while it’s true Albert Einstein’s family was concerned about his “late development” he spoke his first sentence at 2 and a half years old, when presented with his baby sister to play with, “Yes, but where are it’s wheels?”
What problem did develop in Albert when he learnt to speak? Answer: His speech was delayed. Like many people with dyslexia, Einstein was a late talker. He didn''t start speaking comfortably until he was nearly 6 years old.
Little Albert Einstein was a handful. He threw tantrums, resisted potty training, ignored anything or anyone he found boring, and didn''t speak his first word until the age of three. His parents (remember, this was the 1880s) feared he was “mentally retarded.” His teachers despaired of his ability to learn.
His speech was delayed, and he was said to be forgetful and a daydreamer. He didn''t socialize well with other children and exhibited temper tantrums. He also didn''t excel in subjects that required rote memorization. In fact, one teacher told Einstein that he “would never amount to anything.”
看现在推娃恨不得个个要全A。 牛校牛蛙基本要求就是全A,甚至全A+ 的,但最后人生成就全A学生好像远不如有点偏科的,但热爱激情无比的那种。是不是现在米国这种全A, A+的要求每次作业,每次考试要求认真仔细细求全会不会磨平掉PASSION和天赋。 不过过去几十年工业化教育系统本来是培养大机器上认真仔细螺丝钉的
这两个不能比, 应该比肩 爱迪生大概, 把电车, 火箭都提到新高度。
错了,爱因斯坦6岁才开始说话,动手能力也弱 , 拉丁文就是不好,不但不爱学,而且这方面天赋实在也没有,估计努力了也不会好到哪里去
哈哈,是的。 爱因斯坦的父母·5岁前经常带他看各种医生,这娃跟正常人就是各种不同,脑子不正常。5岁还不会说话,急死人,发起脾气来还经常打姐姐。 在学校里,一半时间自己在自己世界里 DAY DREAMING。 德国的一板一眼的老师们可不喜欢这个娃
其他两个有阿斯,好像爱因斯坦没人说他是阿斯, 后来以色列还请人家当总统去,被他拒绝了。他知道自己没这个能力也没兴趣
while it’s true Albert Einstein’s family was concerned about his “late development” he spoke his first sentence at 2 and a half years old, when presented with his baby sister to play with, “Yes, but where are it’s wheels?”
不是有奥数,机器人大赛这种吗?如果是奥数金牌,是不是其他科目成绩差一点也问题不大?而且这种智商超150, 又对某种东西特别痴迷的基本很难被埋没吧。
偏科是相对的,他不是不能学好某门课,而是心思不在那门课上,他在自己喜欢的课上的光芒太耀眼了 比如说,爱因斯坦的钢琴和小提琴也都还不错
姐姐都创造出来了?? 不是他有个小两岁的妹妹,他两岁的时候说他妹妹为什么没有轮子吗?
一龙就是windows programmer
这些都是天才儿童 天才是不能用GPA衡量的 天才是打破规则 发明新规则的人 GPA是用旧规则衡量一个人的能力 不可能用过时的旧规则去衡量新规则
我听到的故事是 4 岁说话。
阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦 中学成绩:爱因斯坦在中学时期的成绩总体上是优秀的,尤其是在数学和物理学科方面。他在瑞士阿劳的中学(Kantonsschule Aarau)完成学业,并以优异的成绩毕业。 误解和传言:有一种误解认为爱因斯坦在中学成绩很差,但实际上他在数学和科学方面表现出色。虽然他对一些学科(如语言和历史)并不感兴趣,但这并不影响他在整体上的优秀表现。
总结 总体来说,爱因斯坦在中学时期的成绩比牛顿更好。爱因斯坦在中学时表现优异,尤其在数学和科学方面展现出了非凡的才能,而牛顿在中学早期的表现相对一般,但在中学末期和进入大学后才逐渐显现出他的学术潜力。
Little Albert Einstein was a handful. He threw tantrums, resisted potty training, ignored anything or anyone he found boring, and didn''t speak his first word until the age of three. His parents (remember, this was the 1880s) feared he was “mentally retarded.” His teachers despaired of his ability to learn.
His speech was delayed, and he was said to be forgetful and a daydreamer. He didn''t socialize well with other children and exhibited temper tantrums. He also didn''t excel in subjects that required rote memorization. In fact, one teacher told Einstein that he “would never amount to anything.”