少数,看看三毛的作品就有详细的描写摩洛哥童婚的现象。
可惜版上一大帮绿教的脑残粉……你一说绿教不好傻B们就激动😄……最好笑的是还有gay支持绿教. 当然拉是在美国这里口嗨支持.
Missouri lawmaker defends 12-year-olds getting married Missouri State Sen. Mike Moon (R-Ash Grove) said on the floor Tuesday that he knew at least one person who got married at 12 years old and followed up with a comment of “Guess what, they’re still married.” https://fox2now.com/news/missouri/missouri-lawmaker-defends-12-year-olds-getting-married/amp/ In the video, State Rep. Peter Merideth (D-St. Louis) was addressing Moon and discussed his support of “parents’ rights to raise their kids how they want.” Merideth then points out that Moon did not want to make it illegal for children at the age of 12 to get married, as long as they had consent of parents.
所以合法可娶四个老婆,真是某些国家的人类邪恶到无底线了,绿教真是邪恶至极。 美国人权组织之前反对中国的计划生育,说是侵犯人权。穆斯林国家的这些邪恶做法,怎么不见反对? 世界女权主义的声音呢? 难以想象现在是2024年
美国的共和党俗称美国版塔利班,也崇拜child marriage
你先看看身边共和党政客对待child marriage 啥态度吧,别关心伊拉克了
伊斯兰教确实有很不人道的地方,尤其是对女性,这个没什么好争议的,但他们也禁了如下东西 1、严禁做伪证 2 、严禁说谎; 3、严禁诬蔑; 4、严禁谗言; 5、严禁诽谤; 6 、严禁讥笑并以秽名相称; 7、禁止恶意猜测; 8、禁止偷窥他人隐私; 9、禁 止嫉妒; 10、禁止妄言嘻行; 11、禁止背后非议。
商业禁忌 1、严禁重利盘剥; 2 、禁止在商品中搀假、以次充好; 3、禁止囤积财富垄断市场; 4、禁止缺斤少量; 5、禁止发誓推销商品; 6、禁止购买偷窃、抢夺来的物品; 7、严禁出售违禁物品; 8 、禁止经商中使用欺骗手段。
生活禁忌 1、严禁赌博 ; 2、严禁抽签; 3、严禁占卜、看相;
“伊斯兰教讲究的是和谐,而这些都不是对其他民族和宗教教义不理解、不尊重。” 看过历史的人都知道,曾经很长一段时间,犹太人和伊斯兰人是和谐共处的。
说这种话要么脑子不好 要么心眼不好,或者两个都有。
根据美国官方公布的数据,在2000年至2010年的这十年,美国有接近25万儿童步入了婚姻,最小的年仅10岁,进行登记的儿童几乎都是女童,罕有男童,而且几乎所有的女童都嫁给了成年男子。在2010年至2020年的这十年,数字依然没有降低太多,全美国依然有超过20万儿童进行了合法的结婚。注意是20万儿童,不是20个儿童,单位是万。 美国反童婚组织Unchained at Last曾经发布一组数据,曝光了美国童婚更多的“秘密”。 从2000年至2010年,美国的阿肯色州、爱达荷州和肯塔基州拥有最高的“童婚率”,每一万个人中,就有超过20个未成年人步入婚姻。
A landmark 2021 study by Unchained at Last found that an estimated three hundred thousand children were married in the United States between 2000 and 2018, the vast majority of whom were girls married to older men. Approximately sixty thousand occurred at an age or involved a spousal age difference that should have constituted a sex crime. Some were as young as ten.
Child marriage, or marriage before age 18, was legal in all 50 U.S. states as of 2017. Thanks to Unchained’s relentless advocacy, that is changing. Delaware and New Jersey in 2018 became the first two states to end this human rights abuse, followed by American Samoa in 2018, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Pennsylvania and Minnesota in 2020, Rhode Island and New York in 2021, Massachusetts in 2022 and Vermont in 2023.
However, child marriage remains legal in 42 states and is happening in the U.S. at an alarming rate: Unchained’s groundbreaking research revealed that nearly 300,000 children as young as 10 were married in the U.S. between 2000 and 2018 – mostly girls wed to adult men.
At least 60,000 child marriages in the U.S. between 2000 and 2018 occurred at an age or with a spousal age difference that should have been considered a sex crime. Of those child marriages, 88% gave a rapist a “get out of jail free” card, while 12% sent a child home to be raped. Either way, the marriage license made a mockery of statutory rape laws.
我把你原帖里没有写出来的补充在这里: An estimated 297,033 children were married in the U.S. between 2000 and 2018. That number includes 232,474 based on actual data plus 64,559 based on estimates. 10-Year-Olds: 5 (<1%) 11-Year-Olds: 1 (<1%) 12-Year-Olds: 14 (<1%) 13-Year-Olds: 78 (<1%) 14-Year-Olds: 1,223 (<1%) 15-Year-Olds: 8,199 (4%) 16-Year-Olds: 63,956 (29%) 17-Year-Olds: 148,944 (67%)
楼主有一点不准确 法律还没有pass
美国人拿一管洗衣服为借口去轰炸伊拉克人的时候 道德吗?美国在中东制造了那么多难民 道德吗? 英国当年造孽太多 活该现在被中东难民反噬
这个肯定是极其又蠢又坏 ,还没见识 天天蹲家看些乱七八糟德。
15岁是现代社会定义的minor,因为后面很多年还要受教育找工作,受法律保护主要是怕他们心理不成熟 被人利用,但是有罗密欧朱丽叶法案 两个minor可以发生关系。中国古代15岁就该找婆家了,18岁成老姑娘了。说明生理上女子15岁已经有结婚能力。
9岁身体没有ready 结婚和虐待差不多。
怎么,还嫌美国10岁结婚的儿童少? 你们动不动就扯锁链女的时候,可不是这样子的! 怎么美国儿童被这样残害,就不残忍了?就不黑暗了?就可以当成数字了?
虽然但是。。。。你这是2013年的老照片。。。 这照片,和这次伊拉克法定结婚的提案(对,仅仅是提案,还没变成法律),根本就没关系。。
However, the blonde girl pictured here was not being sold into sexual slavery as a child bride by Muslims (or anyone else), and no credible reports (outside of the inflammatory meme itself) suggested she was a Christian who had seen her "father beheaded and her mother raped."
The image used in the meme originated with a (no longer available) video from 2013 that captured a 7-year-old girl participating in a Quran recital competition,
The website Arabic Canada solved the mystery surrounding the “outrageous” picture, by sharing a video of what seems to be a Quran recital competition -- from which the picture was taken -- organized by ISIS in Klassa, a neighborhood in Aleppo, in 2013. The video shows the ISIS member, who was misleadingly presented as the young girl’s groom, having a small chat with her before she recites verses of the Quran.