以下是引用yilan在2007-4-12 16:42:00的发言: 如果出生没打,就变成2,4,6了。我们六个月的时候打完了第三针。 有时候乙肝疫苗有没有种上的问题,有一部分比例的人群是这样,我lg就是这样。我下次会问问ped,有没有必要查是否有抗体。 The hepatitis B vaccine is given through three shots. All babies should get the vaccine. Infants get the first shot within 12 hours after birth. They get the second shot at age 1 to 2 months and the third shot between ages 6 and 18 months. Older children and adults can get the vaccine, too. They get three shots over 6 months. Children who have not had the vaccine should get it. You need all of the shots to be protected. If you are traveling to other countries, make sure you get all the shots before you go. If you miss a shot, call your doctor or clinic right away to set up a new appointment.
如果出生没打,就变成2,4,6了。我们六个月的时候打完了第三针。 有时候乙肝疫苗有没有种上的问题,有一部分比例的人群是这样,我lg就是这样。我下次会问问ped,有没有必要查是否有抗体。 是呀,我们这里出生时每个宝宝都要打,所以这样就打4针了,很困惑。
如果出生没打,就变成2,4,6了。我们六个月的时候打完了第三针。 有时候乙肝疫苗有没有种上的问题,有一部分比例的人群是这样,我lg就是这样。我下次会问问ped,有没有必要查是否有抗体。 The hepatitis B vaccine is given through three shots. All babies should get the vaccine. Infants get the first shot within 12 hours after birth. They get the second shot at age 1 to 2 months and the third shot between ages 6 and 18 months. Older children and adults can get the vaccine, too. They get three shots over 6 months. Children who have not had the vaccine should get it. You need all of the shots to be protected. If you are traveling to other countries, make sure you get all the shots before you go. If you miss a shot, call your doctor or clinic right away to set up a new appointment.
这到提醒我了,我家的出生第二天打了(当时是周日,没人管),然后2个月,4个月都打了。是不是6个月也打啊?这样也就是4针了啊 same here---that is my concern. is there any side effect?
same here---that is my concern. is there any side effect? 我周三6个月check up, 到时候问问ped.
我周三6个月check up, 到时候问问ped. 多谢。
我今天问医生了,她说多一针没关系的。一般情况下是2,4,6个月打。有的时候出生也打一针是为了怕母亲传染给孩子(我明明没有,为啥我家娃娃也打了).但是那时候孩子小,接受的疫苗不能持续很长时间(我说的好像不够科学,但大概就是这个意思),所以保险起见后面还要打3针。不过绝对是没有副作用的。 出生也打一针is default in our hospital 3x for updating.
出生也打一针is default in our hospital 3x for updating. 对,我们这里好像也是default